
Charlotte Maier
on 1/24/10 7:22 am - Belfair, WA
Are there any local JIBers who had revision done in the Seattle area.  Thanks, Char
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 1/24/10 1:45 pm
Wow, you may be one of very few JIBers who hasn't been revised! I hope you are doing OK, but suspect you aren't, in part because you are looking for a revision. Most of the revision folks I know has the DS, but revisions are riskier, and you only want the most skilled revision surgeons. While I know of some great surgeons here, I would only be willing to have a virgin surgery with them, regardless of whether they say they do revisions or not. Many of us travel to get surgery, and the surgeons are used to working with us on that.

One thing I like about the DS, is that while many of us chose it because it is the "big gun" of WLS, it is tweak-able, depending on whether you still need to lose a lot, or not so much. Both the stomach and and the bypassed section can be made larger or smaller.

If you're considering DS, I'd look at the list of surgeons at, and there are some great revision surgeons there, but CA may be the closest.

I think I recall talking on the DS board to one JIBer (only other one I've encountered) who was looking to revise. If you do a shoutout there, hopefully they will see, or others that I'm not aware of. The revision board is a good place to look too, but the board is a little slow, so you're post may get lost before anyone with answers sees it.

Please keep us updated on how you're doing.
Charlotte Maier
on 1/24/10 2:28 pm - Belfair, WA
Hi   Thanks for the reply, I have had problems for many years. Had JIB done in 1975, it backfired in 1979, starting with bacterial overgrowth, then just about everything from there on. I never actually had a Dr ever find my problem. Doggedly as I was I dug into every book, hole, crook and cranny I could and finally found out everything. I found every symptom I had from the start, Then convinced my Dr to do tests and he was shocked that I found the problem when had stared every Dr right in the face for 35 years. My hubbies insurance is changing to Aetna. I was told by the rep that it should be approved with no problem, I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed. I olny know of one other JIBer in this area, she had hers reversed as it almost killed her. She was in ICU for 57 days in an induced comma because of an infection in her intestine which turned to gangreene. Have since lost touch with her.
I did find out that the Bariatric Board said it is better to go with a RNY Revision of Jejunoileal Bypass
Jejunoileal bypass is another weight loss procedure that was previously very popular. It is no longer recommended due to its serious consequences, including liver and kidney damage, electrolyte abnormalities, severe diarrhea and various gastrointestinal problems. The majority of patients who have had this procedure require a reversal. Following a revision to the RNY, most problems improve.
I did find a list of 10 Dr. that Aetna approves of, which is good for me. I am going to a meeting on Tuesday night. I hope I find out something good. Thank you for your concern.   Charlotte
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 1/25/10 3:04 am
Your friends experience is exactly why I'd only go to a top revisionist.

You are probable lucky to be here, as many didn't survive the problems from the JIB. You must be doing something right, and are certainly more on top of your issues than many doctors. Some things like bacterial overgrowth are routinely dealt with with antibiotics like flagyl, followed by probiotics, but RNY or DS issues are easier to fix than the issues with JIB.

If your insurance decides not to pay for your revision, do an immediate shout out to Dianna Cox on the DS board, or I can give you her contact info. She's an attorney who has helped many here deal with nasty insurance companies, and you don't need things dragged out unnecessarily as it sounds like you've already lived with issues for a heroically long time.
Charlotte Maier
on 1/25/10 3:40 am - Belfair, WA

Thank you for the information. I will do that if things do not go my way with the insurance.  Thanks again.  Charlotte
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