What Methods Do You Use to Continue to Believe that Life is Worth Living?

Christine Gibson
on 1/5/10 6:43 am, edited 1/5/10 6:44 am - Redmond, WA
Greetings everyone:

Here it is 2010.  2009 was a most challenged year for many folks.  We've had such horror stories this year, all the way from learning or knowing folks who suffered the loss of their job, their home, their family, their _____, and perhaps even for some, their sanity, and for us as an entire region -- the brutal, inexcusable, and horrendous loss of 6 of our finest: police officers? 

Since this is the beginning of 2010, and timely for everyone to make their New Year's Resolutions, what methods do you use to help you:
1.  Keep your weight down (or to continue to lose weight),
2.  Keep your mood up?
3.  Keep your energy level thriving?
4.  Keep your mind alert, and
5.  To continue to believe that life is worth living?
6.  What can we each do to make our area a safer place in which to live?


                Christine Gibson, MS, MA
       ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
               Bariatric University Suport Group Coach
               [email protected]
on 1/6/10 4:19 am - WA
1. Remember how we got there--sticking with the program--planning food meals, exercise, etc
2. Hmm....one thing comes to mind--I was a little down last night-thinking I screwed up about homework but told myself--it'll be better tommorrow and get some sleep-goshdarn it-and I did sleep-and tomorrow (today) was a better day... that quote... not sure if it quite fits "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia."
3. Pace myself, do everything in moderation, otherwise, things will "quirk" one way or another and it'll take time to get back on track.
4. Just make sure to take the vitamins, communicate with my DH, and get some quality sleep!
5. We are "miracles" in the making--everything we do -- I had recently sent a quote to someone--this applies>>> "The [people whose] lives you touch may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."; -- David B. Haight
6. I have no idea how to answer that question.... Do unto others as you want them to do unto you...  

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