Need Some Advice

on 11/4/09 1:49 pm - Yelm, WA
Okay so here goes. I had my surgery (laproscopic gastric bypass) on 10/2/2009. I was fine for the first week and a half after that my life went to hell in a hand basket. I started vomiting daily more towards the evening but really anytime that I ate anything more than broth. Everyone was telling me that I was rushing myself so I reevaluated my dates of when I should be able to eat more and went with that. Well before surgery I was on 1000mg Depakote daily for as a mood stabilizer and 40mg Celexa for an antidepressant. Since surgery I have not taken any of these drugs since they make me vomit. On Wednesday last week (10/28) I went and saw my PCM and told her of my pill problem and she gave me liquid Prozac and decreased my depakote from 4 pills daily to 2 pills daily (still same dosage just less pills) On Thursday (10/29) I contacted my surgeon b/c I was feeling lightheaded and dizzy. He told me to go to the ER for blood work and a CT scan. Both came back normal. On Monday I saw my surgeon for my 1 month followup and he scheduled me for a scope and also adjusted my meds to liquid Celexa and Sprinkle Depakote (now 8 tablets I have to open and sprinkle) On Tuesday I was back in my PCM office b/c I am a mental wreck. I vomit daily, I cannot keep meds, liquids, anything down. I don't vomit right away it can take a couple hours but nothing is leaving my pouch but clear liquids. I was given an anti nausea med that is a suppository to help. So this morning I was able to take 500mg Depakote with baby food peaches and keep it down, but lunch came back up and so did dinner. I could not take the meds with dinner b/c I could taste the meds in the mashed potatoes and that taste alone was making me sick. Also today I have had cottonmouth all day no matter that I have been sipping on water all day. I have also vomited twice today. When I vomit I vomit till I am dry heaving. 

My husband is in Iraq and my parents are 4 days away from me. I talked to the surgeon and he stated that since this was an elective surgery and I was counseled before surgery they could not bring my husband home to help me right now while I get my meds straight. I have a 4 year old son that I am having problems caring for just b/c I am sick and do not have the patience. My parents cannot afford to fly out b/c they both have jobs. I can go home but again the cost is a problem. I know I can go to AER (Army Emergency Relief) and ask for assistance. The surgeon also stated that I could go to Tricare here and tell them what is going on to make sure it is documented so I can receive the proper followup care in MS.

So here is my question. What do I do? Do I try to stick it out here, do I go home to MS, do I contact the Chaplain here on Fort Lewis to help me. I need help. Like I said I am sick and know that I am dehydrated and malnourished.
on 11/4/09 2:18 pm - Rainier, WA
I wish I had some good advice Marilyn but I dont.  The only thing I can say is that you need to do what you think is best for you.  I would be scared to change doctors but then I would be scared to be alone so I dont know what I would do.  I was so praying that it would get better for you.  I hope that whatever you decide you find the mental and physical relief that you so deserve.  Hang in there...I am just a type away...Charmayne


on 11/4/09 11:56 pm - Bremerton, WA

I am SO sorry to hear that you are struggling right now.... I hope some of the Madigan peeps will chime in ... and let you know what their advise might be...

Going to your parents house may be a good option... if you can the medical support you need there.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

on 11/5/09 12:09 am - Yelm, WA
Thank you. I have my scope education appt this morning. My son and I are both fighting colds, I seem to be getting over mine as my son is getting worse. I will try to take my meds again this morning and see how things go. Basically I am on a day to day basis.
Cathy R.
on 11/5/09 1:58 am - yelm, WA
Oh, Oh my.  I haven't had surgery yet so only can imagine but have been alone with two young ones while my husband is deployed and know how much the children were in tune to anything I did that was out of the norm. 

My husband is retired, I also live in Yelm.  If I can help just ask.  Remember the most you can hear is no but most likely yes.  If interested let me know in a PM and I will share my phone number.

With that said, there is nothing like family, but you will also have the worry of your home here to.  Do you have siblings that can help?  Are you able to go to the support meetings at all?

Cathy R    
on 11/5/09 11:22 am - Yelm, WA
My sister passed away 2 years ago and my sister in law has 3 kids of her own and lives in MS so noone here to help. I do feel better today than yesterday. I have been attending support group meetings on Tuesday at Madigan and on Thursday nights on post as well. My son had a fever tonight so I did not go. After speaking with the nurse today at the education appt I feel better about things and at this point am going to take it one day at a time till I find out what the scope shows.
on 11/5/09 7:45 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
When are supposed to get scoped?  I am sorry you are having such a rough time but I think it will make all the difference.  If you can try and stick it out here.  Getting aftercare so far away would scare me.  Is you child signed up for day care?  With hubby deployed you are supposed to be able to get 16 hours of care a month, not much, but it is a small break.
Stick to what you know will stay down, ie baby peaches, and keep drinking your liquids. Malnourishment is not an urgent problem, dehydration can be.  If clear liquids is what will stay down then stick to those till after the scope.
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 11/5/09 11:28 am - Yelm, WA
I get scoped on Monday 11/9/09 at 8:30. I have been using the respite care on post and he goes to preschool twice a week for  2 hours. Today I spoke with a lady from church and she is going to get some ladies together to help out with my son on days he does not go to preschool to give me some time till I get over this hump. I have decided to wait to see what the scope shows but my doctor told me today that he will support me completely if I choose to leave and go to MS. But right now I am waiting to see what the scope shows. I was also able to keep some more of my mood stabilizer down today so I feel better today then yesterday so hopefully tomorrow will be the same and I will feel better than today.
on 11/6/09 9:27 am - Yelm, WA

I am so sorry that you are having such troubles. I know when going through times like you are it seems like it will never get better, but it will. I had my own issues the first 6 weeks, so I can relate. I also had surgery at Madigan.

I did not have the same type of surgery that you did. I had the Duodenal Switch, so I can not give any advice for what you should expect, but of course I hope that you find things getting better each day.

I do  live in Yelm so thought I could offer a helping hand that way. I am right in town. Do you live in town or out a ways? I work full time, but if you need someone to talk to are need something I might be able to help. You can send me a message if you would like.

on 11/6/09 12:08 pm - Honolulu, HI
 Marilyn...I just sent you a text.  Can you contact rear-detachment for your husband's unit? I know they'll have some help to offer.  There is also FREE and confidential counseling on post and it's a walk in.  The best program I've seen yet for helping spouses deal with stuff while husbands are deployed.   I've been scoped before and it provided the surgeon with what needed to be done to fix me up.  I had a few issues with my anti-depressants and getting them right with the mal-absorbtion and stuff it is a little harder to get right.  You are in a tough spot, girl.  I know after the scope they'll be able to figure out the best course of action to get you on the right path.  Let me know how it goes.  Love you!!
3/23/2003 Open VBG
4/6/2009 Open RNY Revision
6/08/2011  - I've lost 155 lbs! size 8-10

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