Tell me about your dr

on 9/12/09 5:54 am - Port Angeles, WA
Hello, I am preop.  Just completed my 3 mo supervised diet.  I am considering changing Dr. Please tell me about your surgeon.
on 9/12/09 8:24 am
I love Dr. Srikanth. He is strict and to the point and really cares about his patients. I am 9 months post op almost 10.

on 9/12/09 8:33 am - Port Angeles, WA
I've been seeing Dr. Srikanth but I 've been having doubts about parts of his program. I am going to be a full time student and I don't think I can do the 10 day clear liquids alternating with 10 high protein until mid December.  I am not sure if his strictness is necessary.
on 9/12/09 8:42 am
What kind of surgery are you having?  I have to admit I will NEVER eat another sugar free jello as long as I live, I am so sick of them. But once you start the liquid diet it does get easier. I worked 12 hour shifts while on a liquid diet and as long as you are taking your vitamins and protein you should be okay for your long days of studying.  You will feel a little weak at first on your liquid diet but it gets easier.

on 9/13/09 12:18 am - Port Angeles, WA
I'm having RNY, would prefer the sleeve but insurance won't pay for that. I've done several days of clear liquid to jump start my weight loss.  My blood sugar drops to low to function. I can't exercise and I am foggy brained.
Amy R.
on 9/12/09 8:59 am
I love Dr Srikanth!  He literally saved my life, in more ways than one.  Whenever I had a question he personally called me back within a short time span to make sure I had gotten an answer (and I had lots of questions).  He really cares about his patients, plus he is an excellent surgeon with a highly regarded reputation.  According to two other surgeons, it was impossible for me to have my RNY done lap because I had a lot of scar tissues and other problems.  While Dr. Srikanth made sure I knew this was a possiblity, he said he was going to do his best to do it lap.  And guess what - I woke up and he had succeeded.  I have a couple of extra cuts in my tummy than most RNY patients do, but I'm so glad I didn't have to have an open surgery.

I didn't have to do the alternating diet with liquids and then protein and had never even heard of it.  All I was supposed to do was try to lose a certain amount of weight by my op day in order to shrink the liver and do a 10 day liquid diet before the surgery.  As it turns out, I didnt' lose even close to the amount I was supposed to, but he said we could do the surgery anyway.  Maybe you can tell him the alternating thing won't work for you - I'm almost positive he can and will figure something out..

Also, his office staff is THE BEST.  Are there other reasons you are thinking of changing besides the diet?  Don't know what area you live in, but there is also a Dr. Oh practicing at St Francis and several people on these boards have used him.  He is also supposedly very good, but I don't think his "bedside manner" is very good.

Anywho, best of luck to you as you make your decision.  I know it's a hard choice and no matter what you'll end up second guessing yourself, but if you are having issues with something Srikanth is asking you to do (like the diet) or any other concerns I  sure would make it a point to talk to him about these things.  I am almost 100% sure he wil make you feel much more comfortable.

Take Care,
on 9/13/09 12:21 am - Port Angeles, WA
I enjoy Dr Srikanth's personality but I can't function on the liquid diet. My blood sugar drops too low and I need all the energy/and brain power to get thru school.
Amy R.
on 9/13/09 10:39 am
Val have you told Dr. S how the liquid diet makes you feel?  I'd really be surprised if he didn't make an effort to adjust it in some way so that you would be more comfortable.  I know there are liquids that contain more carbs and protein than others, and when I was on the liquid phase of the diet I would sometimes use those when I felt really shaky (I get low blood sugar too).  I only lost a net of 6lbs before the surgery (as opposed to the 29 he wanted me to) and he was okay with that.

Anyway, best of luck with whatever you decide and whoever you go with.  Remember there is a feature here on OH that lists the bariatric surgeons in your area and give patients a chance to rate them/comment on their experience.  It also pretty much describes the docs experience in a nutshell, ie, how many surgeries done, etc.  Have you had a  chance to look at that yet?  I found that extremely helpful too.

Good luck finding what's right for you!
on 9/13/09 11:33 am - Port Angeles, WA
I left the office feeling so awful I didn't discuss anything more with him.  i was a little overwhelmed he found something wrong with my carotid arteries and I have to have more testing and he wants me to have iron infusions before surgery.

I've read some of the reviews of some of the Drs.  I was hoping for more feed back. I think Srikanth is highly skilled and very personalbe but a little unreasonable compared to other Dr and experiences friends have had.

I am talking with my nut tomorrow.
Thanks for responding
Amy R.
on 9/13/09 1:16 pm
Good luck with whatever you decide Val.  Just go with your gut instinct and it will be okay.  BTW, I had to have the iron infusions too - and still have to have them.  No fun, but at least I'm not as anemic as I was before I started this whole thing.

Hang in there  =)

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