meeting new friends at Bellevue-Did ya have fun??

on 8/16/09 7:12 am - WA
I've had an incredible time meeting all of you!!!  Thank you Kim and your husband (I'm so sorry  I can't remember your name!  Jeremy??  no? Help!) for setting everything up. And Bo! for being the commentator for some of the functions.  Ya sure made us laugh! There are so many friends that I cannot remember them all... but hey it was a blast!  Thank you Susan for running the fashion show --- we certainly had fun !!!  Thanks to all who had set up the booths and everything...  Hope everyone got home okay... the traffic was horrible getting there but coming bacthe traffic was gonna rear its ugly head again but since I knew the area; I managed to go on the other roads and got home to my DH! 

Thanks again!!  Kelly

P.S. I mustn't forget --- Thanks a bunch for Ginevra and Virginia for being the ASL interpreters --- WHOOHOO, I wouldn't have had this much fun without them.  They were pretty tired at the end of the day, but they deserve a big hand. (Thanks, Kim for setting the ASL interpreters)
on 8/16/09 8:01 am, edited 8/16/09 8:02 am - Vashon, WA
Hey gang - I'm the one that came by boat!  I guess we do daily so didn't think it was such a big deal.  So many came from so far away.   

It sure was a great time.  I tried so many vits my head hurt by 1 pm!  I gathered a great amount of info and my husband talked to a few other spouses there getting 'what to look for' ideas.  My husband and I walked the vendor floor many many times yesterday and talked to many many vendors and other WLS people.  

We took in great tips and I am already on my way to a great pre-surg plan.  Not as scared as I was a few days ago.

PS - I signed up to become an OH Leader - 
Loved Chef Dave and yes, we are now face book friends - thank you :D

My husband's fav presentation was of course the 'sex' talk.  We plan to put some of that to good use soon !!!!

Yes - the ASL ladies were going a mile a minute there - I was having fun watching them too.  

Would love to start an off site group of locals - if interested in meeting up once a month or staying starting an off line directory - let me know - happy to be the key person on that.

Maybe you might want to take a boat and float this way :D  It's not so far.  There's a nice Mexican Restaurant walking distance from the the North End Boat and from the South end we can meet at Anthony's at Pt. Defiance.  

Good to meet you all.
Mary - Vashon

I'm sure we can squeeze in a few laughs now and then.

I met many very nice people and exchanged some emails - 
Think of where you've been ~ Dream of where you are going
Share your goals with others and pay it forward.

on 8/16/09 10:43 am - Kennewick, WA

can you please tell me how you found chef dave on facebook, i searched chef dave and couldnt find him

on 8/16/09 10:42 am - Kennewick, WA

i just wanted to say THANK YOU for helping at teh clothing exchange you did AN AWESOME JOB!

i met so many new friends and had such a great time, lots of info, samples.
on 8/16/09 3:16 pm - WA
You are very welcome! I thought I had posted a "you are welcome" post... can't find it anywhere!  If it is somewhere, pardon me ! LOL Kelly
on 8/16/09 11:08 am - Vashon, WA
 finding Chef Dave Fouts
I went to face book and put in Dave Fouts in the search

don't put Chef just his full name

He accepts pretty fast

Think of where you've been ~ Dream of where you are going
Share your goals with others and pay it forward.

on 8/17/09 6:08 pm
yes he does accept fast... i'm "friends"  now with him too :)
~ Terri ~
 Pre Op 293, Surgery 258, Current 163 Goal 150
on 8/16/09 11:49 am - Bremerton, WA
I had so much fun too...

I learned so much...and MET so many fun new people!!!

I thought it was interesting that almost every speaker I heard talked about setting goals... and thats not a number on a scale.... So I am thinking about what I want to my long and short term goals to be.  I know that planning better... and eating only at meal times will on the list or the strategy to attain my goals.

The vendors were fun to visit...  I think I OD'ed on vitamin samples... but it was fun to see what else is out there...


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

Cheryl N.
on 8/16/09 12:01 pm - Des Moines, WA
On August 16, 2009 at 6:49 PM Pacific Time, Helen_Anne wrote:
I had so much fun too...

I learned so much...and MET so many fun new people!!!

I thought it was interesting that almost every speaker I heard talked about setting goals... and thats not a number on a scale.... So I am thinking about what I want to my long and short term goals to be.  I know that planning better... and eating only at meal times will on the list or the strategy to attain my goals.

The vendors were fun to visit...  I think I OD'ed on vitamin samples... but it was fun to see what else is out there...


I  think I OD'ed on vitamin samples

LOL, Yeah I OD'ed on protein shakes yesterday and I felt so bloated in my stomach yesterday going home! LOL



246 in Dec 2008 before banded 1/28/09 at 215 lbs, band crapped 9/09 at 170 lbs and struggled with it and regained to 203 revised to bypass on 8/1/11 and am very happy.


on 8/16/09 12:10 pm - Vashon, WA
 OD on Vit 
My head was screaming by 1 pm yesterday!  I had to go outside - drink my water and try to counter the vit surge.  I peed yellow yellow until bedtime!!!

So - yes, - there is such a thing as too much of a good thing!  

My poor stomach was hard as a rock last night and my ears were ringing.

But I would go back in a heart beat!  I figure I walked away with about $100 worth of free stuff. 

Think of where you've been ~ Dream of where you are going
Share your goals with others and pay it forward.

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