UW questions?

Billie Jo C.
on 7/2/09 10:39 am - Spokane, WA
I'm going to try and get approved to have my operation at the University Of Washington. Can anyone tell me if I need to use one of their Psycho/Nutritionist? Or can I go to anyone in my City?

Also, can I attend a support meeting here in Spokane and have it count that I did attend?

www.Bigoo.ws www.Bigoo.ws www.Bigoo.ws www.Bigoo.ws www.Bigoo.ws www.Bigoo.ws    www.Bigoo.ws www.Bigoo.ws


on 7/11/09 10:14 am - Vashon, WA
 hi - I am working out of the UW as well.  I have a tentative surgery date of 9/22 pending insurance final approval.  

Don't know if you can step out of the box with our own local people.  Best to work with the coordinator and determine if they have a 'sister' site in your area.  Many professionals work hand in hand especially when distance is a factor.  

At the least - you can make a trip to Seattle for the initial visit and continue on from your home front.

Do yo have a date?  

Where are you in the process?

Happy to keep in touch - seems we are probably on the same page - maybe even the same docs.  Feel free to keep in touch.

Billie Jo C.
on 7/14/09 10:06 am, edited 7/14/09 10:06 am - Spokane, WA
Hi Mary...thanks for the response. And congratulations on the surgery date. Are you excited? Or nervous at all?

I started about  2 months ago and, I let my Dr know that UW was the only place my insurance would pay for. If things are going well (I'm keeping my fingers crossed) I believe my Dr is/has sent a recommendation for the first approval so we can get the ball rolling. So I believe I will hear something from her this month when I go back to see her for my weigh in. I understand you have to gain acceptance/approval before you can start the 3 stage approval process.  So I'm feeling a bit anxious I guess.

I was hopping to get a head start so I can be prepare for stage 2 in this process. And that would be the stage where I see the psychologist/nutritionist. I think I'll call UW and ask them. I feel silly I should have done that first.... I got to ahead of myself

Thanks bunches again for responding...
So are you in Spokane and making the trip to Seattle too?

-Billie Jo
on 7/15/09 6:11 am - Vashon, WA

Hi Billie Jo
I am on Vashon - SW of Seattle (work for the UW).  I am a maybe a step or two ahead of you.

Here is what I know in my process and how it will relate to yours.  First I am Uniform Insurance - what is your insurance - that matters LOTS in what is expected. Here is Uniforms process.

I had to contact insurance FIRST. 
1.  Qualify for the surgery - my BMI was 41 at the time. 
2.  Then you get a letter of acceptance in to their process. then get a VERFIED weight from your PCP.  You will need to send in a FAX of your weight each wee****il you have lost the % from your verfied weight
      a. You will need to lose a percentage of that weight within a certain amount of time the return for another VERFIED weight from PCP

      c.   You will have to track fook intake (this will help when you meet your nutritionist)

      d.  Once you have lost the % - then I got to select UW.  I was then REFERRED to UW

     e.  UW is scheduled pretty far out - but don't get discouraged - it is worth the wait
3.  Once you get referred to the UW then you start the appointment process.
      a.  Seminar
      b.  Nutritionist
      c.  Social worker
      d.  any pre-surgery required tests need to be done
      e.  surgeon visit
      d.  nurse visit
      e.  Final letter sent to Uniform from the nurse outlining the need for the surgery and asking for APPROVAL of the surgery with a date.
4.  Letter of Approval for an All Go.  That is where I am (right after I see the nurse Thursday).

Your BMI is low - do you have other co-morbid?  My BMI floats from 41 - 38.  I hope to be at 40 tomorrow when I weigh in. 

Bottom line
KNOW your insurance.  I worked with insurance - if you need some help let me know.  I know Uniform and Aetna for this surgery.  My letter to start the whole process came fast.  So stay on that. 

When you make the trip in - let me know - Happy to meet up with you if I can.  It's good to have a friend in this process. 

Waiting is the worst - right now. 

Take care


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Billie Jo C.
on 7/15/09 7:12 am - Spokane, WA
Hi Mary

My insurance is Medicaid/DSHS open coupon.

My Co-morbid conditions are; Knee/joint pain, Heel pain bilateral, hiperlipidema, degenerative joint/disc disease, Sleep Apnea, migraine headaches, depression, high blood pressure, GERD and chronic back pain.  

And the insurance guidelines are;

·                     .RE: Referral to the University of Washington Bariatric Clinic Washington State DSHS (Medicaid) Guidelines for Bariatric Surgery

Dear Interested Candidate:

·                     If you have Washington State Medicaid (DSHS) as your primary health coverage, the following letter contains useful information necessary to proceed with Bariatric surgery at the University of Washington Medical Center. Please note that these requirements were created by the Department of Social & Health Services and NOT the UWMC. Washington State DSHS guidelines must be followed to ensure that your bariatric care is covered financially at the UWMC.

·                     Please read through the individual steps/requirements/criteria below.

·                     Stage 1 (Preliminary Approval)

·                     You MUST meet the following requirements. If you do not, then you do not qualify for bariatric surgery under DSHS regulations and Washington State Medicaid under no cir****tances will pay for this type of treatment.

·                     Criteria: Age -You must be between the ages of 21 and 60.

·                     Body Mass Index (BMI) - You MUST have a BMI equal to or greater than 35. (This number is determined by your primary care provider or by using standardized BMI calculators that can be found on the Internet.)

 Medical conditions/Co-morbidities – You must have ONE of the following conditions:
o Diabetes Mellitus Type II requiring medication and/or;
o Degenerative Joint Disease of a major weight-bearing joint(s), such as knees or hips, requiring joint replacement (excludes arthritis in back or Degenerative Disc Disease You must NOT have multiple sclerosis (MS), whi*****reases risk of mortality. Please note: the only exception to these medical conditions is a rare brain disorder called pseudo tumor cerebri that must be documented by a physician.

·                     While there are a number of other medical conditions that are often a result of obesity, they do not qualify for gaining DSHS (Medicaid) approval. In the case that your condition does not satisfy the requirements for approval, we recommend you continue to explore other options with your primary care provider to find a non-surgical weight loss solution.

·                     Those who do qualify with the above criteria should contact their Primary Care Provider to complete Stage 2 of the DSHS process.

·                     Stage 2 (Pre-Surgery Stage)

You and your Primary Care Provider (PCP) must complete the DSHS application to Stage 2 approval and fax your medical records to the DSHS committee for review. The Washington State DSHS phone number is 360-725-1584. The DSHS fax number is 360-586-1471. DSHS will provide a ruling on your request. You will receive an official letter from DSHS with the approval or denial of your request.

When/if you receive a letter of approval, you need to begin work with your PCP on the next step of Stage 2: the Diet and Exercise requirement.

·                      Diet & Exercise – You must participate in a 6-month medically supervised weight reduction program, and must lose 5% of your weight in that time. (Example: If you weigh 300 pounds, you would need to lose at least 15 pounds during the six months). In addition, you must maintain the weight loss until surgery.

·                     During these 6 months you must also:

·                      See a supervising physician, (usually your PCP) once per month for 6 months;

·                     See a registered dietitian twice monthly for 6 months (Your PCP can help you find someone);

·                     Maintain a journal of consistent diet and exercises completed in this time.

·                     After the completion of your 2nd month supervised weight loss, your PCP will contact UW Medicine’s Bariatric Program (Intake phone #: 206-598-2274) to enter UW Bariatric program.

·                     When we receive records, the DSHS letter of approval for stage 2, and letter of referral from your PCP including documented weight loss up to this point, we will contact you to set up appointments for the final steps leading to surgery:

·                     Bariatric Seminar – You will be scheduled to come for a required Bariatric educational seminar.

·                     Surgical Evaluation – After the seminar visit, you will be scheduled for a consult to see the surgeon who will examine you and evaluate you for the actual surgical procedure.

·                     Psychosocial Evaluation – to be completed at the University of Washington Medical Center with a licensed psychiatrist or social worker.

·                     Important! You must continue your visits with a dietitian and PCP to complete the remaining steps of the DSHS requirement while you are enrolled in our program.

·                     Stage 3 (Authorization for Surgery)

·                     Following the process above, the Bariatric Team at UW Medicine’s Center for Bariatric Surgery will complete the necessary steps for approval and scheduling for surgery. This process includes submission of all of the Stage 2 records, including the surgeon’s recommendation, to DSHS for final review. DSHS will do a final evaluation of your records and make a final determination of approval for surgery.

·                     Once DSHS has made its determination, you will receive an official letter from DSHS to inform you of your approval or denial to Stage 3. If approved, you will need to immediately fax the UW Bariatric Team a copy of this approval letter to 206-598-6705 or 206-598-9470. Once we receive a copy of this letter, we can schedule your surgery.

We hope that this letter and these guidelines listed explain the process for you and assist you in obtaining approval for bariatric surgery with DSHS insurance at UW Medicine’s Center for Bariatric Surgery. Please check out our website at www.uwbariatric.org for further information. We wish you the best in your efforts.


The Bariatric Team
UW Medicine Center for Bariatric Surgery

You stated above that you contacted insurance first and, the letter to start the whole process came fast. Did they send you something to fill out before you could start the insurance process? I don't think I did that. I thought my Dr. was suppose to call or fill out a request to gain acceptance. 

Sorry this was so long. I've done lots to help my Dr. in this process. I had lots of information I submitted to her as well. Just when you think you have everything figured out something pops up and confuses you

on 7/15/09 12:46 pm - Vashon, WA
 That's the difference is insurance.  Your insurance while sounding limited is pretty open and 'easier' than mine.  When I started the process - I had to send in a form then they sent me stuff and so it began.  I started this process in March and my surgery is pending Sept (pushed up from January).  

You say your surgery is in Vancouver  not the UW Seattle.  That is different from the letter you received.  But you have the approval in hand yes?  If so - then you are good to go.

Good luck
Billie Jo C.
on 7/15/09 2:46 pm, edited 7/15/09 2:50 pm - Spokane, WA
  Yeah my insurance is different but, I tend to over think stuff and it tends to get confusing sometimes.

{Quote}-"You say your surgery is in Vancouver  not the UW Seattle.  That is different from the letter you received.  But you have the approval in hand yes?  If so - then you are good to go".

Where did you read that about my surgery being in Vancouver? I have no knowledge of when or where it will be.  I did request to my Dr. that I'm ready and willing to travel to Seattle. I'll even travel to Vancouver if I have to.

And I'm not sure about the letter unless my Dr. has received it and, she'll tell me on my next appointment (keeping my fingers crossed) .

on 7/15/09 6:16 am - Vashon, WA
WOW!  I just saw your blog!!!! You are going in next week!!  I wish I had a cancelation show up!!

Are you going to UW Seattle?  I see Vancouver - that is not near me at all - sorry. 

Are you having RNY?

again WOW!

And - about your family (brother) - let THEM eat cake - really :D  You must be your own person and do this for YOU first then for your family. 

Be happy.

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