I have a date--

on 6/1/09 7:48 am - Lacey , WA
  Well I had my appointment today at the surgical clinic and although I was disappointed that I did not get to meet Dr. Beekley as he was in surgery---I did meet with the very nice Dr. Blair who did the whole million question thing---So anywho My date is June 26th----

on 6/1/09 7:50 am


I am not saying good-bye to food, but just setting new boundaries in our relationship 
Fleur de Lis TT with Hernia repair 8/20/2010.  13 lbs of skin removed!
on 6/1/09 9:37 am - Yelm, WA
Wow Maureen, you have a date that soon. Congratulations!!!

I thought maybe they would be further out with surgery dates. I bet you are very excited and of course a little nervous at the same time. I feel excited for you.

I did find out that Madigan is doing the DS so the is what I am going to push for. I called and talked to the nurse and she told be to keep my appointment with Dr. Beekley as they all work as a team. So, I hope that even though he does not do the DS that by seeing him there is not a delay in me getting surgery.

As far as the questions that the Dr. asked you; do you have any advice for those of us that still have to see the surgeon? Is this something that can prevent one from moving forward with the surgery? 

Also, have you continued to lose weight? I remember when you did your psych eval you said you lost 10 lbs. That was a while back, so maybe you have lost more. This has been a struggle for me (Duh, I won't be here if losing weight was not a struggle). I did lose 10 lbs which satisfied Meg, but have not lost since.

Well, I wish you well,
on 6/1/09 12:46 pm - Lacey , WA
Hey Michele---
   I managed to lose 4 more lbs---and Meg was so happy with me---LOL---anyway---I have not lost anything else---but with almost 4 weeks till surgery I am going to try to lose a little more---I just want to lose as much as I can before hand---

  As far as the questions the surgeons ask it is all just medical history stuff---so I would have to say just be honest with them---after all it is in your best interest for them to have as complete a medical history as possible---I have to have an Echo-Cardiogram--- (Because I took Phen- Fen)which I have already got scheduled---for this Wednesday---and an appointment with internal medicine---(can not remember what the reason for that appointment was???) but it is also already scheduled for next week---as a matter of fact the internal medicine clinic called me to schedule the appointment---I did have to call Tri-Care for the cardiology appointment---and they told me no available appointments until July 1st---so I just asked for the # to the clinic called them directly and they got me in for Wednesday!

  I am sure that you will get scheduled for your surgery quickly---

  Congratulations on the weight lose---keep it up---

Talk to you soon!
on 6/1/09 1:19 pm - Yelm, WA

It is good when Meg is happy :-)

Thanks for the info. Knowing that the questions are just related to past health history is good. I can handle that.

Did the Dr. go over what you are suppose to do before the surgery, like the 2 week liquid diet that many people have to do?

I have to have an Echo-Cardiogram as well. I have mine next Tuesday. I am glad that you where able to call directly and get an appointment. I scheduled mine a few weeks ago and that was as soon as I could get it. I had to do a stress test and then the Dr. who looked it over said it looked fine, and then he hummed-and-howd (sp?) and then said; well there is one little thing that probably is nothing, but I think we should look further into it. So, I have that scheduled. I would rather be safe then sorry. The Dr. did not feel that it would cause a problem with having the surgery.

Are you still going with the VSG? I know you do not have to lose as much as I do, so that sounds like a good way to go.

Now that you are just a little ahead of me I hope you don't mind that I keep asking you questions. It is nice to have insight.

on 6/1/09 2:37 pm - Lacey , WA
LOL---Yes it is always good when Meg is happy!

  No problem---I don't mind at all---only you and I may end up being scheduled the same time---LOL---you are already a couple of steps ahead of me---that is awesome that you will already have the echo---pout of the way--that is something they need to let you know from the on-set---had I known I know my PCP would have gotten me the refferal for it long ago---oh well I wanted to wait until the kids got out of schools before I had surgery anyway---at first the 26th seemed so far a way by the time I got to my car ---I was like--- WOW--- less then 4 weeks---OMG---this is really happening!

  Yeah I am still going with the VSG---I feel comfortable with my disision and don't want to rock the boat and lose that feeling with going back and forth and second guessing myself.

Talk to you soon!
on 6/1/09 9:58 am - WA
Congratulations!!!!! June 26th is just around the corner!!!!!  

It seems to be a long process, but looks like you made it!

I am just waiting to begin pathways in July....so the wait is on for me!


229 / 148/ 135
Open DS Surgery with Dr. Martin @ Madigan 
Revision from 2006 - VBG
Hernia repair and tummy tuck - 05/12/2010

on 6/1/09 1:23 pm - Yelm, WA
It does seem like this is such a waiting game, but time does march on. I can see now why the long process. It helps to really learn and be informed. 
July is close,
on 6/1/09 2:44 pm - Lacey , WA
Hey Lisa----
  I know I have said this before---but I am not kidding---the time will fly by and before you know it you will be posting your date!

Hang in there! 

on 6/1/09 1:12 pm - Honolulu, HI
Yeah for you!!  June 26th is less than a month away!  Are you ready?  Congrats on your weightloss, too.  Every ounce will help. 

Let me know if you have any questions and I'll do my best to help you out.

3/23/2003 Open VBG
4/6/2009 Open RNY Revision
6/08/2011  - I've lost 155 lbs! size 8-10

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