on the mend

on 5/17/09 1:32 am - Tacoma, WA
My surgery went well, and my bestfriend made it, she ended up leaving early because her daughter busted her lip and a few front teeth. I dont remember much of that first day. I was very out of it. i didnt use my PCA too much because it just knocked me out (i think i used it 3x and once was an accident because i was trying to push the nurse call button). I think the worst was the nausea, though my hubby said i was moaning a bit for the first few hours (i think it was a combo of nausea and pain). I was egar to walk, not only because i wanted to help myself heal but because the dang hospital bed was so terribly uncomfortable.
Turns out when they did the CT scan my IUD slipped and needs to be fixed. Goood think i know that now! YIKES.
Went home on the 14th and just rested. I did take some roxicet that at the hospital they discovered i tolerated better then the lortab and pca pump, less nauseated, more awake. Probably becuase my system is quite used to that drug because of my migraines. Well, Friday i woke in terribly nausea, felt hot as hell and noticed some blood in my cough up stuff. I checked my temp and itwas 99 but moved up to 100, i called doctor and they said go into the ER. I was very dehydrated, i took 2 liters i think and that helped break my fever they said, the blood not concern probably just from the NG tube, did a chest xray and looked fine. Tried another antinausea drug but didnt hlep either, they finally said (dr srikanth said through ER doc) in next 2 days should get better, tuff it out.
Today i do feel a littl less sick to my stomach. I will admit, i have not taken any of my suppliments or anything because i KNOW IF I DO, I WILL BARF, i am just too close to doing so now. Maybe today, i will try a few things (multivits). I am keeping my water down better and getting more in.
My cowokrers brough over groceries for my family, bless them. things that are easy for them to prepare! GOD has definately walked and carried me through all this.
Will kep you updated!

6/25/09: 232.2
on 5/17/09 1:53 am - Rainier, WA
So glad to hear you are on the mend.  Hope the nausea goes away soon.  Sip sip sip... Charmayne


on 5/17/09 2:15 am

Hey There Girly...Goodness I am glad you are so prepared in watching out for yourself. I am glad you caught that dehydration early. Hope you get to feelling better and start poppin those vitamins girly! Yay for you! Can't wait to hear more on how you are doing. So exciting! Any advice for me (only 12 more days).!!


Nichole05/29/09 Open RNY Surgery!!! On My WLS Journey!! 
Currently --115lbs as of 11/18/2009!!
Donna Childress
on 5/17/09 3:25 am - Maple Valley, WA
Hi Princess,

Thank you for putting in so much detail.  My surgery laproscopic RNY medial is scheduled for this coming Thursday May 21st if I get the good to go from the pulmonologist.  The closer my date gets, the more nervous and scared of the unknown I get!  I've been scanning all the sites like crazy looking for all the "gory" and even not so gory surgery and after early days of having this surgery.  The knowing what to expect helps to alleviate some of my fears.  I'm very sensitive to pain meds also - and get naseauted easily - the tought of puking after this surgery and ripping open my new stomach freaks me out!  I've always hated to barf.  I survived shoulder surgery, had a tummy tuck and got breast implants quite a few years ago after I lost a lot of weight on weigh****chers (gained it all back - thus where I am now).  Managed that all fine - yeah it was painful - but tolerable.

For some reason this RNY stomach surgery is really freaking me out now.  Not the pain so much, but the fear of barfing and trying to get liquid or anything down on that new tummy!  Am I weird or not???

I'm so glad you made it through the surgery with your best friend here for you - I'm sure she was a great comfort to you.  I'm so sorry you had to make a run back to the hospital because of dehydration and I sincerely hope you feel better soon.

If you need some help over the next few days (before I hit the surgery table), please let me know.  I'm not working presently and am sitting home on my butt!

(425) 432-0156 - call me if you need help or comfort

on 5/17/09 11:34 am - Tacoma, WA
thanks everybody. i have had several surgiers in the past and was suprised by the difficulty i was/am having with this one. I have not really been this pukey before except maybe when i was pregnant but even then, i didnt feel like i do now. maybe it is the fear of barfing on this new tummy.
the pain isnt too bad, it may have been that first night but not really since then. i feel pain, its not like perfect, but given the nausea i am willing to endure this discomfort. it comes and goes, its more sharp and then gone. the stomach sounds suprise me, they are so loud and i find i am afraid of my gas, for fear it might be something more, like urgent pooh. i have always loved water, i have always drank so much water that my pee was clear its hard for me to drink water now, well really anything but plain water is impossible, i can do shaved ice (no flavor) but everything else is flavored.
i will get to the vitamins just as soon as i am not pukey.
Well, tired write later

6/25/09: 232.2
on 5/17/09 1:55 pm - Buckley, WA
It'll get better . We all get through this first period differently . I'm glad you went to the ER . It could have developed into something worse . I get migraines , too . I was more scared about giving up Ibuprophen , than having the surgery . And I had an open RNY . lol . You'll feel better , every day . I doubt if any of us manage to get in all of our shakes or vitamins , right off the bat . I know I didn't . I had nausea problems , at first , too . When you start shakes , try making 1/2 of one , rather than a whole one . The protein isn't good very long . Mine had to be ice cold . Same as my water . Take it easy . xoxox Kathy


debbie O.
on 5/18/09 1:07 am - snohomish, WA
Something that you might try is a little chicken broth.  It felt really good on my new tummy. The combination of the warm and the salty, especially after  almost everything else is sweet.
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