My Mom

on 4/10/09 3:38 pm - Buckley, WA
Helen , Tell your husband thanks for his sacrifice . lol . I always got my mom a bunny . I gave it to my son . He said he couldn't eat it . I told him grandma would be appalled to waste chocolate .
As sad as losing my mom was , staying with her was a beautiful experience . Because I knew how much she appreciated it . We had many visitors & did alot of reminiscing . I know she enjoyed that , even though she wasn't conscious . Kathy


on 4/10/09 4:02 pm - Vancouver, WA
You have my prayers, my mom just joined my dad in January and I adopted her cat when she passed and then last week found out that he had a terminal illness and had to put him to sleep. So even tho I know their little family is back together it's still hard on me. The kitty was my last connection to them and it was almost harder losing him than my parents for that very reason. Take all the time you need to grieve and go thru what you will have to do.
on 4/10/09 4:19 pm

I am sorry for your loss!!  This must be so hard!! Knowing that she is with your Dad in heaven must give you some comfort.

on 4/12/09 6:44 am - Buckley, WA
Thanks Riky . It does give me comfort , because she knew positively where she was going . And I know she & my dad are in heaven , together , probably dancing & laughing .


on 4/11/09 4:35 pm - Buckley, WA
Thank you . I'm sorry you lost your Mother . It's really tough . I know , since I lost my dad , i've got some rough times ahead . I'll get through it , somehow .


on 4/10/09 7:33 pm - Auburn, WA
Word are inadequate to express how sorry I am for your loss.  My thoughts are with you.

on 4/11/09 4:37 pm - Buckley, WA
Thanks Amy . Just knowing people care helps . It has brought my very small family closer . I'm sure my mom & dad are smiling about that .


debbie O.
on 4/11/09 2:35 am - snohomish, WA
 My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Kathy. I think the frenzy of things that have to get done keeps us some what sane during this time. We just have to keep moving in spite of really wanting to sit and grieve.  Remember almost everything can wait awhile.  Take some time for you  and your kids, they need you too.
I just finally closed the estate account for my Mom a year and a half after she passed away.  So things don't have to done all at once. We are all here for you if you need to talk.
on 4/11/09 4:43 pm - Buckley, WA
Sounds like you were in the spot i'm in , now . Even though i'm the younger one , i'm the one that is taking care of everything . I tried to mentally make lists before she passed . I had a feeling we weren't going to have her much longer . I can be a little OCD about some things . So , of course i'm making myself crazy . My uncle , who is advizing me , has even tried to tell me that everything doesn't have to be done tomorrow , or next week , etc.... It's nice to know i'm in good company .


on 4/11/09 9:18 am - WA
Oh, I am so very sorry for you loss. There are no words that can ease your grief, but I did want to tell you hov sorry I am!


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