Sabotaging my 6 month pre-surgery requirement - HELP

Donna Childress
on 4/7/09 4:08 am - Maple Valley, WA
Hi everyone!

I just got back from spending 2 weeks in Virginia Beach and WA D.C. visiting my daughter and new granddaughter.  Had a wonderful time and actually lost one more pound.  I have just have ten more days of my torturous 6 month insurance dieting requirement.  I've only lost 25 pounds - which is fine since I did loose 10% of my weight - another requirement. 

Now I'm out of control!  I've gained 3 pounds back and my insurance clearly stipulates I can not gain an ounce during this six months!  I feel like I'm starving and am eating everything I shouldn't!  I don't know if my problem is fear of the surgery, wanting to eat my favorite foods since I'll never be able to have them in "big portions" again, or what?????  I've have much more paperwork I need to finish for my insurance 2nd appeal and find myself turning to food, sleep, and the TV.  Is this normal????  Did any of you have this problem?  I'm 55 years old and have been a yo yo dieter all my life and really do want this surgery.  I know it's my only hope towards better health and a better life.  Why am I doing this to myself?  Any answers sure would be appreciated.  My kids are grown - and I'm no longer working so time is on my hands.  When I try to exercise - I quit before my workout is done - I feel mentally and physically worn out!  Is this "normal?"

I have a bottle of old phentermine diet pills that keep staring at me and am wondering if I should give in and take them for these last ten days before I blow it even further........

Thank you.

on 4/7/09 4:42 am - kingwood, TX are so close. YOu got to get control.

THose foods will always be around in moderaton. It does not mean the end to all your
faves...maybe just a small hiatus.

You can do it. Focus.

Good luck.
Donna Childress
on 4/8/09 6:56 am - Maple Valley, WA
Hi Denise,

So right you are.  There is no reason to think that I will never be able to eat my favorites again.  I will be able to taste them again even if it's just a little lick.  From what I've heard and read that is usually enough to stop a craving.  I've come this far, and less than a week and a half now is very do able! 

Sure hope you are feeling better now and I'm so happy you were able to get your DS so quickly!


on 4/7/09 3:39 pm - Lacey , WA
I feel your pain---I have been asked to lose between 10 and 20 lbs.  I have lost 10.5 and I feel like I am on the verge of losing control and blowing it----but I can't----I have to do what has been asked of me!

   You are so close---you need to reaffirm what it is you want---and you need to refocus---do you want to have to start the whole process over again??? 

   I say no to the diet pills---I had an old bottle of them around here too and had to finally throw them out because I kept thinking---"I can eat what I want today and take them tomorrow"    I am out of tomorrows---and it sound like you are pretty close to being out of them too!

   You can do this----You have to do it!   Kick up the exercise a little and make better food choices and drink your water---you know what needs to be done now you just have to chose to do it!

Good luck!

Donna Childress
on 4/8/09 6:41 am - Maple Valley, WA

Thank you for your reply.  Diet pills aren't the answer - every time I have used them as soon as I stopped taking them I went on a big binge.  I am so close and I need to focus on "me" and the knowing what got me to this obesity mess in the first place - eating when I'm stressed.  I am out of tomorrows too! 

Last night I went out and purchased a few big bottles of low sodium, high fiber vegetable juice.  I've noticed in the past that it fills me up quite well, gives me energy, and even helps to solve some cravings.  I also purchased some honey tangerines which are fairly high in fiber and help me crave my sugar cravings, then some lean turkey, chicken, and lo-cal-high fiber bread, and a big bag of salad greens and that spray on super lo cal dressing. 

You are so right - the ball is in our hands and we have to choose to run with it in the correct direction. 

Thank you again for your reply and I sincerely wish you the best of luck too.


on 4/7/09 10:13 pm - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
What helped me?  Looking at before and after pictures, it still keeps me motivated.  Try eating lower cal high/volume foods, watch the salt and get out of the house.  Do you have someone you you can tell that you are struggeling with your exercise?  Maybe someone who would be willing to talk a walk with you?  Also are you taking a multi vitamin, if not maybe now would be the time to start.

You can do this!!
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

Donna Childress
on 4/8/09 6:51 am - Maple Valley, WA
Hi Jilly,

Thank you for your suggestions.  My husband and I took some pictures a couple of months ago.  I pulled them out and looked at them. I was so disgusted at my obesity and wondering how my husband can even stand to touch me.  He loves me, and I need to learn to love myself.  Focus on my positives, rather than my negatives.  I know I can do this!  I'm not a quitter!  My husband went to the grocery store with me and we purchased low sodium high fiber V-8 also low in calories, lo-cal high fiber bread, lean turkey, chicken, salad greens, and high fiber fruit.  I'm staying on track so far today, am filling full and satisfied on this lo-calorie, high fiber diet, am going to scrub my house, and then will exercise on my bowflex treadclimber for a minimum of 30 minutes.  I know I can do it for 10 days! 

Once again, I just needed a friendly kick in the "butt" to get me out of my pitty party!  Thank you for your reply - Obesity Help members have never let me down and I'm proud to be a member of such a wonderful group of understanding people.


on 4/13/09 4:53 pm - Lakewood, DC
You are human, give yourself a break for gaining three pounds; you can't do anything about them except what you are doing. You recognize you are apprehensive about the surgery, you feel like you will be doing without comfort and tasty foods after you have the surgery.  I sense alot of anxiety about "what if", you've been heavy for so long it's comfortable and what if I lose the weight and don't feel the same about myself or what if I lose the weight and can't keep it off!

I have faith you can lose the three pounds and maintain your weight prior to surgery. If you have free time on your hands and think it's a cause of boredom eating and depression (physically worn out without exertion) I suggest you volunteer at the local school as a playground monitor, tutor or volunteer somewhere doing something you enjoy.

Please don't sabotage yourself by thinking 3 pounds has doomed you, pick up the pieces and start fresh tomorrow!!!! You're loved and special so don't forget it.......

sorry for the length but I can totally understand. I was denied 2 years ago; my pcm told me to wait until the insurance would pay for the band, so I waited and now a dr. has given me a surgery date without looking at my records based off my past approval by a different doctor. I have an appt with the new dr on the 22nd and I'm scared he's going to say no. I have also thought what if it really happens this time. I just know I have to take care of me emotionally so I don't sabotage myself and I consider after surgery I can be an example to my girls and show them how to do it the right way.

It's okay to be scared but I would throw the pills away so you don't think of them as a crutch! Take Care!!

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