
Sheryl R.
on 4/6/09 7:39 am - Buckley, WA
I have 3 months to go on my medically supervised diet and I am really struggling.  I lost almost 50 lbs from September to the middle of March, but have put back 4 lbs and am craving sweets and bread like crazy!  I'm very stressed for a variety of reasons: my husbands salary suddenly cut by $1,000 a month, my daughter's getting married next month, and my knee has been killing me and I am finally having surgery on it this Friday.  I don't seem to have coping skills beyond stuffing my face.  I have two weeks before I go back to see Dr. Srikanth and really don't want to go in with a gain.  I'd appreciate any ideas, encouragement, or prayers.

                                                 Only "obese" now!

on 4/6/09 8:46 am
i know it's hard.  i had to do 6 months of the diet thing too.  just try to stay away from the kitchen, and distract yourself.  any time you're tempted, have a big glass of water and remind yourself of what you really want.
on 4/6/09 8:50 am
Goodness Gracious Girly! I just wanted to say that you are in my thoughts and prayers! It has been really nice lately maybe you can spend your extra time away from home. You can’t eat in a library. So maybe going to a library and chatting with us!!?!?! Everything will get better!
Nichole05/29/09 Open RNY Surgery!!! On My WLS Journey!! 
Currently --115lbs as of 11/18/2009!!
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 4/6/09 11:12 am
I'm really impressed you managed a 50lb loss so far without surgical help!
The body has it's own coping mechanisms, and you actually crave things more when there has been a loss, as the body is trying to "repair" what you did to it. Ask the surgeon or nut for suggestions, and tell them your concerns. I'm not a fan of unnecessary medications, or ANY diet medication, but it may be helpful if you have something to alleviate the stress, even if it's just for this upcoming month.
on 4/7/09 1:11 am - Tacoma, WA
Oh honey! I am with ya. I can tell you what people told me: keep your hands busy, deep breathing exercises, journaling, coming to OH when wanting to eat, my doctor had me on orlistat and phentermine. I did try and walk more.
Do you HAVE TO LOSE weight on this for your insurance? Have you talked to the dietician in the office about this? .
Sheryl R.
on 4/7/09 6:50 am - Buckley, WA
Hi Ladies,
Thanks so much for your responses, I feel like I just got a big hug. :-)

My insurance requires that I show an overall loss or no gain for the medically supervised diet so I should be okay with that, but I wanted to drop some more weight before my daughter's wedding in May and my 30th reunion in August.  Geez, last time I saw most of the people from high school I weighed 135lbs and now I'm more than twice that weight.

I'm going to make a list of things to do when I want to eat something I shouldn't.  I'm also going to track my food for a few days.  Hopefully that will help me make better choices.

Thanks again,

                                                 Only "obese" now!

Donna Childress
on 4/12/09 8:34 am - Maple Valley, WA
Hi Sheryl,

If I remember correctly you have the same insurance as I do - the Boeing Traditional???  If you started back in September and have lost 50 pounds you are doing fantastic!  I've only lost 25 pounds and have struggled hard for even that.  You should be proud of yourself! 

Don't you have your six months now?  I reach my six months on April 16th and am getting so nervous it's making me sick.  Part of me is really excited about this and the other part is petrified.  My head keeps spinning around and around with all these crazy (or maybe they aren't so crazy) thoughts.  Such as:  What if I fail at this too, what do I do if insurance says no again - this will be my second appeal, what if this surgery causes me more medical problems, what if I croak on the table, what if, what if, what if.  I feel like I'm sabotaging myself.....I've read so many stories, so many pro's and con's.  I know surgery is best for me, but still I'm scared to death!  My back and arthritic body has been killing me too, my daugther just had a baby girl, her husband is in Iraq, DHS is on her back, dad had a recent heart attack - believe me I know about problems causing stress and wanting to binge and binge and binge.  I find myself sneaking out to have one last great meal over and over again.  I just want all this to be over and done with so I can get on with a hopefully new and better life - then I start to think maybe I'm wishing for too much and too many changes????  Makes me wonder if I'm mentally loosing it??????  Feels good to just talk to you about it and get it off my chest.  Write me and I will listen to you too - it does help.

One thing I have found that is helping me diet wise is good ole High Fiber V-8 juice.  It is low calorie and really does help to fill me up.  I've been drinking three to four big glasses of that a day and then have also been eating lots of strawberries and grapes, then lean meat.  It has really helped my sugar and binge cravings.  Maybe you can give that a try???

Wish I had some other great suggestions for you....Here I'm nearly at my six months - I have my final six month weigh in with my family doctor this Thursday.  I haven't even scheduled an appointment with Dr. Oh yet.  I am feeling so overwhelmed and confused and am terribly afraid that Boeing insurance will turn me down again that I'm having a difficult time getting all my ducks in a row.  I'm also nearly at the end of my 180 days to get my appeal turned in.  It has to be turned in by the 20th of April so my time is short - and I keep procrastinating out of fear???

All I can say to both of us is:  We have gone through so much, spent so much time pursuing this surgery, and want to have better lives so much - how can we even think about giving up now! 

Hang in there Sheryl and I sure hope your knee surgery went well.


on 4/13/09 5:09 pm - Lakewood, DC
You are definately in my prayers!!! You have had alot thrown on you at one time and if you are like most people you are going to your Soul food, the food that gives you solace.

I know this is going to sound crazy but when I crave sweets and bread I trick my tastebuds. I love onions so I cut a small onion into tiny diced slices and then eat them 1T at a time until the craving goes away. The smell is strong enough to change your breath (and the smell of your hands) turn you off of wanting to put food in your mouth, the texture is a substitue for bread and the crunchiness satifies the desire to chew on nuts and chocolate.

I also had a pack a day cigarette habit so to get away from eating I got the new Trident Berry Xtinol gum and chewed it until my cheeks hurt and all the taste was gone. The gum is very berry heavy so you feel like you are chewing a strawberry parfait from

I hope things get better and you get the peace you need soon!!! Take care!
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