Here Comes The Sun...

on 3/30/09 5:27 am - Auburn, WA
    I awoke this morning and felt that the funk of the past week has mostly disappeared.  I had a severe migraine (the kind where I am confined to bed) on Sat/Sun and the prodome, including the accompanying hormonal fluctuations, as well as the barometric fluctuations of Springtime in the Pacific Northwest, may have been significant factors in my melancholy.  I'm still sorting through a number of "head issues" but now that I've acknowledged/named them, I feel better able to proceed with working through them and letting go.  This may seem goofy to some of you, but one thing that really helped me was a "positive affirmation" that is part of a Facebook application.  It says, "I forgive myself for holding on to the things that keep me from being who I really am."  My brain is still gnawing on that particular bone.

I stepped on the scale this morning and saw the number "285".  It dawned on me that I'm now *only* 100 pounds away from my personal goal.  For several weeks, I've known that I've lost more than I I've got left to lose to reach my personal goal of weighing 185 pounds,  but for some reason, the *100* figure really hit home.  Sometimes we succeed without even knowing it.



on 3/30/09 5:48 am - kingwood, TX
I am so glad you are starting to feel better! I don't like when Amys not around.

Wow one 100lbs to got. You will be at goal in no time! I am very proud of you!

Keep it up!

debbie O.
on 3/30/09 6:27 am - snohomish, WA

I'm glad you are feeling better. Identifing the problems is the first step in dealing with them and making them go away.

The weight has been just melting off of you, you are doing so great! It's only been since November? WOW you will be at your goal in no time.

Lisa B.
on 3/30/09 1:04 pm - Bremerton, WA
Congrats on your 100 pounds lost!!!! I am not far from there myself. I know all about the migraines. Mine were hormone related. My regular doc tried to "fix" them with pills, she prescribed different birth control pills to regulate my hormones, then she tried anti-depresants and finally gave me pills for the migrains and pills to prevent them. I was so tired of taking pills. I changed doctors and got a referal to see an ob/gyn. I had cramps for a little over a month, mixed in with migrains. Last week I had a hysterectomy (which was a breeze, compaired to my RNY). I am hopeing this will end my migrains. I have been in kind of a funk for the last couple of month, simple because I didn't feel good.  I was only in the hospital over night and feel pretty darn good, except for being tired and mild cramps. I wish I would have pushed for hysterectomy years ago. I'm sure my husband does too...

Again, congrats on the 100 pounds lost!!!
on 3/31/09 12:40 am
 Happy Happy Joy Joy !!!!! i know this weather never helps lift the blues does it? I loved what you said about forgiving myself for not being the person I can be, I never thought about it that way. I have been a little down on myself for, oh... I dont know... lets just pick one.... Spending so much money.. and I need to remember that I really have tryed everything in my power to put the food down. I am worht every penny and it is a small price to pay to be in my life again rather than numbing out in food. I am only one week out and I am feeling better everyday. I am going to challenge myself to forgive me for staying in food for so long. AND FU*%  !! know  what to the money crap and  not worthy crap.
You inspire me, thank you for walking the walk girl!
"...We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...." 
                                                                                                                   Marianne Williamson 
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 4/3/09 6:58 am
I'm a bit south of you, but admit that waking to snow the other morning is probably not lifting anyone mood. Snow in April is just wrong.

Your surgery was more recent than mine, and it sounds like your doing really well with the losing, but the loss in the early months brought some problems for me (and others, based on what I've read).

Things get stored in the fat cells, like lots of hormones, and when we are in the first months a lot of it gets dumped back into our system.  That surge of dumped hormones can wreak havoc on our moods.

I was in a complete funk this time last year and was ready to go to my doctor about it, but the hormones evened out, and the longer days helped too. It sounds like your doing the right things to deal with it, so I hope you are feeling better soon.
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