In a funk

on 3/25/09 7:22 pm, edited 3/25/09 7:35 pm - Auburn, WA

As many of ou know, I struggle with a number of issues that have lead to chronic daily pain.  However, several weeks ago, the pain in my left knee (the worse of the two) became so bad and it started giving out (locking) on me (again).  I went in to see my family doctor on Mon 03/16 and she ordered bilateral knee MRI's.   While I've not spoken directly to my family doctor, I did call today (after sveral days of excruciating pain (and remember that I have a high tolerance for pain and I'm hyper senstive to meds which means I can not take narcotics), the nurse read the report to me over the phone.  It showed exactly what I knew it would:  degenerative osteoarthritis, fluid in the knees, and meniscal tears in both knees.  Now I am totally bummed because I have literally been working my ass off with physical therapy, yoga, water aerobics, swimming, etc.  It  looks like I'll need arthroscopic medial menicus repair surgery on both knees.  I really really really don't want even this fairly minor procedure  "during my window of max weight loss" but I have to do something - because right now I'm stuck like a bump on a log because it's physically painful to even drive to the gym where I could get in the water. 

I held a pity party for myself today!   I literally did not leave the house.  Hopefully I will wake up in the morning with a better attitude and plan...

Thanks for just letting me play the victim briefly. 


on 3/25/09 8:55 pm
Amy ,
I am sending you posotive thoughts so you can continue to take really good care of yourself. I know surgery might not be what you were wanting now but you have a great attitude and I don't think anything is gonna stop you from reaching your goals. Keep venting it's good for you!!!
"...We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...." 
                                                                                                                   Marianne Williamson 
Amy R.
on 3/25/09 10:41 pm

I too have bad knee issues, but not as bad as yours sound. I have osteoarthritis in both knees and a subluxated kneecap in my right, so I haven't done too much excercising (sp) lately.   But I'm not having as much pain as I used too.  I so hoped yours would get better as you lost so much weight.  Hopefully they DO get better soon.  There are days when I REALLY regret not being able to take NSAIDS, I can't imagine what I'd do if I couldnt' take narcotics either.....

Take good care of yourself.  It's okay to "play the victim" sometimes!  (Do microwaved hot packs help?  I couldn't live without those things....)

the other amy
on 3/26/09 1:16 am - Bremerton, WA


I am sorry to hear you are in such pain... you have been an inspiration to me with all the exercise you are doing...

If you need to have surgery... it may cause a delay in your weight loss... but on the flip side I am sure you don't to damage your knees any more than you have to. If you can have the surgery, I am sure you will be able to exercise more.

I know it must be frustrating to hear that you may need surgery sooner than you wanted to.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers...


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

on 3/26/09 1:36 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Oh Amy I am very sorry about your knees, I hope they are repaired quickly so you can get back to the things you want to be doing.

But you can still exercise!!  Try some sit and be fit, you can still work your upper body, even if all you are doing is flapping your arms up and down it will increase your heart rate and think of the upper body you could be gaining!!

Do some reaserch I am sure you can find some things that you can do to work out, even from your chair at home.

Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 3/26/09 1:39 am - Tacoma, WA

Dear, I have chronic pain too (migraine) so i can feel your pain. My office mate needs bilateral knee replacement and has both types of arthritis, so i can imagine how you feel. she refuses as of now, and i dont understand why. In your case, i understand why you dont want to do it, because you will be down (not mobile) but, if you dont, you will probably be down anyway? Is it safe to have knee surgery at this point after your WLS? If so, then i will pray you have the strength and courage to do so now.
I think its great you let yourself mourn (your pitty party), and now you can move forward. just being around you, i can sense your strength and i know you can handle any thing life throws at you!

much love


pam H.
on 3/26/09 3:38 am - Renton, WA
(((Hugs))),Amy, I am so sorry you are going through this! You know we are here to support you, no matter what you decide to do. I am off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays if you need rides to appointments or to the pool. Hang in there!

Sheryl R.
on 3/26/09 5:50 am - Buckley, WA
Hi Amy,
I can relate to your knee issues.  I also have arthritis in both knees and a meniscus tear in one of them.  In fact I just got back from the surgeon's office 30 minutes ago and will be having surgery on April 10th.  I highly recommend Dr. Moore at Cascade Orthopedics.  I saw him in Bonney Lake, but they have an office and surgery center in Auburn.  It sounds like the recovery time is fairly quick so you should only have to wait a few weeks to get back to your exercising.
The best to you.
PS.  I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you at the meeting.  Of course I was late and then everyone booked out of there pretty quickly afterward.

                                                 Only "obese" now!

on 3/26/09 6:09 am - kingwood, TX
That stinks Amy!

I wish I had some wise words for you...but I dont..not today anyway!
Feel better ok!

on 3/26/09 4:29 pm - Buckley, WA
Dr. Moore was initially my doctor for my last knee surgery . I really liked him (Not hard on the eyes , either) . I started seeing him in September 2006 . I was to have my knee surgery in Jan 2007 . Unfortunately , right before my surgery , he decided to quit accepting L&I cases . I then had to switch to another surgeon . But , He is a very good & kind surgeon .


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