My surgery is on Thurs with Doc Oh

on 3/24/09 12:21 am
I am really starting to get scared about this. Is that normal? I haven't been able to stop thinking about all the things I have not liked about my month of crazy pre op testing and the incompatence of the office staff and the rudeness of the Dr. AHHHRHHH!!! I know this doc has an amazing track record and the nurses and staff at the hospital have been great, it's all just gone soooo fast ,I feel like I have a lot of questions, like what were the results of all my tests? I havent got any paperwork I just saw the pre op Dr. and he said everything looked good.  I feel so rushed that I think of things later that I should have asked. I do usally get my answers though. I think I am freaking out a little.  I have two beautiful kids i am a homemaker and I am sooo very blessed with a wonderful family. I can't help but think about them and the risks I am taking.
My 11 yr old daughter asked me yesterday if I could die from this surgery. I had to tell her that there are risk when you have surgery and the risks of me being this overweight are even more dangerous. Ever since I can't get it out of my head that I could die and leave them motherless. Did anybody feel this way? do you guys think I might be having second thoughts? 
Thanks for reading and any replys
"...We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...." 
                                                                                                                   Marianne Williamson 
(deactivated member)
on 3/24/09 1:29 am
Good Morning Jen,

All of your feelings are perfectly normal.  I had surgery in December and I too have two beautiful children and they were my biggest hesitation just like yours.  I never had second thoughts though.  I knew I was sick of being overweight and had to do this.  I noticed you are having the VSG, you have chosen a surgery that is one of the lower risk surgeries. Although there is risks of death with any surgery, the surgery you are having is a lot less risky than some of the others so thats something to ease your mind.  Also a majority of these surgeries are done lapriscopically and (I am assuming yours will be done lap) that also cuts down on the risk of death as infections aren't as common as they used to be.  Both Dr. Srikanth and Dr. Oh have preformed alot of theses WLS and I have never heard of anyone dying.  Now I know that it does happen but it is rare these days.  I was actually surprised at how easy recovery was, I expected it to be alot harder and more pain.  I do feel for you with your doctor being rude.  I have heard this before about him.  My surgeons bedside manner is just the opposite so I don't know what to tell you on that one.  I can say that Dr. Oh has performed lots of surgeries and is respected for his surgical abilities so your in good hands in that department.
Best wishes to you, and make sure when you get home and are feeling up to it you post on here and let us all know how you are doing.  I will keep you in my prayers, stay positive!
on 3/29/09 5:08 pm - WA
You are in good hands.  Dr. Oh is amazing.  He did my surgery.  Yeah is bedside manner sucks but he is really proficient and does make sure everything is o.k.  You are lucky all your tests were fine because trust me you are going to hear it if they arnt.  When I went in on my 3 month post op appt. he asked me if I was taking all my pills, I said most of the time, he said that was a yes or no questions are you taking ALL your pills.  I said well no then, he said "well your going to die".  Then went on to explain to me why I was going to die. 

For your post op appts. see Dr. Hirai, he is really nice and knowledgable as well too.  I always request to see him. 

Yea the staff has gone way down hill.  A year ago when I had my surgery they had a lot of problems with their staff members and it has been going down hill ever since.

Where are you located, go to one of the support groups supported by Dr. Oh.  His plan is much more strict then most other surgeons but it works.  So if you go to a non Dr. Oh support group and tell them you only take in 35 carbs a day they will think your crazy....but trust me if you stick to his plan you will loose.

The hospital is really great, I had a good experience.  And like I said Dr. Oh is there when it involves your health...I remember my last day in the hospital he yelled at a nurse for not rebandaging part of my incision when I bleed through it from coughing. 

Dr. Hirai and I talk about my iphone a lot, he tells you what your doing wrong and helps you but in a lot nicer way.

Hope everything goes well, you are in good hands!

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