Upcoming VSG with Dr. Oh

on 3/12/09 1:06 am
I was wondering how the heck ya all made it through 2 weeks of clears?????!!!!
I am on Day One and am about 2 hrs in I am not starting to panick yet .  I was also hoping to hear from anyone who has had vsg with Dr. Oh?  I am getting excited and scared and some worried. any feedback would be great .
"...We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...." 
                                                                                                                   Marianne Williamson 
on 3/12/09 1:57 am, edited 3/12/09 1:58 am - Auburn, WA


It is my belief that your attitude determines your reality.  This is not to suggest that Dr. Oh's pre-op requirements are easy (they're exactly the same as Dr. Srikanth's) or that simply slapping a sillly grin on your face will make it easy.  It's a struggle; especially the first 2-3 days.  I suffered not so much from hunger or cravings as I did with energy.  I called my surgeon's office and was told that instead of 3 30 gram protein shakes, I could do 6 15 gram ones throughout the course of the day.  What helped me to succeed, pre-op, was that I kept in mind that  the result I was seeking was not a number on the scale per se, but to ensure that I'd be able to have the procedure laproscopically and to repeatedly tell myself that I was worth the struggle.    This struggle helps you to realize that WLS is not a magic bullet and that you're responsible for the decisions you make regarding what you choose to put in your mouth, how you move your body, and the attitude you have both now and post-op.  There is a method to their madness.  Additionally, from an anecdotal perspective, the pre-op regime helps to prepare you for the stringent, but effective, post-op plan wherein you'll be on total liquids for 6 weeks (albeit not just sugar free clear ones), if I recall correctly, before starting to add soft foods and still another 4 before you have carte blanche at food selection, within the guidelines for your particular procedure.

You can do it.  I know you can!  You are worth the struggle!


on 3/12/09 8:07 am
Amy thanks for your reply I was at the dr's today getting evaluated
I think I will try some protein shakes Doc Oh wants clears for 2 weeks but I can't do it. Maybe I can I don't know. A protein shake has to be better than a burger right!?
"...We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...." 
                                                                                                                   Marianne Williamson 
on 3/12/09 7:37 pm - Auburn, WA


I'm sorry for my mistake in the different "standard pre-op plan" between Drs. Srikanth and Oh.  I'd been told they were the same.  I should have known better than to assume as not even I was on the "standard" because of the limited time between initial consult and surgery (5 weeks). Regardless, the attitude issue and my support is genuine. 

I take it by the smile in your post that the evaluation today went well?!?!?! 


on 3/13/09 12:35 am
Thankyou soo much for the reply yesterday. My plan is a protein shake maybe two a day and clears I will check it out with my Doc today. I really liked what you said about attitude and I am gonna practice it the best I can through this. I really want to be sucssesful and yesterday I was feeling sooo low about the liqids. I really don't know how anyone could function on 6 to  12 grams of protein a day for two weeks????? I guess I would rather have a couple of protein shakes than say whats the use any how and just give up! Ya Know?
Yes, my eval went well I think ,some of those questions were a little strange but I liked the Dr. and I got through it pretty quick.
Hope you have a great day!
"...We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...." 
                                                                                                                   Marianne Williamson 
on 3/13/09 3:04 pm - Auburn, WA

Hi!  I'm glad the eval went well. 

I really hate to comment on other surgeon's dietary guidlines, as they vary so widely.  When asked, which you didn't really, my standard reponse is to just say do what *your* doctor advises and what is right for you.  That said, I cannot imagine functioning (well, functioning perhaps, but not much above that) on so little protein.  Are you taking supplements?  Obviously, two weeks isn't going to impact long term health, but I can honestly say that I've never seen anyone else on so little protein pre-op for suchan extended period of time.  Dr. Oh has a terrific reputation and I'd be interested to learn the reasoning the regime.  Not only does the protein allow you to feel "fuller" if made into a pudding consistency with 3-4 oz of water, but I can't imagine how physically exhausted and generally unwell people must feel.  

Good for you for decidingtry switching gears in your attitude.  Sometimes if we can just think about the exact same situation from a different perspective, it helps. 

Surgery is so close...you must be very excited!


on 3/15/09 3:26 pm - Buckley, WA
Jen , I wish I would have read this sooner . I could have spared you some starvation & unnecessary anxiety . I have been so wrapped up in my moms medical crisis that I haven't been on as much . I'm so sorry you went through this confusion .


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