on 3/3/09 8:10 pm - Auburn, WA

Let me start by saying that while I have watched The Biggest Loser show sporadically in the past, I became much more interested this season because they had contestants, both men and women, who weighed more than 400 pounds.  I don’t follow it closely; if it's on and I'm home and in charge of the remote, I'll watch.

I usually get upset at some point whenever I do watch.   I've had issues with contestant selection; prior to this season, they mostly had people who'd once been a normal weight and/or physically active for the most part, which presents a very different challenge than for those who struggle with obesity for their entire lives.  I have an issue with some of the exercises they have these morbidly obese people doing, specifically the jumping, squats, etc that I cannot imagine are good for the joints of the contestants (my physical therapist agrees).  I also would like to view a group photo of ALL of the contestants from the first 6 seasons in order to see whether or not they have maintained weight loss after leaving the show and returning to a normal life that doesn't include personal trainers, medical supervision, and eight plus hours daily spent working out.  Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge anyone any success they may have achieved through this program; I just would like to see the figures on maintenance.

But tonight...tonight I got pissed when the physician was talking to Ron (the father from the father/son team - the old brown team), who apparently had RNY 13 years ago when he weighed in excess of 500 pounds.  He started the show this season at a weight of 430 pounds.  Ron stated, in reference to his gastric bypass, "I tried the easy way out and it didn't work" and I literally yelled at the television.  I continued to babble about how if he'd done exactly what he's being "taught" now in terms of nutrition and exercise post-op, in all likelihood he'd have significant weight loss success 13 years ago and been able to maintain!  It was "the easy way out" comment that really got to me!  Just because *he chose* to view WLS as a magic bullet and didn't make the necessary lifestyle changes that are required for life, doesn't mean that WLS is "an easy way out that failed" nor is major abdominal surgery (13 years ago, I am sure his was an open procedure) ever an easy way out!  I had to physically get up and do something else because I got so worked up!

What do y'all think?  Did anyone else see this and what were your thoughts?

Amy (who's still seething and thinks it’s time to go snuggle Max)

on 3/3/09 11:31 pm, edited 3/3/09 11:31 pm - Brisbane (Norman Park), Australia

I watch almost no TV at all because the ads drive me nuts.
Right now, I'm glad that I don't!

You're right, Amy, that was something to get upset about.

I don't get it - how can HE, of all people, say it was the easy way out?
If it was that easy, he'd now be skinny, wouldn't he?

You have to forgive people who never really learned much about WLS, but someone who has been throught it really ought to know better!

Hmpfh and hissssssssssssss to him and the show!

Oh I nearly forgot: lots of pats on the back for your latest milestone. You are doing soooooooo well and I can't wait to see you again soon. Congrats, my dear!!!!

Hi, I'm Karin  Start 310 / Surgery 283 / Current 168 / Goal 150
Would you like help with a photo or avatar? Contact me ...

on 3/3/09 11:38 pm - Tacoma, WA
"I also would like to view a group photo of ALL of the contestants from the first 6 seasons in order to see whether or not they have maintained weight loss after leaving the show and returning to a normal life that doesn't include personal trainers, medical supervision, and eight plus hours daily spent working out."

This is exactly the kind of rumors I have heard. I'd have to go look up the various places I read it but there are apparently contestants *****fuse to speak to the press or be photographed specifically because they have regained weight now.
on 3/4/09 12:09 am - Bremerton, WA


I TOTALLY agree with you... WLS is NOT the easy way out!!! 

In the last few days, I was just thinking about all the changes I had to make after surgery... concentrating on Protein, Water, getting enough fiber, taking all my supplements and getting in exercise.  Making sure that almost every thing I eat is nutritionaly dense (ok  ... I confess... I do occasionally eat foods that may not be the best choices... ).

I know that there are WLS surgery patients who thought that WLS was the easy way out... and now they have gained a significant amount of weight back  and/ or feel like crap!  I would suspect that these patients did not deal with some of the underlineing causes of why they overate AND did not or could not (for whatever reason) keep the "pouch rules". 

I realized recently... that I am still an emotional eater (bummer that they can only do surgery on our tummys!!!)... and some situations and/or  the foods I may have choosen for meals leave me unsatisfied... can leads me to emotional eating or grazing.. I am working with a counselor/dietition to work through these issues.  I did not have my innards re-routed only to go back to the way I ate before!

Amy... thanks for bringing up the topic!


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/09 6:38 am
Well first and foremost Amy what you have to realize is this is a TV show that is aired for ratings.  What they do on these shows isn't necessarily correct.  This is a show that promotes exercise as the key to losing weight so it doesn't surprise me that they would have a contested state that WLS is the easy way out. 
Also 13 years ago the tools and knowledge that people were given about the surgery was different.  I know someone who had surgery 13 years ago and they weren't instructed to eat protein first, don't drink with meals etc etc.  Basically they were operated on and then there vitamins were monitored but nothing like what we all do now.  We are all very fortunate to have the surgeons we have now and have the education about WLS that we currently have.
As far as the long term maint. of the weightloss for biggest loser, I can't speak for all contestants but I do know that Matt & Susie who were contestants on one of the episodes have gained a large amount of their weight back. 
I agree with you Amy that the things that they say on biggest loser aren't correct but take it with a grain of salt, its a TV show that edits things, adds things, and wants ratings.  Seriously how healthy can it be for someone to exercise to the point that they make them vomit. 
on 3/4/09 11:44 am, edited 3/4/09 11:45 am - Auburn, WA

Thanks for letting me blow off a little steam, y'all!

For ****s and giggles, I actually posted this rant on the official Biggest Loser message board at NBC (for those of you who suffer from chronic insomnia, you know what it's like to be wide awake and trying to amuse yourself at 3 AM).   If any of you want to get really wound up, go read that thread!  Can we say: 1) Reality check, and 2) thank god for OH!

I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off because even just 3 1/2 months pos-op, I feel better than I have since my early 20's!  I rarely "actively" watch television and I think I'll have to edit even further the list of programs that are worth my time.  I swear to god I had to buy a daytimer to keep track of all of my "obligations".  If you don't believe me, ask Karin as she has photographic evidence!


on 3/6/09 12:22 pm, edited 3/6/09 12:23 pm - Renton, WA
Thank you for your comments and your thread... yet another reason to be glad I never watched that show!!

While I really agree with what people have said so far, there is one additional thing I need to voice on why that comment bothers me (and should bother us all). I went to visit the church where I grew-up and everyone there noticed the weight loss immediately (140 lbs so far). But several of them asked me, "You didn't have one of those band things, did you? You didn't take 'the easy way out'?" 

It is REALLY hard sometimes to share with people the difficult journey we are on, when the media feeds them that kind of CRAP!  Every one of you reading this knows the truth and your families and close friends have learned from you... but for those in our circle of people we know who share those attitudes, well it is difficult at times to be open and honest.

While I don't care for myself so much, I am bothered because it is attitudes like this which create so many discrimination and similar problems for people with weight issues, and might prevent someone from deciding to have WLS who might really benefit! It was family with that attitude that prevented me from having WLS years ago - I am so blessed to have their support today, but I wish I hadn't had to fight so hard for it. Until the world learns differently, it will continue to be a struggle. So I am disappointed to hear that a very highly rated TV show is continuing to spread that kind of thinking. It is that kind of thinking that is going to continue to make it difficult for some people to get insurance coverage. A member of my church wants to have WLS but Group Health won't allow her to "take the easy way."

Here's praying that this all changes - and soon!!
Nicki H.
on 3/7/09 3:53 am - WA
Lap Band on 08/12/08 with
I would agree with you Amy.  I love the show and even if I can'****ch it the nights it's on, it gets DVR'd so I can speed watch it.  I too get bored watching TV:)

So, I saw the couple that got married , and they live in Burien I think.  They have had 2 kids now I think and although I think they said they are living a healthier lifestyle they both had gained back a significant amout of weight.  No one could go on the show, lose all the weight they do, go back to their "regular" lives and not gain the weight back.  I think the folks that get booted off have a better advantage because despite the fact they have more support, they still have to live normal lives.....Nicole

I delivered 6 weeks early a 5lb 15oz lil boy:)  After spending 2 months on bed rest in the hospital and Mason spending 11 days in the NICU, we're both home and doing great!  Mason is getting bigger and gaining weight like he should.  Now it's my turn to lose this weight!  It's tough to get back on the band wagon...I CAN do this!

on 3/19/09 4:32 pm - Roy, WA
I know this is an older post and I don't know if you're still interested or not... but here's a "where they are now" link:


I never watched the show so I don't know for sure, but it doesn't look like ALL of them are shown. It says what weight they WERE, and what weight they got down to, and what weight they are NOW. Looks like all but one gained.
on 3/19/09 6:28 pm - Auburn, WA

 The "where are the now photos numbe only 25 - less than 25 percent of the total numbe of contestants over the course of the past 6 seasons.  And it would appear that the longer out you are, the the more weight returns; as in almost 100 pounds in several cases. 

I will not even allow the tv on the channel when its on - I don't even want to hear it as I'm oing whatver it is my evenings sem to be occupied with!


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