Madigan Referral to plastics ??????

(deactivated member)
on 3/3/09 7:24 am, edited 3/3/09 9:55 am - Fort Lewis, WA
I just had my one year follow up today!   I will be one year out Thursday March 12th, I have lost 104 lbs.  I am now down from 234 to 130 !!!! I got a referral to plastics today for a Mastopexy(breast uplift) & Panni/Tummy Tuck.  I am excited, but wanted to know if anybody else has gone through this and what is the approxmiate wait time from the day of my referral to day of surgery.  Also about how long should I expect to be out of work? 

Thank you,
Michelle D.

on 3/3/09 8:39 am - McChord AFB, WA
Hi Michelle,
Sounds like we are in the same place, except I'm 4 1/2 years out.  I hope someone with some info answers. Good luck.
P.S. Wish I was getting a tata lift too. :D
Pre-Op: 253 - Lowest: 148 - Current: 158
(deactivated member)
on 3/3/09 9:24 am - Fort Lewis, WA
I guess we are in the same place.  Have you gotten a referral to plastics yet?   My doctor just put mine in today and said it would be about a week before they contact me.  He also told me that I don't have to call Tricare that plastics would take of everything for my appointment.  I hope they hurry up and call I hate playing the waiting game.

Good Luck to you also!!!!!
on 3/3/09 12:20 pm - McChord AFB, WA
My doctor put my referral in today as well. They are really fast (at least they were Nov 07 when I tried once before).  I think I had an appointment within the week.  Good luck.
Pre-Op: 253 - Lowest: 148 - Current: 158
(deactivated member)
on 3/3/09 12:30 pm - Fort Lewis, WA
How exciting both of us had our referrals put in on the same day!!! I will keep you updated!!!

on 3/5/09 2:11 am - McChord AFB, WA
So I called my PCM and got a referral for a breast lift and augmentation (I have to pay for BA but that's not a big deal).  She called me back, said the referral was put in and I should be able to schedule an appointment in a few days, but there is a wait list! She said that active duty and cancer patients come first. I wonder how long that is? Let me know if you hear anything. :)
Pre-Op: 253 - Lowest: 148 - Current: 158
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/09 3:33 am - Fort Lewis, WA
I called the clinic today and my referral has been put in, but the woman I talked to said they would call me when they have an appointment.  She did say it was a long wait and tha the referral was only good for three months so if I don't hear from them by June then I need to call them.  So Madigan will do the BA, but you have to pay for it?  About how much will that run?  I want just the lift and maybe some more boobs ...LOL .  I will keep you updated if I hear anything, you make sure you do the same!!!! : )

Michelle D.
on 3/6/09 11:32 pm - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
From what I have heard you just have to pay for the implants.  I think they are around 2000.00.  I also know someone who got the new gummy bear implants, you don't need to have those replaced.
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 3/5/09 4:30 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Hi there I am going in for my breast reduction and lift on April 15th with Dr Patel in plastics.  I had my first referral put in in Oct and then the 2nd this Jan.  I don't think you ever really know how soon you are going to get in, it just depends.  Dr P told me I would need to be off week 7 -10 days for my breasts and then 3 weeks for the tummy.  He won't do them both at once.  He said I would be under too long.  I need pretty extensive repair though. 

Oh and I was told that although I have a date, I could get bumped for other patients with more need, ie soldiers or breast cancer patients.

Hope that helped. 
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 3/6/09 2:34 pm - McChord AFB, WA
How exciting for you!!! Yay! I am a little discouraged by the wait though. :( Bummer!  Good luck and thanks for sharing.
Pre-Op: 253 - Lowest: 148 - Current: 158
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