Dr. Srikanth Groups/Email List?

on 11/13/08 10:28 pm - Auburn, WA

A few weeks ago, I asked if anyone else was a Dr. Srikanth patient.  Thanks to those of you *****plied. 

It appears that although Dr. Srikanth has an OH Forum of his own, it has been inactive for many months.  At the 11/11 All Procedures Support Group, I heard that there used to be or perhaps still is an email distribution list that used to be run by Vickie.  Does anyone know if that email group still exists?  If so, how would one go about getting included?



Cynthia H.
on 11/13/08 11:45 pm - Renton, WA
I think if you call his office they can put you on the list.



on 11/14/08 12:02 am
I'd be interested too. Let me know what you find out Amy :)
I think it would be great :)

~ Terri ~
 Pre Op 293, Surgery 258, Current 163 Goal 150
on 11/14/08 9:14 am - Brisbane (Norman Park), Australia
I was on that email list and never got anything.

I asked again to be on the list and ONCE got an email re a support group, but didn't hear anything again after that.

So good luck to us  ;-)

Hi, I'm Karin  Start 310 / Surgery 283 / Current 168 / Goal 150
Would you like help with a photo or avatar? Contact me ...

on 11/14/08 9:32 am - Auburn, WA

Hmpf...This needs some investigation!  After surgery (I can hardly stand the wait until Wed and can't add one more thing to my plate or I will go mad) I will follow-up with Dr. Srikanth's office to get the skinny (~HA~) on the email list, OH forum,  and communication issues generally. 

Thanks for your replies!


Karen F.
on 11/15/08 4:00 pm - Renton, WA
Sorry to be the one to break the news, but Vicki quit a few weeks ago--no bad feelings, just felt she was constrained and wanted to get back to Family Practice, which i can understand completely.

So, Dr. S is looking for a replacement, but that will be hard to find.  Whoever fills the slot needs to be an NP or PA, and they're hard to find.

Nicki H.
on 11/16/08 12:13 am - WA
Lap Band on 08/12/08 with
I am so sad I went to her group last month and have been waiting to hear when she was going to have the next one.  I guess I just figured out why she didn't respond to my e-mail to her.  I am not a Srikanth patient, but would love to find out if there are any other band groups out there.

I delivered 6 weeks early a 5lb 15oz lil boy:)  After spending 2 months on bed rest in the hospital and Mason spending 11 days in the NICU, we're both home and doing great!  Mason is getting bigger and gaining weight like he should.  Now it's my turn to lose this weight!  It's tough to get back on the band wagon...I CAN do this!

on 11/16/08 8:11 am - Tacoma, WA

Vicki the nurse practitioner quit - she ran the bypass support group, not the band group.  I generally run the band group - pretty confusing to have us both named Vicki, eh?  Sorry for the confusion on that. 

I do not actually work for Srikanth, I just believe in him and the band surgery.  I will continue to faciliate the band meetings, time permitting.  My life has been pretty hectic and I have been traveling a lot for work lately - thus my "missing in action" bit that has been going on.

I will try to make it on the board a bit more often and will add anyone who asked to be added to my group code. 

I did lose my group code for a bit (I switched my email to outlook and had to figure out how to get my address book imported over) but am back up and running so should be able to send out the monthly updates again.

I do not handle the group code from the doctor's office though, so anyone who was added to that group code needs to contact Lakshmi, the office manager, for any issues.

Take care.
Starting weight: 240 Current weight: 130
Karen F.
on 11/16/08 12:19 pm - Renton, WA
Now I'm doubly confused becuase when I went to the September (or was it October, I get so confused) meeting, Vicky led it.  I think it was a combined meeting.  I didn't realize there were separate meetings for bypass pts vs the band pts, as both of us were represented there.

This month's meeting, which I was unable to make, included presentations by 2 guys about subjects I can't recall.  I don't know if anyone was there to represent Srikanth.

So would someone please clarify:  when are the band support group meetings?

on 11/16/08 12:28 pm - Tacoma, WA

It is confusing, isn't it? 

In October, when you attended it was ME who led the group.  I am Vicki the band patient, not Vicki the nurse practitioner.  Vicki tne nurse practitioner used to lead the bypass group, but as has been reported she took employement elsewhere. 

In October, due to Vicki (the nurse) leaving, I had a combined support group meeting.  The November meeting (which I did not lead) was a combined support group meeting with guest speakers.  I believe the topic was holiday stress - but I was unable to attend so I might be wrong about that.

Here is the normal schedule.

1st Wednesday of each month - lapband/restrictive surgery support group
2nd Tuesday of each month - bypass/duodenal switch support group meeting

I think the plan is for a combined support group meeting again in December though - I will try to remember to post something once I confirm this with Srikanth's office.

Did that help or did I just confuse things more?


Starting weight: 240 Current weight: 130
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