Today's Get Together

NWScottie ..
on 9/7/08 2:46 am - WA
Hi Everyone.  I'm sorry I missed the get together and believe me I would rather have been with you.  We had a call from the in laws (out laws as I call them at times) and my MIL was upset that she has not seen us since July, so we had to go
But let me tell you what happen to me while I was there!  First let me say that my MIL is not the nicest person and she has ALWAYS been hard on me about my weight.  Always free with the "well you know if you would just...." Or "you should try doing this...."  You all know what I'm talking about.  WELLLLL  we were sitting and playing a game of Scrabble at the table when I went to lift my leg to sit on it, well all the sudden then chair made a noise and BROKE RIGHT OUT FROM UNDER ME!   I was so mortified.  Of ALL places that had to happen.  So I had to hear how I have gotten even fatter and that I REALLY need to try water aerobics or SOMETHING. 
I'm telling you... I could not get out of that house fast enough!   Let me say it is not like the chair went flat out from under me... it was more the joint from the back of the chair to the legs is what came out and can be fixed, but STILL .  So that was my day.. I told you I would rather have been with you all!

Good think I'm only DAYS away from surgery.

Karen F.
on 9/7/08 3:42 am - Renton, WA
Oh, Stacey, I SO sympathasize!  I had that happen several time at a women's group I used to go to (plast ic chairs where the legs would just bend outward if the occupant was too heavy.)  Of course I was with a group of supportive women whose main concern was that humiliation,  not with a MIL who would use it as an excuse to preach/nag some more.

I have a DIL who's always passing on suggestions like "I have a friend who lost 2 zillion pounds just by cutting back on his portion size," or the like.  She's naturally thin(and tall ), eats ice cream every night and doesn't have to restrict her eating habits at all.  She even stayed thin through her pregnancies.  There are so many people who see obesity as a character defect rather than a medical problem....and I have no room for them in my life.  But when they're relatives (even OUT-Laws) I guess we have to put up with them.

Just wait until you have your surgery and have all the wonderful changes happen to you that are ahead.  That should show her--unless she's one of those types whose attitude is, "well, if you weren't so weak you wouldn't have NEEDED that surgery."  With some people you can't win.  I probably wouldn't ever tell her I'd had surgery.

on 9/7/08 12:56 pm - Buckley, WA
Stacey , that is terrible . I have a friend who's s-i-l's & m-i-l do that to her , too . Next time , ditch the inlaws & come hang out with the fun people , instead . Doesn't sound like you can please the inlaws , so you won't have anything to lose . Woo Hoo !!! only a little over a week to go . Kathy


NWScottie ..
on 9/7/08 1:15 pm - WA
I told my DH that from now on, OH comes first.  I don't care if my in laws have not seen us.  I can't and don't want to deal with her.. for now.  No I have not told her (or anybody really) because she is ONE OF THOSE who see being obese is a flaw.  And the funny thing is... she is not exactly small herself. 
Anyway... yes just over a week.  I'm excited, nervous, and worried that I won';t know what to do once I get home!  Like when to switch from clear liquid to liquid to soft food etc..... *big sigh* 

See you guys soon!
And yes... I would be interested in doing a holiday get together... we should talk more about that

on 9/7/08 1:42 pm - Buckley, WA
I agree , Stacy , a holiday get together would be fun . Sounds like a little distance between you & the in laws would be a good idea . Especially at this point in your journey . No matter how prepared & calm you are , it seems like most people get stressed out in the week before . I know I was crazy . lol . And I had no qualms about the surgery . I was just fretting about everything . Who is your surgeon ? Mine was very clear about the stages of food post-op . It'll all work out . See ya at the next get together , I hope . Kathy


NWScottie ..
on 9/7/08 2:04 pm - WA
Dr. Lauter in Bellevue

Yes... I'm like you.. I have no qualms about the surgery, but I'm going to drive my DH nuts with all my little things going on in my head!.. Like the food stages.. He and my nut told me, but I'm worried I will forget!
I seem to worry about the little stuff

on 9/7/08 2:31 pm - Buckley, WA
Well , take comfort in the knowledge that most of us have driven our loved ones crazy , right before our surgeries . lol . I'm not a crier , at all . The day before my surgery I drove my car through a drive through car wash & cried like a baby & didn't know why . lol . It'll be over soon . You won't forget what you're supposed to do . & you're only a phone call away from your Dr. It'll all be good . Kathy


on 9/7/08 3:08 am - Bremerton, WA


The pictures are so Great! ... and I even figured out how to upload my picture to my avitar....

Thanks so much!!!


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

on 9/7/08 12:38 pm - Buckley, WA
Helen , you look a lot more like your avatar , now . lol . I don't know why , but I was expecting you to be older . That's what I get for thinking . lol . I think it's the stereo type . Knitting kitty & you being a quilter , I guess equalled older person in my mind . It was great meeting you . Kathy


Nicki H.
on 9/7/08 3:54 am - WA
Lap Band on 08/12/08 with
Hi All!  I was there but.....made the mistake of bringing my kids who had plans of their own.  And since I have a 3 yr old I kinda gotta stick to him like glue.  But we were at the picnic site for a bit.  My little one was sooo intrigued with the 2 boys playing catch.  just when I thought I could turn and meet some of you, my potty training child decided to pee his pants standing on the picnic bench. SO....we had to go to the car to change clothes.  Needless to say, next time the little one stays with daddy

I delivered 6 weeks early a 5lb 15oz lil boy:)  After spending 2 months on bed rest in the hospital and Mason spending 11 days in the NICU, we're both home and doing great!  Mason is getting bigger and gaining weight like he should.  Now it's my turn to lose this weight!  It's tough to get back on the band wagon...I CAN do this!

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