WOW overload

Starting Over
on 6/29/08 1:33 am

"Hi, my name is SeattleChick and I'm an addict. A wow moment addict." We have shared alot of WOW moments with each other and it's always cool to hear about. I love sharing my WOW moments with you guys because my "always thin" friends & family don't always understand why I'm so excited about the little things since my WLS.

Well, I finally realized that I think I have a problem. I'm so addicted to these wow moments! I'm kind of scared about what will happen when I hit my final goal weight. Will I go into a deep depression for lack of WOW moments? How do you guys feel about this? Any comments for those of you who have met goal? Anyhoo, I had a HUGE wow moment yesterday. Actually, I just had a WOW day. Let me share: One of my friends is in a band, and I previously posted about being on stage with them briefly to help sing a song (that was a big WOW). Well, I was asked to be in the band's music video which started shooting yesterday. In a few of the scenes I had to be on the back of a motorcycle with some guy. I have never been on a motorcycle in my life (my weight would have NEVER allowed that). And would you believe I did it? I DID IT!!! In the back of my mind I kept thinking, what if i'm too heavy and tip the bike over, what if I don't fit, what if I'm too fat and the bike doesn't move. Just all of these crazy thoughts that we're all so used to having because our weights held us back in the past. Well none of those things happened.  Once we were done I was so emotional, but I was in a crowd of guys so I held it in. However now typing all this makes me SO emotional! Things that I never thought possible, because of my weight, are starting to happen to me. Things I could never do, I can do! I feel so amazing and yet so sad. I have missed out on so much in my life because I was fat (ok, I'm still fat, but whatever). How could I let that happen?

Anyhoo, I've just typed all of this because I really feel like I'm on WOW overload and I'm scared that one day it will end.

on 6/29/08 1:39 am - MT
that's interesting "wow moment addict"  i guess an idea is to keep adding goals and it may not even have to be weight-related goals    can be other goals relating to career, hobby, friends.  Keep plugging away and be happy... and   sometimes   what goes up goes down,   I prepare myself for that as to "well i did alot of good things"  "this downer" is not going to keep me down,  I'll just brush myself off and get up and  keep plugging away.
on 6/29/08 2:37 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
I am sure the wows will slow down but depening on your outlook they never have to stop.  I would write down a list of all your wows so when and if you hit a dry spell, you can look back and relive those wonderful moments. Btw in a music video??  That is a total WOWIE ZOWIE!!   If it comes out on U-tube you better link us! I am so proud of you for doing what you want instead of letting your fears hold you back!!
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

Starting Over
on 6/29/08 3:55 am
Thanks J! That's a really great idea. I think I'll go out and buy a cute little journal today (or better yet, start a wowo scrapbook) so that I can have all of my wow moments in physical form. To look at when the wow's slow down I can still look back at them and be proud of myself. And I'll keep you posted about the video.
on 6/29/08 3:59 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Now a wow scrapbook thats taking it to the next level!   What a wonderful idea!  I think wanting to make a scrapbook about your wows is a WOW all by its self!
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 6/29/08 8:16 am - Tacoma, WA
I do understand what you are saying.  In the early stages of the weight loss journey it can seem like there is at least one wow a day.  The wows do slow down.  But they don't ever really go away.   For example: Two weeks ago while walking in Dallas (work trip) a gentleman was driving down the road, saw me walking and turned his car around to drive back and try to pick me up.  I politely declined, but let me tell you it felt like a WOW moment.  I mean, I'm 45 years old - I'm not really used to guys trying to pick me up just because they saw me walking - in exercise clothes no less! Then there is the continual wow of knowing that I wear a size 4.  A FREAKIN' SIZE 4!!!  In fact, I am so confident of my size that I picked up a pair of size 4 shorts at Fred Meyer's Friday evening and bought them without even trying them on.   I guess I am saying to enjoy your WOW moments now but don't worry about them stopping.  They really do keep coming. Have a great day!
Starting weight: 240 Current weight: 130
Starting Over
on 7/2/08 4:15 pm
Thanks for the inspiration Vicki. First of all, a size four? WOW Second, you are right. I can continue to have wow's. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget what pre-op life was like...nor do I want to. As long as I keep that in mind, I can WOW
on 7/1/08 2:58 am - WA

Lets say eventually you get to your goal weight or maybe even below it, heck even to the point where any more lose would be unhealthy... then what.   Some of your wow moments are just a number on a scale but have to do with doing things you couldn't before... riding a motorcyle.  That is where you can continue to get your wow moments.  Start running or bicycling or... and keep track of distances and times.   Three years after you have had your last weight loss wow you can still be doing things that you haven't done before and that back when you were MO you couldn't. 

Starting Over
on 7/2/08 4:13 pm

Thanks Brent. You're so right, the wow's don't have to stop when the weight loss stops.


on 7/2/08 12:39 pm - Tacoma, WA
That is just too cool!!!  Singing with the band, being in the video, riding a motorcylce - very fun WOW moments!!  I really appreciate Vicki's and Brent's responses - those WOW moments don't have to end with just a number on the scale...  So many things we can all do now that we couldn't before WLS - and probably wanted to do!!!  And you are not still fat!!!  :)  You are looking FABULOUS!!



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