3 months today plus it's my Birthday !!

on 6/13/08 1:23 pm - Mt Vernon, WA
I have been so bad that I have not been on here more. My husband got deployed and with him gone, I have had no time at all. Today is my 3 month surgery anniversary plus added bonus it's my birthday. I have have a little bit of a hard time battling constant UTI;s (urinary tract infections) and had to be referred to a Urologist. I had a CT this week and have to have a scope of my bladder monday. With all of that I have not been eating hardly anything and working hard on getting all my protein in. Since my surgery 3 months ago I have lost a total of 82 pounds !! That is just insane to me and I am at a weight now I have not been at in so very long. All my co-workers tell me that i am vanishing before thier eyes,and it is true. I know I should not be losing this fast but I feel good just tired a little bit more. The new pics I have posted were taken for my love who is deployed so they are very cheese cake..hahaha! I still the fat girl looking back at me in the mirror but hope that will change in the future. I still want to lose 30 more pounds, but it will come and the exercising I am doing will help. I was asked the other day if I would do it all again and the answer is YES,YES,YES !!
I am on a journey...to get back to real me! I als.o want to learn as much as possible and make as many friends as possible
on 6/13/08 2:07 pm - Tacoma, WA
Happy Birthday, Melissa!!!  And a very big congratulations on the 82 pounds lost - that is fabulous!  You look marvelous and I'm sure Brandon enjoyed getting those "cheesecake" pictures of you.  :)  Sure doesn't look like you need to lose 30 more pounds as you look wonderful right where you are.  Sorry to hear you've been battling UTI's but hopefully they'll figure out what's going on there and get you feeling better.  It's so good to hear that you would go through the surgery again - especially knowing how apprehensive you were going into it!!  So good to see you on the boards again - I know it's hard to find the time sometimes and I'm not on here nearly as much as I used to be.  Again, congrats on the great weight loss and I hope your birthday has been a great day and wish you all the best in the year ahead! Hugs!!



on 6/18/08 2:16 pm - Mt Vernon, WA
Thank you so much Nancy! I am getting stronger and doing better with the UTI's so far. I have not gotten the results on all my test but I will keep you posted. You are so sweet and always so kind to check in on me, hope that all is well with you. I hope you will be able to make the July get together, would be great to visit with you. This time I will not be in pain and a ugly hospital gown...ha-ha! The pictures are decieving, I really do need to lose 30 lbs but I am not worried about it coming off. I know with the exercising and time I will get there. Talk to you soon my angel! Hugs ~Melissa
I am on a journey...to get back to real me! I als.o want to learn as much as possible and make as many friends as possible
on 6/13/08 2:16 pm - Buckley, WA
I just posted , on the get together thread , to you . lol . I happened to check your profile & saw that it's your birthday . Happy Birthday ! You look fantastic . I agree with Nancy , You don't look like you need to lose 30 pounds . Happy B.D . Kathy


on 6/18/08 2:23 pm - Mt Vernon, WA
Kathy, Thank you for the well wishes and the compliment. Pictures can be decieving, but I still need to lose more. Im not worried i know with time I will reach my goal. I look forward to seeing you at the July get together. I will reply to your other post in just a sec...lol Talk to you soon ~Melissa
I am on a journey...to get back to real me! I als.o want to learn as much as possible and make as many friends as possible
on 6/13/08 2:19 pm - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Holy smokes girl 82 lbs!?!  That is amazing!  I am forced to say a bit jealous too!  LOL  Just kidding (mostly).  Sorry to hear you are having problems with bladder infections, are you able to keep hydrated?  Maybe you can start adding a little cranberry juice to your diet.  Either way I sure hope they are able to figure out whats going on. I love your cheese cake pics, taking photos that  look great is an amazing talent.  I would like to take a class and learn how someday. Now keep coming back so we can see how you are and you better be taking good care of yourself in your down time. Happy Birthday!!!
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 6/18/08 2:37 pm - Mt Vernon, WA
Jillian, Thank you hunny bunny! I do drink cranberry juice but at times it is to hard on the tummy. I will add water to it at times so it wont be so rough. I hope you are doing good and that all is well. Your hubby is gone too so you understand how it can get so crazy during this time. You are doing great with your weight loss and right up there with me. I cant wait till July when we can meet face to face. I will give you all the photography tips or advice you want. Stay in touch and stay strong! Hugs ~Melissa
I am on a journey...to get back to real me! I als.o want to learn as much as possible and make as many friends as possible
Shelley S.
on 6/14/08 1:42 am - Ft Lewis, WA
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And very big congrats on your success!!!
on 6/18/08 2:20 pm - Mt Vernon, WA
Thank you Shelley ! I keep tabs on you and your progress, check your website and love to read all the helpful things you have on there. I hope that we will meet at the July get together and that we have some sunshine that day..lol Take care and keep up the good work. Melissa
I am on a journey...to get back to real me! I als.o want to learn as much as possible and make as many friends as possible
Brandy L.
on 6/15/08 11:47 am - Baudour , Belgium
Hi !!! You are doing fantastic and looking asolutely amazing!!!!! WOW!!! I love your new photos and I am sure your hubby is extremely proud of you!  I still see the fat girl in the mirror when  I look at it too. My hubby (yes he's deployed) just doesn't understand and he gets sooo mad sometimes when I try to explain it to him. The only thing I can do is try to take him to a support group meeting with me, and  help him understand when he gets back. He says if I am in the size of clothes I am there is nothing I shouldn't be feeling good about.  Ugggh.. Men. I too want to lose about 30-35 more pounds and its seems to be the hardest to lose. I decided to join a local gym around the corner from my house because driving to base 4-5 times a weeks was killing me on gas with the prices the way they are these days.  Also.. I just got your message. I haven't been around a whole lot either. But I definately think doing photos for everyone at our next get-together would be a blast. Take care, Brandy

RNY - 03/07/2007 ;  LBL & BL - 11/7/2008

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