The hunger is BACK?!?

Starting Over
on 6/3/08 1:48 pm

Is there anyone that has experienced this around my stage?

I'm about 6.5 months out and after I hit my 100 lbs lost mark back in April my body went into a stall. I have only lost 12 lbs since April 1st! My weight has been fluctuating between three and four pounds, but I haven't had any significant loss. I have to admit that I haven't had a strict workout routine. I think I just kind of got relaxed in the fact that I have been more active, and tried to substitute that for "exercise". However, over memorial day weekend I went on a 12 mile bike ride with my hubby, and over that weekend I ended up GAINING 3 pounds! It was so heartbreaking.

I have also noticed that I can start to feel my pouch more. I know exactly when I'm full, and I can feel when my pouch has emptied. No matter what I eat (I have tried to stick to proteins first), I am automatically hungry again as soon as my pouch empties! I'm sure most of this is head hunger...but it's so difficult to overcome.

I have a follow up appt with my surgeon next week and I know he's not going to be happy with the fact that I've only lost about 10 lbs since I saw him last. So, if you have experienced any of this, how are you handling it, or how did you overcome it? I know that I have been "too busy" to be active in OH, and I haven't been going to my surgeon's support groups. I guess I need to remember that this tool doesn't work itself. *sigh*

on 6/3/08 2:14 pm - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Wish I could help you, my hunger is starting to pop up once in a while.  Better get to your support group, I always leave so motivated. As far as your weight loss goes your getting to that point where things slow down a bit, you've done great so far and I am sure that it will pick back up!! Are you eating enough?? Take care!
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 6/3/08 2:35 pm - Tacoma, WA
I agree with Jill that it sounds like you are experiencing "normal" stuff - but I know it can still be frustrating!  I'm about a month behind you, but have found that I'm feeling hunger more lately than before.  I have found that if I get all my protein shakes and water in, that helps tremendously.  And if you have lost 112 pounds, you are doing GREAT!!!  I can't imagine that your surgeon will be unhappy with your progress...  I do think that if you can start getting a regular exercise routine going that you might find it will help kickstart your weight loss again.  Do you have a lot more you want to lose to get to goal?  That can have an impact on how you are losing - it seems the closer to goal, the slower the weight loss can be.  Definitely also get back to the support groups - those are a lifesaver for me and I wish I had more that I could go to locally!!  :)  Just hang in there and use your tool - you're doing great!!!



Starting Over
on 6/3/08 2:42 pm
Thanks Nancy. I do still have a ways to go before I get to my goal. About 80 lbs or so. I think I'll try to up my water though. Great suggestion. My surgeon wants me to have atleast 70-80 grams of protein a day NOT including the protein that I get from food. I usually get around 90 grams of protein a day from my protein drinks. But I haven't been watching my water. I'll give it a try!
on 6/3/08 2:57 pm - Tacoma, WA
Sounds like your surgeon has similar ideas to mine - I'm supposed to get about 90 grams of protein from shakes.  He doesn't care if I eat any food or not!!!  :)  As long as I get the protein shakes and all the vitamins/supplements in, he's happy.  But I do like to have a little food!  I'm sure this stall is just temporary and you'll get back to losing regularly soon!  Hang in there!!



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