I can't stop eating

Amanda S.
on 4/28/08 12:52 am - shelley, ID
Hi everyone,   I am an emotional eater, and right now I am very stressed out and cannot stop eating. I have a desk job, and as I sit here I think of all the things I should be doing to distract myself from eating, but when you are bound to a desk it's hard.    I am hoping when the move is over and I find a job in Washington this emotional eating will be better, but I would rather get it under control now.    I have never lived more than 10 minutes from my family before and now I'm moving 3,000 miles away. One of my nephews is like my own son and he is literally hysterical every time he sees me since I told him I'm leaving.  He cries and screams and begs me not to leave him. It's breaking my heart.  (he even asked me if he could come live with me, that I could be his mom. I DID NOT tell my SIL this, and really hope he doesn't say it in front of her!)  I also have a very good job here and I am scared I won't find one out there. I'm sure I'll find something,  but I'd like to use my degree and I'm having anxiety about finding a good job.   But, I'm moving for love which is the best reason to move. I'm sure everything is going to be fine and work out, but in the meantime I'm stressed and that means eating!  Thanks for letting me ramble, I'm sorry if this was a bit all over the place.... I'm trying to write so I can't hear the animal crackers in the vending machine call my name....


Christine D.
on 4/28/08 1:36 am - WA
Hi Amanda,  I live in WA.  I know what you are talking about stress eating!  It's so hard to stop.  But you know the catch... Stay Busy!  I am a stay at home wife, but stay busy on our farm.  Unless it rains, then becaue of my arthritis, I am limited what I can do outside while it rains or is cold.  When I am stuck in the house, it's hard for me to not think I am hungry all the time.  What part of WA are you moving too?  I live an hour N. or Portland, OR.  What kind of job are you looking for?  If I can help, I will try my best.... Good luck... stay busy!  :-)        Christine
Amanda S.
on 4/28/08 1:51 am - shelley, ID
Hi Christine,  Oh you are so lucky! It's my dream to live on lots of land. I'm glad for the most part you are able to stay busy and beat the head hunger. Sorry about your athritis though, that can't be fun.   I am moving to Dupont, I suppose I should change my location to say that, although I won't be there for another month.   Right now I work as a trauma registrar/medical coder/bariatric registrar at a hospital in Boston. I would like  any job that had to do with medical records, that way I am at least still somewhat in my field.    Thank you so much for your support, it means alot!


Susan O.
on 4/28/08 10:51 am - Tacoma, WA
RNY on 06/27/07 with
Hi Amanda!     Your reason for moving is also what brought me to WA  - although my love and I have lived all over the world since then! We are back in WA for at least a few more years now.     I just saw an ad in the paper yesterday for a referral coordinator - about the closest thing to records I could find. www.tramedicalimaging.com is their site.    The Tacoma paper site is www.thenewstribune.com/careerbuilder Next week they may have a bigger ad section on healthcare, as it seems they usually do around Nurse's Day.     Good luck on your job hunt, and set the timer for your "3 animal cookie" break! You only get to set it twice a day!!   




RNY 6/2007   120 pounds lost - GOAL!!


on 4/28/08 1:38 am - Tacoma, WA
Hi, Amanda - First off, welcome to Washington!!!  Glad you got on this board - it really is a great one.  Like Shelley said, it may not move as quickly as the other ones, but we do support each other well!!  I'm a native Washingtonian and can tell you there's no place else I'd want to live.  It's beautiful here - in spite of the drizzly rain!  I can also understand your anxiety about moving away from family - that would be the hardest thing to do, but I'm sure you'll have their support to help you through... What is your degree in?  Since you'll be living in Dupont you will be very close to lots of state and federal jobs.  The state offices are just a bit south of Dupont in Olympia and you also have the military bases right by you (Ft. Lewis & McChord AFB).  Tacoma would not be a bad commute for you, either.  Seattle would be a bit far and I wouldn't want to make that commute, but lots of people do. I wish I had some words of wisdom about the emotional eating...  It is a problem for all of us, I think.  One suggestion I would make is to be sure you have lots of things to drink - water, Crystal Light, etc.  At least if your tummy is full of liquid you won't have that empty feeling...  Also - do you drink protein shakes?  That's something that was suggested to me to drink when feeling a need to eat something that you shouldn't be eating.  I also had a class with a nutritionist who gave some suggestions about dealing with cravings.  If you get a craving, stop and make yourself take a time out and write down why you want to eat, what the cir****tances are, etc.  If after doing that you will want that treat, make sure you get the best treat - the example was if you just have to have a donut, get a good Krispy Kreme one - not some day old thing in the company lunch room!!  And then just take enough of whatever it is to equal 4 bites.  Supposedly the first 4 bites are the ones that we get the enjoyment out of.  And of course, then stop after those 4 bites...  Now I have to say, I haven't had to put this to the test yet, but I suspect it's not as easy as it sounds!!  :) Anyway, just know that others care and can so relate to what you are going through...  Keep yourself busy and concentrate on the love that you are moving to Washington for!  Also, keep in mind how far you have come in this journey to better health...  I wish you all the best and again, welcome to Washington!!



Amanda S.
on 4/28/08 1:57 am - shelley, ID

 Thank you Nancy!

   I am a certified medical coder, but I don't have too much experience which is where my anxiety is coming from. It's a great field, IF you have experience, the trouble is getting someone to give you a chance. I do do a little bit in my current job, but not enough to impress anyone.

   That's great advice you gave about the emotional eating. I have not stopped to write down what or why I want to eat. I can't tolerate protein shakes, for some reason haven't been able to since surgery. Also an intersting theory about eating what you want but only 4 bites. I've never heard of that, I wonder if it works?

   Right now, I'm eating too much, but haven't really strayed too far from what we are supposed to eat. (animal crackers being the worst of it) I mostly just eat too much of the "good" stuff, which is just as bad! A calorie is a calorie after all.

 Thank you again for your support!



on 4/28/08 2:01 am - Tacoma, WA
Sounds like you are doing OK - I agree that too many calories aren't good even if making the right choices.  I kind of had a weekend like that!!    But all we can do is get back on track and do what we know we need to...  You'll be very close to Madigan Hospital (Military) as well as St. Clare Hospital in Lakewood and St. Peter Hospital in Lacey.  I would definitely recommend checking them out for jobs.  I don't know much about your job, but suspect you could also work in dr's offices.  Just keep those positive thoughts going - I'm sure you'll be able to find someone to take a chance on you and get you some good experience!!  Take care and keep in touch!



on 4/28/08 6:41 am - Olympia, WA
RNY on 03/03/08 with
Dear Amanda, Welcome to Wa...it is a really  a   great state....I'm in Olympia about 20 or 30 minutes from Dupont and we use Madigan a lot.... it really isn't that far...What brings you to Wa...why did you pick Dupont ? I'm not a native wa person we came here from Germany in 1985 and didcided to retire her 9 my husband was a army dentist...our kids had adjustments they did fine after the first year...I ony had my surgery March 3 08 and I'm still adjusting to everything ! this is a great website someone is always there to help and just listen which for me is really great....because I whine quite a bit I don't know why I just do!! when you get here let us know and maybe we can help something..I don't work I  like to send Bob out to do that.....so far he doesn't mind.....my best friend here is from the Boston area.....and her parents just moved here and they seem to be adjusting okay the winter weather is milder than the northeast...never very hot in the summer .....you can be out all summer which I love... because I grew up in the deep south..no snakes, no tornados, no big ugly bugs...and the san juan islands are really beautiful.....I did'nt mean to rattle...we're glad to have you here...!!! see you soon..... Bev

Amanda S.
on 4/29/08 12:46 am - shelley, ID

Hi Bev,   Thank you for your response! I picked Dupont because my boyfriend is stationed at Fort Lewis and lives in Dupont. The long distance thing has gotten very old (we miss each other so much!) and the traveling expense has just become too much, so we figured I should just move there. I love this website and I am on it several times a day. (not so much on weekends) Congrats on your recent surgery! It's such a great feeling to be changing your life for the better :)

It's very hot and humid here in the summer, and we get some pretty bad winters, so I'll be grateful for the change.  Thanks again for the response!


Merrilou Gronholdt
on 4/29/08 12:41 am - WA
Amanda, Welcome! sounds like you need to attend one of the support groups in your area. If you don't think Auburn is to far we would love to meet you. I host a small group and the next meeting is ay 13th. at 6:30 pm. (think fresh fruit) it is better than animal crackers! Merrilou (253) 939-8865 
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