I haven't fallen off the face of the earth...

Annie B.
on 4/21/08 8:54 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
Things have been very busy here lately.  I just wanted to come in and let you know that I've been trying to keep up on reading the posts here, but I just haven't had much time to respond. I'm finally starting to feel a bit better and getting a little more energy.  My weight loss has stalled (like for over a week!!) - actually the scale is going UP!! What's up with that??!?!?  So I've been a little discouraged...I'd measure myself to see if I've lost inches, but my boys broke my tape measure! Anyway, I feel like all this was just to lose 50 pounds...ugh!!!   Anyway, we will find out this week where we will be moving to...we also found out that it most likely won't be until January that we do move...so I'm on pins and needles now waiting to find out where we'll go!!  We are getting two choices - and we'll get those choices at some point before the end of the week - so it could be anytime between now and 4:30pm on Friday...why do they torture us like this?  At least when I thought we weren't going to find out until July, I was anxious but not on edge like this. Anyway, I hope you guys are all doing well...and I'd love a get-together sometime, though my Saturdays are pretty booked with t-ball games.  Yep, my five year old started t-ball - and his games start on Saturday - and most are around noon or 1:45 or so...why do they do them SO STINKIN' Late???  It kind of ruins the whole day!!  At least if the game was done by 11am, we'd still have the rest of the day.   Well, I better go...I'm pretty tired, and I need to get the kids ready for t-ball practice. ~Annie

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

on 4/21/08 11:13 am

I am so glad you are starting to feel better.  I hear ya on the stalling. I am so glad to hear that it is happening to others as well. My weight loss has totally slowed down. I went almost 2 weeks w/out losing anything. It is very annoying. I have learned to not weigh myself often because I get kinda discouraged. My mom, and sister both had gastric bypass 3 years ago, and they both remember stalling . My mom said that she was thinking she was gonna be one of those people it would'nt work for. Thats how bad her stalling was. But she lost over 120 pnds, and is now weighs 130pnds. So that helps me to get thru this slowdown stage. I have lost 50 so far. I actually bought a new pair of levis the other day, and fit into a size 12! I was so excited. I was in the dressing room calling my mom, and sister to tell them the miraculus news. It was funny. I havent been in a size 12 in a long time. Before surgery I was an 18 so I have lost 6 sizes so far. Surgery was deffinetly harder than I was expecting, but I am so glad I did it. Well I hope your scale will jump soon, and keep up the good work! Amy

Shelley S.
on 4/21/08 12:06 pm - Ft Lewis, WA
HI there stranger!! Good to see you post, I've been thinking about you.  I hope you guys get where you want to go, and yes the wait SUCKS  lol I'm glad to see you are feeling better and don't worry about that scale, it will move, I've stalled too and I hear its very very normal.  Just keep your chin up and it will happen.
on 4/21/08 1:49 pm - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Glad to hear things are going so much better!  I hope you hear soon about your new duty station.  I can't stand waiting either.  LOL As far as stalls go they are normal I have read that for some people they stall for a week or 2 and the lose for a week then stall again.  We will all see as time goes on what kind of wierd things our bodies will do.
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 4/21/08 3:28 pm - Tacoma, WA
Hi, Annie - Glad to see you back on the boards.  It was great seeing you at Vitalady's group a couple weeks ago - hard to believe it's been two weeks now!  It's good to hear that you are feeling a bit better and hoping you will feel better and better every day.  Don't worry about the stalls - they do happen and you will start losing again soon!  For me, it's best that I don't weigh myself often as I'd be too discouraged.  What works for me is to weigh just once or twice a month and then I'm usually pleasantly surprised at how things are going.  Just keep following your dr's plan and get tha****er in you and you'll do good.  It would be great to get together again, but Saturdays are busy times.  Have fun with the t-ball games!!  Take care and keep in touch! ~Nancy~



Terri Z.
on 4/22/08 12:55 am - Las Vegas, NV

Hi Miss Annie, So glad that you're doing better, but I am going into MOM mode and I am gonna yell at you!  Ready?' YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT LOSING 50 POUNDS? HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO If anything you should be jumping up and down with rah, rah, rah's..50 pounds is a lot.  Did you really think that you could or would lose more this soon after surgery? It will take about 1 year maybe more to lose all the weight, it took me 18 months to lose 197 pounds. The problem I see with everyone, including me, is. We all want the weight to come off 24 hours after surgery. or within 6 months and if it doesn't we think its not working anymore. The truth is WE are not making it work, it doesn't stop working (unless there is a leak) its a TOOL to help us to eat less. Everyone thinks that once I have the surgery I can eat what ever I want and still lose weight. Well good luck with that to. The number one reason why the doctor puts us on a liquid diet before surygery is to see if we can lose the weight, if you lose some then he/she knows you can do this the rest of your life, if you don't then they still know you will lose weight, but they know they we be seeing you in about a year or 2 to have a revision done. Weight loss surgery doesn't fail, we do just like we did at all them frigging diets we put ourselves on.... The problem is we either ate to much, drank to much, or went back eating the junk foods. Mine was going back and drinking diet pepsi and it made my pouch bigger. So, if you have'nt lost any weight in a week or so,its most likely what you are putting your you mouth. Stay aways from the rice, breads, grains and pasta, I don't care what the NUT. says it will slow your weight down, that is what they tell you to eat when you are 15 below your weight. So, drink your water, get your protein in and get your happy arse out there and walk, you still have to work at losing the weight, it just doesn't fall off..... Ok, out of MOM mode now.... Gosh I wish I was still there to see ya, I be over there and yelling at you...lol Hugs Good Luck Terri

on 4/22/08 4:15 am - Olympia, WA
RNY on 03/03/08 with
Dear Annie, It was  good to hear from you ...50 pds thats great.....I'm only down 32pds and I was a week after you.....Wkhat am I doing wrong...!!!! I know being 60 makes it harder....so I've started back to excersizing this week....I have a appointment with the clinic this afternoon then to the support meeting..maybe I can get back on track.....where did you ask to go ? I hope you get your first choice.... the waiting is the pits ! glad to hear you are doing so well . Bev

on 4/22/08 12:37 pm - Bremerton, WA
Hi Annie... I am so glad you are doing better!!! And that you have more energy! I am sure that 50# is not all you will lose!!!  How exciting that you find out this week where you are moving to.... I hope the choices you are given... are where you want to go! Re: A get together.... does sunday afternoon work for anyone?  Helen
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