Brandy L.
on 4/7/08 10:51 am - Baudour , Belgium
***Breaking NEWS!!!!*** My husband finally called to tell me that he is ok. He said it has been the worst attack probably ever at their base. He was right in the middle of the attacks and he said all he could do was help the injured soldiers. He said he saw things he never wished he had seen. And yes....even casualties. So please keep praying for the families of the fallen soldiers. The army lifted the NO communication ban for an hour to allow all soldiers to call home to their families, and they are back now into a no communication status. Our guys are extremely lucky, because most of them were not on the base when it was attacked, they were out on missions. Most of ours soldiers have no barracks to go back to, because they were hit, but I THANK GOD for keeping them safe. But it is still a very sad day...for we have lost a brother, a soldier. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE PRAYERS!  I LOVE YOU GUYS and for all the support and prayers I can never thank you enough!

RNY - 03/07/2007 ;  LBL & BL - 11/7/2008

on 4/7/08 11:32 am - ~, WA
Thank God he's okay and I thank God for men and women like your husband that our serving our country.  My heartfelt thanks go out to him and my prayers go out to them all! Kim

I childproofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!

on 4/7/08 1:12 pm - Mason co., WA
Oh Brandy, I am so very happy that your hubby os ok. he will need alot of support and understanding when he gets home, be prepared for some uneasy times after what he just went thru. I know, mine was in vietnam and he still has a hard time with it. remember we are here if you need anything.


Brandy L.
on 4/7/08 2:34 pm - Baudour , Belgium
THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! You guys... I was a complete mess last night, but I am doing much better this evening. I know things will be different after this...but I am just so happy that he is ok. He is the love of my life! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! Brandy

RNY - 03/07/2007 ;  LBL & BL - 11/7/2008

on 4/8/08 1:10 am - Bremerton, WA
Brandy... Thank you for the update... you , your husband and his fellow soldiers have been in my thoughts and prayers all day... I will keep praying!! Helen
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