Stupid Madigan Surgery Clinic!!!

Annie B.
on 3/26/08 12:48 pm - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
Thanks, Cindy...I may go in tomorrow...I'll let you guys know if I do.

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

Susan O.
on 3/26/08 9:41 am - Tacoma, WA
RNY on 06/27/07 with

Hi Annie!    Sorry you are still having so much trouble. I sure hope you have gotten the names of the good and the rotten people you are dealing with. The good deserve praise, and the bad deserve to be written up for their uncaring and callous behavior!     As far as your pain level - until you can truthfully say you are at a 4 or below on the 1-10 scale, you shouldn't worry about staying on the pain meds. Many people are on these meds for much longer periods at much higher doses and IF you ever did become addicted, they would help wean you off, not make you go cold turkey! Once you are able to maintain a 3-4 pain level without the meds, then try tylenol again. Use the kids chewables (even though you have to take half a bottle!****il you can swallow a capsule. The left side is where they insert all the instruments, and is the sore spot for  most everyone. My soreness lasted for 6-8 weeks, but luckily I did not have sharp pain - just felt like someone was taking a hunk of my insides and twisting. Ask the doc if you might have slower healing due to the blood thinner.     Call me if you would like me to go with you to your appt. You do not have to see a resident - insist on seeing a surgeon.  Many have found taking another WLS person in to help "encourage" the doctors to do something has worked wonders!       Take care and hope to hear from you soon.



RNY 6/2007   120 pounds lost - GOAL!!


Annie B.
on 3/26/08 12:45 pm - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
Hey susan!  Thanks for your response.  My pain most times is a 5-6, sometimes a 7...and occasionally higher.  Like today when I couldn't stand up straight and had a hard time walking because of the pain - I would have called that a 9-10!!  But then when I'm not moving around, my pain is sometimes non existent...but then things happen and I move...I can't sit or lie totally still for too long LOL.  I'm hoping to be at the Madigan support group tomorrow night.  Thanks for your offer to come with me to the dr.!  That's really nice of you to offer - I really appreciate it!

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

Brandy L.
on 3/26/08 2:31 pm - Baudour , Belgium
I am really upset. I wanted to go to the Madigan support group tomorrow night but my sitter just cancelled on me! I am soo bummed. I don't know who else to get to watch my daughter. I have another friend but her kid has the mumps so she's out of the question.  I really want to go dang it! DAMN DEPLOYMENTS!!!! Brandy

RNY - 03/07/2007 ;  LBL & BL - 11/7/2008

Annie B.
on 3/29/08 1:56 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
Well, I went in on Friday - glad I did.  They said everything looks fine, I don't have any signs of infection, and that that area has a lot of stuff pushed and pulled getting the instruments in and such.  And there are a lot of nerves there and probably a lot of bruising inside - which is causing the pain.  They gave me a ton of tylenol and a huge bottle of oxycodone.  Told me to take the oxy when I need to for lots of pain, but should take the tylenol regularly.  They also told me that I should come THERE and NOT to talk to Meg....and the dr assured me he would make sure all the nurses understood the procedure for post ops.

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

on 3/29/08 4:06 pm
            I am sooo glad you got taken care of! I have been thinking of you lots. Hopefully the pain  will subside soon! try to relax, and take it easy!
on 4/1/08 2:50 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hey annie if you are having this much pain dont call just go in as a walkin and be seen. I had painsin my larger incision for months. I still do at times. i had to take pain pills for a few months because i couldnt sleep at night and the pains hurt on my sides. I am a side sleeper. Go in and be seen and dont call meg there is nothing that she can do and if you cant be seen by dr seebesta then ask for a nother surgeon at pt. rep. that is what they are there for . For you and i guarantee you you will get some action. Kimmee
on 4/3/08 12:27 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Hey Annie hows it going?? Gettin any better?
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

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