Stupid Madigan Surgery Clinic!!!

Annie B.
on 3/26/08 2:46 am, edited 3/26/08 2:47 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
Ugh!  I'm so angry!!!!!!

I called yesterday because I was concerned about the pain I was in still...I'm new at this whole surgery thing, and wanted to make sure things were ok.  Sounds reasonable doesn't it?  So I called yesterday, talked to this very nice nurse.  Explained everything.  She agreed that I probably shouldn't still be taking Oxycodone at four weeks post - op.  I was concerned about the addictive quality of it, but also I needed something for pain!  She said she'd talk to Dr. Sebesta that afternoon and call me back.  

Well, I never did get a call back, so I called this morning.  I had to re-explain everything to a different nurse, who basically said if the Oxy is working, keep taking it.  And what was it that I was needing?  He didn't understand.  I told him I was new at all this and concerned about having so much pain - and I needed to know if this was normal...if I should still be taking the oxycodone or what.  He also said that I can try tylenol as well.  I asked if they can prescribe the liquid tylenol, but he said that it's the same as the kid's stuff in the stores, and I would have to come in and be evaluated in order to get it prescribed to me.  So unfortunately the couple of times early on I tried the tylenol, it made me really nauseated, so dh threw it away!!!  Then he tells me if I have any other questions I need to call Meg.  WTF?!!!?!?!?  When did MEG ever say she was there for post-op support.  Like I WANT to call her.  She didn't make for a very friendly post-op support person to call.

UGH!!! I'm SO ANGRY right now.  He basically told me - don't call us anymore - call Meg.

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

Shelley S.
on 3/26/08 3:39 am - Ft Lewis, WA
I actually saw your post first on the main board, but take yourself up there as a walk in, they WILL see you! Meg isn't for aftercare, only preop from what I was told.
on 3/26/08 3:49 am - Tacoma, WA
Oh, Annie...I'm so sorry you are still having so much pain and are not getting the help you need.  I agree completely with Shelley - get out to Madigan and be seen by someone!  I'm not familiar with the military hospital protocols so hopefully you can insist on being seen.  I don't blame you for being concerned about staying on the oxycontin - it doesn't seem like a good thing to me, but I'm no medical professional.  Take care and let us know how you are doing...  You're in my thoughts and prayers...



Annie B.
on 3/26/08 5:17 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
Thanks Nancy....yeah...the main thing I called about this time, was just to touch base, let them know I'm still in a lot of pain, and make sure they know - and to find out if it was normal.  Also to voice my concern about being on oxycodone so long.  I'm not sure if I have the energy for dealing with them today - maybe I'll go over tomorrow - but then I was in already last week *sigh*.  I'm in quite a bit of pain now - I was sitting outside while my friend was cleaning some stuff up.  I went to stand up, and had a really hard time because of the pain - I couldn't stand up straight it was so bad!!

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

on 3/26/08 3:56 am
Wow.. Meg??? Why in the world would they have you call her??  Obviously you have talked to a couple of jerks. I would call back up there, and demand to be seen. You have the right as a patient to get care. And if for some reason they still wont help you then yeah march your butt in there, and say fine now will you see me?? I was up there 3 times after my surgery for pain. They checked me out and gave me pain meds to help deal with the pain every time. I saw Eggbrotten (spelling?) the last time I was up there, and he was the nicest guy. He basically just said that some people are in alot more pain than others, and some there pain last alot longer as well. He gave me pain meds,and said if it is necesary then take them. He said you shouldnt have to suffer in pain. I would def file a complaint about them telling you to call Meg. That is just ridiculous! Well I hope you are feelling better soon. Remember It was 6 weeks till I was almost pain free. So it will get better, but you do need to have somthing for those times that you are dying in pain. Let me know what happens. Amy P.S. liquid tylenol totally makes me sick too, and it really did'nt help w/my pain
Annie B.
on 3/26/08 5:21 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
I know...I was thinking...that same thing.  Meg wasn't even very good support PRE-op!  My husband was getting ready to call over there and complain about it.   Last week when I was there, they were going to give me something different, but it was pill form, and I STILL have an issue with pills! Where was your pain...mine is a very sharp stabbing pain about 4-5 inches left of my belly button...right on that same level.  You know, it was just I was concerned about it - wanted to make sure that there's nothing really wrong with me...that's why I was calling...and I got this crap from a jerk! *sigh* Anyway, thanks amy!

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

on 3/26/08 4:21 pm
My pain was in exactly the same spot that you describe. I told my husband that I sometimes felt like I was being stabbed, and then it would start burning. Very weird, but I read that it is very common to have that type of pain on your left side because that is where they put the biggest instrument in. Well I hope that you get thru to them and go see the doctor. You should'nt have to be suffering all because they don't know how to run things over there! Amy
Brandy L.
on 3/26/08 7:25 am - Baudour , Belgium
Annie, Did yuur doctor not give you a card with his direct line and email address to contact him at if you ever had any problems. I had one problem and called my doctor and left him a message and he called me back wthin 2 hours. I was very impressed. I am soo grateful for the card and ease of getting a hold of him. I have an appointment next week for my 1 month appt, and I actually either have some swelling or fluid build up near where the drain was. I hope you get some answers and never settle for a crappy one. Keep calling and be persistant! You gotta be! Also call Tricare and see how soon they can get you in sometimes next day..! You never know but it's worth a try. Good luck. Brandy 

RNY - 03/07/2007 ;  LBL & BL - 11/7/2008

Annie B.
on 3/26/08 7:54 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with are SO lucky.  I didn't get anything like that.  UGH!!!  I know I can go in as a walk-in, but I just didn't have the energy for it today. *sigh*

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

on 3/26/08 7:58 am - Mason co., WA
I'm sorry for the S*** they are putting you through, I agree with them all, get your self in there and be seen or go to the E.R. they have to see you there if you go in. I can see maybe a little pain still, but not like what your experiencing. get some answers. I hope you start feeling better real soon.


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