What foods are you tolerating well...

Annie B.
on 3/14/08 11:33 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
Hey...I thought it might be helpful for all of us if we could post what we are tolerating well...I know we're all different, but it might help if we can get some ideas. For me, most things make me nauseated, so getting ideas on what has been alright for others will be helpful. For me...cheese has done well (very well chewed of course - and eaten slowly) Refried beans with cheese Sugar free popsicles and fudgesicles Right now, I am trying cottage cheese for the first time, and it's going down well so far! I have loved water for as long as I can remember, but recently it has started tasting kind of funny for me, so I have started using crystal light - and that has helped a lot. I had to dilute it more than what they say on the package - I have the crystal light to go - and it says 8 oz of water - I had to do approx 10 oz - it was too strong otherwise (I used to use LESS water than the package says lol).

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

on 3/15/08 3:39 am - WA
Annie glad to see you posting! How are you feeling?  For me I am now use propel.  It has just the right amount of flavor.  Today is my day to start on tuna, chicken salad, cottage cheese mechanical soft is what they call it.  My Dr has a strict post op diet for a month where you slowly 1 week at a time introduce different foods back in.  I am 2 weeks post op and that has worked really well.    I am actually going out to dinner tonight to get out of the house yipee.  Time with DH and away from kids.  Hope some of this helps.
on 3/15/08 4:36 am - Olympia, WA
RNY on 03/03/08 with
Last night was bad!!!!I tried to take that stool softner that you  suck out of the casule ! big big mistake.........I gaged and starting throwing up  I was sick all night another night in the chair ! I'm tried of feeling so bad......4 days are good and 3 are really bad.....it has to turn around soon.....I guess I just need to whine......thanks for listening....tuna and chicken salad I want your diet.....take care......back to the crystal light....Bev

S Andrews
on 3/15/08 3:04 pm - eatonville, WA
Bev, I'm so sorry to hear your having a hard time. I  know this seems like it will never pass but in several months it will seem like it never happened and your weight will just fall off in the mean time so just hang in there. Things will  be better soon for you. How did you like Madigan? I have a date with one of the surgeons to talk about a revision so am hoping it all goes ok. Hugs Sharon
on 3/15/08 5:07 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Nothing right now!!  I am drinking fluids but everything I eat is hurting.  We will see how Dennys goes!!
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 3/15/08 9:32 am
Hey Annie! I am just now starting to venture out into somewhat normal food. it has been 6 weeks now, and I honestly haven't really gotten nauseated with anything just kinda painfull with the food getting stuck on the way down(my fault!). My absolute favorite food so far has been campbells chicken & stars soup. It is so satisfying, and the stars are so tiny so it goes down easy. You should try it if you have'nt! Hope everything else is going good for you. Congrats on your weight loss so far!
on 3/15/08 2:41 pm - WA
Grandma sorry to hear that you are having a bad time.  The reason my diet is probally diffrent is because I have the lapband.  I am supposed to blender things but still is decent even when ground up.  Had scallops and shrimp tonight and feeling fine.
Annie B.
on 3/17/08 2:08 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
I had duck yesterday.  It was very tender and juicy...I just chewed until it was pureed form - which wasn't hard since it was so tender.  I ate 1 1/4 oz of it...which was probably a little too much...but it didn't make me nauseated or sick at all!

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

Starting Over
on 3/21/08 1:28 am
ground chicken is lovely...any other form of cooked chicken is a nightmare for me!lol My pouch LOVES tuna, however during my pureed food stage, I ate mostly refried beens and cheese, split pea soup, and lentils. I never even knew that I liked split peas or lentils. Now I love 'em...and they REALLY high in protein.
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