How is all our new post-ops doing??? Jill, Bev, Shelly, Annie etc...

Brandy L.
on 3/13/08 9:18 am, edited 3/13/08 9:19 am - Baudour , Belgium
I was going to send individual messages to everyone but I thouht everyone wants to know!!! So how is everyone doing? Are you guys feeling better? Are you able to keep food down? if so what types of food...this can help all of us. Also how have all your first post-op appt's gone? Anyone down any weight??? Come on ladies...lets hear from you!!! As for me. I am doing better. The doctor told me today to slow down a bit because I was overdoing it a little. Tomorrow I will be one week out and my post-op appt is on Monday. I was worried because I was draining like 300-350 cc a day, and the doctor just said its because I am being really active. Well duh... I have a 3 year old. My mom had to go back home so now its up to I do get completely worn out. As for today...after a very bad start to the day...and my daughter getting sick 3 times I finally am laying down trying to relax. I am not doing so great on getting the protein in but I still try. I can keep down the SF popsicles, SF Fudge Popsicles, flavored water, SF jello pudding and jell-o... and yikes I finally tried some mashed potatoes... I needed something girls. Broths aren't working for me at all. I just keep throwing them up so I will try them again later but I just can't force myself to eat something that makes me sick.  (The doc told me not to worry about the protein this week just try to get something down me...yeah...thank god) I did have one major coughing fit out of the blue last night... I literally thought I was going to die ... it hurt soo dang much. Last time I weighed was 2 days ago and I was down 5 pounds. So I hope it keeps coming off. That's about it....Now what about yall???? Brandy 

RNY - 03/07/2007 ;  LBL & BL - 11/7/2008

on 3/13/08 1:08 pm - WA

Congrats on the weight loss!  I am going to be like your doc and say, take it easy if you can! 

on 3/13/08 2:16 pm - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
I agree with dr Brandy take it easy and don't push the protein right now.  It takes a long time to get protein deprived so do the best you can.  You can also have watered down apple juice too, have you tried a yogurt drink?  I mixed a few instant potato flakes in my broth with some pepper thickened it up a bit and that helped too. I hear you on the coughing bit, last week I had a bad cold with lots of coughing involved still hurt a lot!! Otherwise I am doing well, today was really great worked today and had energy leftover to go grocery shopping and chores around the house. As far as eats go today I had some salad shrimp with a little ****tail sauce.  YUMMMY
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

Terri Z.
on 3/14/08 3:09 am - Las Vegas, NV
Hi Brandy, Congrats on the weight lost. I don't understasnd why you are eating mashed potato's? I was told that is a no-no this early. I know things have changed a little since I had my Rny, but my first 2 months I had to stay away from any type of rice, grains, bread, pasta, even mashed potato's. I was told that would streach my pouch out, I never ate any of that until I was 6 years out and then when I was able to keep that stuff down I did streach my pouch out. I guess I am old school now. haha.. But if you can eat food now, I would start out with cottage cheese, or other types of cheese that you like, also deli meat, chicken, turkey. yogurt yoplat lite is good, eggs, anything that has high protein in it that you can keep down. another question, are you getting hunger pains? I am 8 years out and I still don't get hungry, my pouch will feel tight when I need to eat, but I don't have that hunger feeling, when I start to graze its because I am bored, most times I forget to eat, I know not good. Ok, U have a great weekend, keep drinking your water, try not to over do it, I know its hard with a 3 year old. but you have to be careful, you don't want to over do it... Hugs Terri
Shelley S.
on 3/14/08 3:18 am - Ft Lewis, WA
Wanted to pop in, I finally hooked up the net here at the place on post so I should be able to be here more often. I got my drain on on Wednesday and that has helped a lot.  Every day the soreness is a little less, sadly though I am still in my recliner because I can't sleep on my side in the bed yet because of soreness. A few good things for me is...I am down to only one blood pressure medication, havent slept on my cpap since I got home, and I hadnt started my metformin back since before surgery and doc was happy with the numbers and said as long as they stay where they are, I wont have to take it, YAY! Doc also told me I could try a little mashed potatoes as long as they were still on the runny side, but I think when I added the chicken soup flavored protein to it, it was just too much.  Last night I took advice from annie and tried to refried beans and omg were they yummy and went down and stayed down.  Thankfully anything I have tried as stayed down. So, all in all here it's going well, havent weighed today but at last count I was down 14 pounds or something like that  lol.
on 3/14/08 4:23 am - Tacoma, WA
Hey there, Shelley!  So glad to see you back connected to the cyber world!!  Hope the move to the new place went well...  Sounds like you are doing great!  I think you'll find you feel better every day - before long you'll feel back to normal...  Getting off those meds and the cpap has got to feel GREAT!!  Take care of you and keep up the great work!



on 3/14/08 6:58 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Bean and bacon soup was real good to shelly.
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

Annie B.
on 3/14/08 4:55 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
Hey there...I'm doing alright.  Still having pain and getting worn out.  I don't know why I'm taking longer to heal up than others...guess I need to stop comparing myself to others, huh?  I guess the whole infection thing set me back. I had my first post-op appointment today (missed the first one because I was in the hospital).  I got weighed...I am at 281.6 lbs.  That means I have lost 27.6 lbs since leaving the hospital!!  Guess that's pretty good! Just about everything makes me nauseated - tho thankfully I haven't thrown up anything (yet).  The only things that don't make me sick is popsicles and refried beans with cheese.  I was told I probably shouldn't be eating those yet, but you know what?  Who cares! It works for me. Anyway, I am gonna go rest a bit...fairly worn out from my appt this morning. ~Annie

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

on 3/14/08 7:01 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Annie that is amazing!!!  I am so impressed (and a little jealous).  I am loosly following the guide in the book, I am trying to follow the stages but a bit ahead of schedule before.  Now that I am a month out I am right where I should be for the most part. You can add a small amount of sour cream to those beans to girl!
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 3/14/08 10:52 am - Olympia, WA
RNY on 03/03/08 with
Okay Brandy, here goes......things are going pretty well....a few days of throwing up...thanks to Jill... I'm not as hungry increased  food  soup and such to 2 oz that has helped still having issures with protein !   bought soup from the deli and magic bullet it to death....I'm going to try refried beans  this weekend....the drain tube came out no problems everything seems to be healing ...hard time sleeping laying flat.......try not to eat after about 6:00 spend the rest of the night poop yet ! don't want to take the stool softner stuff I may have too! ugh!!my question is how can you poop with no solid food? drove to the store today wanted to get out so on a mission for airspray ...came back with skinny cow mini fudge pops no hair spray!! what can I say....I'm planning to go to the support group meeting on tues afternoon...hope to see some of you there.....thanks annie for the refried beans....Bev

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