Have my date....but it's a wait!

on 2/19/08 6:36 am - Tacoma, WA

Finally had my appointment with my surgeon today. And my date is April 28th!! Geez! I guess that I can wait 2 months more. It will give me time to get more walking in and maybe even quit smoking. I have Dr. Carter at Madigan and after he explained both Lap and Open to me, I have decided to go with a Open Gastric Bypass. It's another few days in the hospital, but I can handle that. I just like the idea of my surgeon being able to "see" inside while he's dissecting and moving things. The thought of him doing it via camera is rather scary, so open it will be. Annie and Shelley..........you both will be well on your way by then, so maybe you will be able to help me get through any "rough" patches. Well, off to mark the calendar for my new "birthday".

Shelley S.
on 2/19/08 7:12 am - Ft Lewis, WA
Congrats on your new birthday!! I'm sorry you have to wait so long, but you can use it to your advantage for sure.  We will be there for you in any way we can!
on 2/19/08 8:33 am - Mason co., WA
wow 2 more mos. that stinks..  Is it because your using Dr. Carter or are all the surgeons booked out that far. I was hoping to have surgery like the 1st part of April, But I don't even have an appt. yet, My case mgr. wont put in for my consult until all the pre tests are done. I have an ultra sond on Friday and my psyche eval on the 3rd.


on 2/19/08 8:39 am - Tacoma, WA

I don't really know why the long wait. Brandy went to see the same surgeon last Friday and her date is March 31st. Then I go in, only 2 business days later, and get April 28th. I did tell them that I was out of town from April 6 - 9th, and wanted it after that. I had figured it would probably be the following week, but nope........the 28th! Maybe my surgeon is going on vacation in the middle of April. Am I disappointed? Yes         Can I wait it out? I have to, so I will What would really upset me is if they move my date farther out, when it get's closer to the 28th.

Brandy L.
on 2/19/08 4:31 pm - Baudour , Belgium
I can tell you that I was told they are booking up extremely fast. They have many people finishing up from the November, December, and January Pathway beginning classes due to all the holidays most are finishing up now. So by the time the rest of the January and February classes get through its going to maybe still be a wait. But yeah... it is getting crazy for appointments!!!! Good luck to everyone. Brandy

RNY - 03/07/2007 ;  LBL & BL - 11/7/2008

on 2/19/08 9:22 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Congratulations Fran!!  I understand your desire to have your surgery open and Carter is very good at that so I think you got the best for your needs.  Sorry you have to wait so long,  I know that they are remodeling the ORs, I bet that is a time when there are several down. I really admire your desire to quit smoking, I smoked once upon a time and quitting was one of the hardest things I ever had to do (and where 50 lbs of my weight came from).  I really recommend Chantix.  I wish that had been available for me but I know so many people who have been successful with it.  My brother being one of them (I never thought he'd quit)   Yea for him!!  Your healing time from surgery will be much faster if you do at least 30 days before, not to mention you risk of ulcers will go down tremendously!
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

Terri Z.
on 2/19/08 9:45 am - Las Vegas, NV
Hi Fran,  Wow this is awesome, awesome because you get a second chance at a new and healthy you, but it is a bummer that you have to wait until April. But like you said you got 2 months to get more walking in and to quit smoking. Ask the doctor for them new pills they have out there, they work at least for my hubby, I on the other hand I don't want to quit just yet. That is what is getting my happy arse outta bed right now..I know, its a poor excuse but its the only one I can come up with..haha... Oh since your going open do you have a recliner? If not check into one your gonna need it unless you have one of them beds like the hospital... Now is a good time to start eating healthy to keep you on track. Good luck Keep in touch Hugs  Terri
on 2/19/08 10:27 am - Tacoma, WA
Congrats on getting your date, Fran!  Sorry to hear that it's not until April 28, but you'll be surprised at how quickly the time will go by.  You've got a great attitude about it and I agree that it's a wonderful opportunity to quit smoking and exercise a bit more.  Both of those things will make your surgery and recovery go so much more smoothly for you.  Hang in there!!



on 2/19/08 12:15 pm - Olympia, WA
Congrats on getting your date.  Believe me, the time will fly by.  I had a 6-month waiting period and it seemed like it took forever for the first couple months, but after that it got here so fast!  You'll be there before you know it.  Good luck on the quitting smoking (good for you - yeah!!) and getting lots of walking in.  Best to get in the habit now since you'll need to walk lots afterward.

Highest 323 / Surgery Day 289 / Current 165 - RNY 10-27-07, Hit Goal 08-18-08. Tummy tuck 10-28-09 - UW Plastic Surgery Residency Ctr, Breast/Arm Lift w/Dr. Sepehr Egrari in Bellevue, WA on 5-22-13!

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.  Unknown

Annie B.
on 2/19/08 1:37 pm - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
((((((((FRAN))))))))))!!! So great to hear from you!!! Sorry you have to wait a bit for your surgery...but it will be nice to kinda be into it a bit...then you're right...I'll be there to help you along .  I am glad you were able to go to your conference in Vegas...did I mention I've never been there...I really want to some day...maybe I'll have to visit Terri out there (  for terri).   Hope we'll see you at one of our get-togethers!! ~Annie

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

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