WOW, 12 days later

Terri Z.
on 2/17/08 11:38 pm - Las Vegas, NV

Hi all,

  On Feb 6th I finally had my panniculectomy with incisional hernia repair, the doctor said I had about 7-10 hernia’s in the upper part of my stomach, he said it looked like cottage cheese, and he then made it into one hernia and put a mesh over it, I lost 6 units of blood and they had me in ICU for 24 hours, (glad I have Aflac to) I came home on the 8th with 2 drainage tubes on the top of my vjay-jay those are the most annoying things ever they get in the way and taking a shower is a u know what.

On the 15th went in for my one week check up and they took the drains out. (Rah, rah, rah)

I over did it with the walking that day and was in a lot of pain the rest of the day and night.

 So far everything is doing well, a lot of swelling, some discomfort I hate the binder they give us it cuts into the incisions other then that it’s all good. BUT I am here to say that if you don’t have a recliner then please try to get one, or rent one. Getting in and out of bed after this was the worst. I so wished I had thought of renting a recliner, funny I had one when I had the gastric bypass but never thought about having one for this surgery.

One more thing the doctors at Madigan did an awesome job. The staff was awesome also, they are a little short on the staff, but other then that, I really like the way they helped me. Anyone going there for any type of surgery, you will be taken care of. That is for sure. If you have any questions let me know, I won't hold nuffin back


on 2/18/08 1:18 am - Mason co., WA
Whew.... I bet your glad it's finally over, You only had the panni, how come you didn't get a full tummy tuck? I'm glad your doing much better now I know how hospitals are,  they s***, when are you going back to Vegas? If your still here you need to join us on the 23rd at the Lakewood Library.


Terri Z.
on 2/18/08 1:32 am - Las Vegas, NV
Oh yeah glad its over, the only thing I don't like right now is the scare the upside down T they call it here. I know they did the full at least I think they did, its sure looks like it. I have before and after pics but don't know how to upload them. I can try to come to the get together and I can bring before pics. It would be so cool to meet every one. I don't know how long I will be here, until after March that is a for sure. I have another follow up on the 29th with Dr. Hohman I will see then when  I can go back. But I kinda don't want to...I will miss my grandson... Terri
on 2/18/08 10:11 am - Tacoma, WA

Wow!  Sounds like you had a bit of a scare initially, but you were in good hands.  Glad to hear you are doing well now.  It's really helpful to hear about people's experience with plastic surgery as I suspect it will be in most of our futures...  I've heard that the recovery can be harder/longer than for the RNY.  Take care...



Terri Z.
on 2/19/08 12:27 am - Las Vegas, NV

Yes I was in great hands, can't say thank you enough to the doctors and staff at Madigan.I would tell every one to go there if they can. Yeah the recovery time with this type ofsurgery is harder and longer. But I am 8 years older from when I had the open rny. Like I said before having a recliner would have had made a big difference and would have made it a lot easier to get in out of... But the best thing rightnow is taking a shower with no drainage tubs, man I so love taking my showers..haha

on 2/18/08 12:18 pm - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Hi Terri, glad your back and feelin good!!  Just wanted to let you know I know several people who had that surgery.  The T or anchor cut is supposed to be the best at leaving you with a waist and some curves!!  I also wanted to say that I heard a soft t-shirt under the binder will help with chaffing and diggin in. Good Luck!!  Thanks for posting!!
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

Terri Z.
on 2/19/08 12:39 am - Las Vegas, NV
Hi Jillian,  Thank you, for the advice on the T~shirt gonna try that. I do have this other bandage that goes around my body and that seems to work a little, but still have that binder cut into me, If I make it to the Library on the 23rd I can show every one what I am talking about. Oh on the curves, I saw them last night when I got out of the shower, I called my daughter in to help with the binder and she said "Mom you got a figure" I am like yeah whatever NOT!, then I looked and saw I did, wow for once in my life I have curves, and I also noticed that my jammie bottoms, kept falling down, they are a size 12-14 but that is with the binder on..So can't wait to see what I look like when all is said and done..I did decide NOT to have the arms and thighs and boobs done, I feel that I am not that vain at this time and I so don't want to go though all that pain again. Besides my oldest grandson loves  to play with my grammie arms as he calls it.. He even called me on Valentine's Day and asked me if I still had my grammie arms. gosh I hate 7 year olds..haha...Is that all he is gonna remember when he grows up that he loved to play with my loose skin under my arms? To funny.... Have a great day. Terri
Annie B.
on 2/19/08 4:50 am - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
Hey Terri! Very glad to see you posting here again :-) I hope you can make it on Saturday---oh...just realized...not sure if I will be able to...hmmm...guess we'll see about that... I will definitely come and see you though...I am fighting a cold, so it won't be for a little bit yet...I don't wanna pass anything on to you - or the little guy! ~Annie

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

on 2/20/08 11:36 pm - Vancouver, WA
Terri, I can't even imagine how difficult this has been for you.  I just don't know if I would be brave enough to do it.  Congrats on getting through it and welcome to the new you! Lori
Terri Z.
on 2/21/08 11:56 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Thank you Lori, anyone can do it. I won't lie it wasn't what I expected that is for sure. It hurt more then I ever thought it would have, but I would do it again if I had to..and the key word is had to.. other then that oh heck no...Right now I can't wait until I don't have to wear this binder. But the good news is, I am losing weight from it cuz its so tight I can't eat a lot...Still have a little swelling but it looks great... Thank you again Hugs Terri
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