Shelley, Your web site is terrific!

on 2/16/08 10:37 pm - Tacoma, WA

Hi Shelley, I just got through looking at your web site..........and it is a terrific place to go for information! It has come a long way since the first time I went there. You have put so much great information there that it should be added to a "must read" list for all considering WLS!! It is now on my list of favorite places to go!

But the one thing I couldn't find is where you found the SF Carnation Instant Breakfast. Please tell me where that info is on your site, or tell me through these boards. You rock!!

Shelley S.
on 2/16/08 10:52 pm - Ft Lewis, WA
Awww thanks so much Fran!! I found the SF CIB at Winco, it's in a canister instead of individual packets but that was ok with me
on 2/17/08 2:30 am - MT
Finally the ANSWER!!!   at WINCO!!!!   
Annie B.
on 2/19/08 1:41 pm - Dalzell, SC
RNY on 02/27/08 with
We get it from the I know they have it...

~Annie  High 315 / Post-Op 309.2 / Current 149

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