Providia Life Sciences

on 2/3/08 11:17 am - Wenatchee, WA
Has anyone heard anything about this program? It sounds too good to be true to me, but then again I am a card-carrying skeptic . I recieved a response from my last post, 'Lost' and was given a link to their site ( Being 'surgically altered' is a last resort for me and, I realize, for everyone in our shoes. I just want to know everything I can about this 'Providia'-good and bad, before I make a final decision. Thanks y'all in advance!
)O( Cindy
on 2/3/08 10:12 pm - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
Never heard of this before. Looks like a well not sure...  sorry.   hope you find someone who knows.  You might try the non-surgical board.  See what they say.
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

on 2/4/08 12:51 am - Mason co., WA
Sorry, I haven't heard of them either, good luck on getting answers.


Terri Z.
on 2/4/08 1:00 am - Las Vegas, NV
Hi again,  Good or bad its like with surgery you got good you got bad. it depends on the doctor the person having the surgery, just like with the 6 week body make over (6wbmo) So let me ask you a question, if you can lose the weight in 9 months without surgery would you do it? Now if you had surgery and still lost the same amount of weight in the 9 months, BUT eating mostly liquids and then having the problem of dumping, and other problems, that might or might not happen what would you do?  Yes I know about the program you are talking about since I am the one that told ya. both my daughters and myself are doing it, my oldest daughter lost 15 pounds the first week, my other daughter lost 9 pounds but she lost a total of 18 inches off her body. Me on the other hand lost 10 pounds but I went off the plan and gained some of it back, but I am back on the plan today. I had surgery in 2000, I didn't lose all the weight, and I gained 32 pounds. I was at 350 went to 160 and now back to 192, but trying to lose again. my pouch has streched out a little that is why I gained. The plan has a money back guarantee


so if you don't lose in 6 week you get your money back. The support there is like here, but you can call them and talk to a real person. Just like with surgery if you go and eat what you shouldn't you will gain weight or get sick. Its a tool to help you, just like the plan that I am talking about, if you don't change your bad habits to good then you won't get a good out come, I am not gonna sugar coat the surgery, or the plan, but it is hard work for both... So if you do the plan or the surgery you have to train your mind, we all need to eat to live not live to eat. The only thing I can say is read, read, read. You come here, you go to the other place. ask questions. I will give my 2 cents, but I can't make you do the plan or do the surgery that is your decision.  I do wish you the best whatever it is you do. Last thing, It really bothers me that most people get the surgery because they want to lose weight. Now its like a friggin assembly


 line, get in line have the surgery,even if you don't have any other health issues. I had health issues, if I didn't have the surgery, I wouldn't be here writing this now. So please really think about what you want and how bad you want it and really think about the outcome if you have surgery. There are pro's and con's to the surgery and to any diet. Its the person that needs to control it. God Bless Terri
on 2/6/08 3:23 am - Spokane Valley, WA
Its Michael Thurmonds 6 week body makeover. (i have it..  i have them all) LOL Actually this one was pretty good. (you pre op dieting?) its basically eating for your style, 5 or 6 small meals a day. Keeps the insulin levels even, all that.    Its what i lost the 20 i had to lose to have wls, according to my insurance.   (its expensive.. find someoen selling one online)
on 2/6/08 10:50 pm - Vancouver, WA
My approach to anything like this is, well, if it really worked then we'd all be doing it.  I believe I just read (don't ask me where -- online or consumer reports or something like that) that the best REAL diets are the Dr. Dean Ornish Heart diet (maybe his new spectrum diet) and weigh****chers.  I didn't read past that, either.  If you're looking for something that will truly make you healthy, I suggest you investigate both of these options and see how well they may work for you.  But, apparently, Ornish won hands down for healthiness of the diet as well as the amount of weight lost. Lori
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