One year surgiversary!

on 12/4/07 9:10 am - Spokane, WA
One year ago today I got my revision surgery!!!!

It is so hard to believe that it has been one year already.  Seems like time just flew by when I look back on it now.  It took so many, many years to get the that point a year ago and I know now that the wait was totally worth it.  It made me appreciate this precious second (and final) chance to improve my health.  It also made me so determined not to fail again.  That just isn't an option and knowing that and feeling the fear-factor of the possibility of it keeps me from going totally out of control.  

While I haven't been able to come off all my medications I will say that my days now are not controlled by pain!  It  is so much easier and pleasant to move freely and at will.  I'm usually in constant motion...sometimes annoyingly so.  hahaha  

The future looks so much brighter now too.  I'm going to do as Dr. Rawlins advised and LIVE the rest of my time on earth instead of allowing poor health and unhappiness to rob me of the joy of living.  

As MelissaF posted on the rny mb, I am also trying to 'pay it forward' and advise all who are blessed enough to have wls to do the same.  We are all put here to love and serve one another...I can't think of many things more fulfilling than that.  I've tried and will continue to try to be a good 'role model' to other wls patients and hopefuls in our local support group. 

My future plans involve staying closely connected to our local support group because they are a lifeline in this struggle.  Also, I'll never forget that this isn't a cure.  This surgery was merely a tool to be used in this fight and it is my responsibility to treat it with respect and maintain it so that it will continue to function.  

Besides a huge thank you to Dr. Rawlins and his staff, also I thank my family for being so wonderful and supportive during this whole past year.  I just couldn't have asked for a better family and wish that everybody here on OH was so lucky. 

Thank you to everybody here on OH who makes it such a great, supportive place.  I've hung out on the RNY board, the WA State board, my surgery month board...several other places and always had a warm welcome and found any help I've needed.  Hopefully along the way I've been able to help others too. 
This whole day I've been floating around on a cloud with a stupid grin on my face.   Tomorrow morning I'll have my one-year post-op appointment with Dr. Rawlins and hope to have a happy weigh in.  My own personal goal was to make it to an even 100# loss from my surgery day weight.  I came very close!  Only missed it by six-tenths of a pound and that doesn't bother me a bit.  I took a picture of the scale and will try to get some other one-year photos taken and posted on my profile very soon.   Molly   

Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
Shelley S.
on 12/4/07 11:01 am - Ft Lewis, WA
Hi Molly! Congrats girl, you've come a long way, and have a lot to be proud of!
on 12/5/07 8:47 am - Spokane, WA

Thank you, Shelley!  You have come such a long way yourself and you are entering into such an exciting part of your journey.  I wish you the very best of luck with these last few stages and then on to your rebirth.  You will do great! Molly

Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
on 12/4/07 12:30 pm - Tacoma, WA
Wow, Molly, you look terrific!!!    You are definitely a role model.  Your pictures on your profile are fabulous!!  You need to use a different mirror to look into - there is no "heft" in that body at all now!  Thank you for sharing your journey with us in your profile.  It is so encouraging that you have atken this second chance and done so well with it.  I'm sure your dr. will be very proud of you when you meet with him tomorrow...  You are definitely an inspiration to me - I'll be having surgery on Thursday and hope and pray I can have the type of success you have enjoyed this past year.  Keep up the great work!!  Nancy
on 12/5/07 8:51 am - Spokane, WA
Nancy, thank you and congratulations on your upcoming surgery.  How exciting!!!  Your comments were very sweet.  I'm just waiting to see how long it will take for my eyes and my brain to catch up to my actual size.  Today I bought size four jeans.  F O U R !!!  Everytime I get dressed I hope and pray my pants will pull up over my butt and surprisingly they always do these days.  So weird! The appointment was great today!  All my labs were either exactly normal or excellent.  They do want me to add a small vit. D supplement because those values were just the teensiest bit low.  I makes me feel so good to have a doctor with such high standards. I'll keep you in my prayers tomorrow for an uneventful surgery and speedy healing.  You have so many wonderful changes ahead for you...again, congratulations!!!!    Molly

Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
on 12/5/07 12:05 pm - Tacoma, WA
Thanks, Molly!  Congrats, too, on the great one year dr. visit!  You must be doing something right to have those labs where they need to be...  I agree that it's better to have a dr. who cares about those teensy lows than one who doesn't!!  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for tomorrow - God is in control!!  Nancy
on 12/4/07 1:04 pm - Buckley, WA
Congrats on your surgiversary ! Kathy


on 12/5/07 8:56 am - Spokane, WA
Kathy, thank you!  You have been an inspiration to me and I always enjoyed reading your posts for insight when you were an early post-op and I was still waiting for surgery.  Thank you for sharing of yourself so kindly to all of us here, it is what makes OH such a great place!   You are doing so awesome!!! Molly

Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
on 12/5/07 10:41 am - Buckley, WA
Thank you , Molly . That is so sweet of you . Kathy


on 12/5/07 8:49 am - olympia, WA
RNY on 02/13/08 with
I agree with everyone you are fabulous!!!!
Congrats and keep coming to this board you are very inspiring.
Jilly  BR/BL  April 15, 2009!!

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