At Fort Lewis-2 HERNIA'S & BLOCKAGE-

Terri Z.
on 11/11/07 1:22 am - Las Vegas, NV

Hi everyone, here is my wonderful story, I am 7 years out, lost 197 pounds, then about a year ago started to have pain and gained 23 pounds, so I drove here to Washington to be seen at Ft.Lewis, I am Tri-Care Prime, well I seen the doctors and I am now waiting to have the hernia's repaired and a  revision done. has anyone had the revision done at Ft. Lewis? I had Open Bypass RNY in 2000. never had a problem up until now.  The only problem I have with being here is the doctors really don't give you information, like what type of blockage I have or where the second hernia is, I know one of em is in the belly button the other is at the top of my belly passed the belly button, I had an endoscope last week and all he told me was I have 2 hernia's and a blockage and they will make an appointment for surgery. Ok that was really informative-NOT! didn't even have a chance to say anything he flew in and outta there so fast.  I want to have everything fixed so I can get back to my family in Las Vegas. I just hope I can have it done before Christmas...I can't stand the pain anymore. Any one that has any type of info about Ft. Lewis and revisions please let me know Thankyou

on 11/11/07 10:14 am - McChord AFB, WA
Hi. I went to Ft. Lewis for a TT consult, so very different from you. I was wondering why you had to drive all the way to Washington? I was not impressed at all with the bedside manner of the docs at Ft. Lewis and so have decided not to use them and pay out of pocket.  However, mine was cosmetic not necessary. Anyway, good luck.
Pre-Op: 253 - Lowest: 148 - Current: 158
Terri Z.
on 11/11/07 10:47 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Thank you for your reply, I drove here so I could be with family after the surgery, my daughter's husband is stationed at McChord, so I said why not kill two birds with one stone, I get to see my daughter and grandson, and have the surgery done. I know that tricare would pay for everything, but they wanted to send me to Arizona and I have no family there, and my daughter suggested here. I to am not that impressed with some of the doctors, and I have been told that if you want to know anything to just say it up front in a military way. I can and I will start doing that. Their bedside manner isn't taught in their military med school, but I hear they are one of the best. To tell you the truth, I don't care if they are nice or if they kiss my feet, as long as they do a good job and get me fixed. Did you have your TT yet? if not good luck when you do. if you did who and where? and did you ask tricare? I know if you have any type of weight loss surgery the will pay for it, just you might not like where they send ya like me.
on 11/12/07 1:28 am - Fort Lewis, WA

When you make your appointment with surgery say you want seen by Dr. Carter. He did my TT last year and was really nice. He is doing my RNY revision on Dec. 19.. Because the other surgeons that did my first two RNY's didn't do them right and they where done in Colorado and WI. He is the head of weight loss surgery at Madigan.

Terri Z.
on 11/12/07 3:41 am - Las Vegas, NV
Awesome, and good luck and Thank you...I will ask for Dr. Carter when I make my appointment tomorrow. I hope I can have this done before Christmas, I want to go back home after the holiday's. what really blows is I had to quit my job last week because they are taking so long here. Oh well I can always get another job. Again Thank you and good luck
on 11/12/07 8:44 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
We have support groups here in Puyallup this week. Tues & Wed for all, Thursday bands only. I know we have at least ONE Dr CArter revision, but several who've had just the one surgery that is working for them.

You might want to talk to them to see? You can email me for directions and such, [email protected]

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

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