on 9/16/07 9:02 am - spokane, WA

first divorce-then car breaks down and costs me 600 bucks i dont have- then we get strep throat-can it get worse -YES HEAR THIS

so last night i was on the porch - just standing there and wham-dizzy-fell on my ass-
woke up this morning and it hurt worse so i had a friend of which i have few drive me to the hospital-
so they run the usual tests-hook me to sacks of fluid- check my heart- and do xrays
turns out i broke my tailbone badly
now for those of you that dont know there is nothing to be done for a broken ass bone- just takes a month to heal and they give you pain meds -

ok so i was suposed to be all done- i like to be helpful in the e.r. because i know how busy they are-so i go put my dirty linens in the hamper-
thats the last thing i remember-

i come to and see the bottom of the sectional hospital curtain so i pull myself off the floor and sit down- figure i would tell the nurse when he came back-

i decided to put my clothes on - and fortunately got them all on- then blacked out again-this time i woke to seeing many shoes in front of me-i had face
planated so hard on the floor i have many big bruises on my head and twisted my ankle a bit-

so they gave me a cat scan- and hooked me back up to a bunch o wires-
everything came back normal except my blood pressure when i stood up- so i have a weeks worth of testing at rockwood clinic now to find out whats wrong with me-

according to the dr. my catscan was fine-i could have told her that - my head is like crazy space rock that doesnt get messed up too easy-

but something is going on i have dizzy spells and near blackouts constantly-

could be my bodies response to the surgery- i looked it up and it is pretty common even months after because the body is still in shock -

i am home now -but mostly resting- my ass hurts realy bad and so do the bumps on my head- and i dont get to do much of anything for a month- and anything i do try to do needs to be supervised- guess its good my car is still at the shop

it just gets better and better- ugh!

Cynthia H.
on 9/16/07 2:11 pm - Renton, WA
WOW!!!! I sure hope they find out what is happening!! I can't believe that they left you alone long enough for those things to happen. I am sending prayers your way to hope you feel better.  Keep us posted on your progress.



on 9/18/07 1:50 am - spokane, WA
now i have strep throat too
carli brown
on 9/18/07 3:04 am - spokane, WA
wow. hang in there and hopefully they will find out what is going on??
on 9/18/07 9:01 am - Spokane, WA

Oh have had a terrible time!  I'm SO, SO sorry to hear this.  Thank goodness your friend took you to the hospital but how frustrating that they couldn't figure out anything about the dizzy spells.  I hope the Rockwood Clinic will figure it out and have it controlled SOON.   My condolances on the tailbone.  I broke mine in 1999 and it took months and months to feel better.  Now it hurts to sit since I've lost weight.  Wish they would just remove the darned thing.  Did they give you anything to help with the strep?  Good lord, I hope you start to feel better soon.  You have more than enough to deal with.   HUGS! Molly

Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
on 9/22/07 4:44 pm - spokane, WA
so the answer to the blackouts turnned out to be more iron-  the answer to the divorce seems to be therapy and it turns out i fractured my ankle so the answer to that is an air splint my attitude has improved greatly since the rockwood support meeting the other night-  so i am feeling better just miss hubby and car
on 11/14/07 1:33 pm - WA
I broke my tail bone too a few years back by falling down my basement stairs on Mother's Day and hitting my A*% on every single stair.  Then turned around and broke my right foot in 3 places stepping off a curb 3 months later.  Seriously, who brakes their butt?  I guess me.  Feeling for ya because that HURTS!!!
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