Surgery was last Friday and I need some support

on 6/30/07 12:24 am - Vancouver, WA
Everything hurts and I have trouble getting enough to eat or drink.  I don't feel hungry and eating or drinking gives me gas and that hurts.  I guess I just am feeling like a big baby and I don't really know when things will get better or how to make them better.  I know in my heartthat I made the right decision in choosing the RNY, but there are a lot of doubts running around inside of me.  I wonder if I will ever feel good again? Am I just weaker than the rest of you? Sandikei I am only marking this urgent because I need some reassurance.
on 6/30/07 2:06 am - Spokane, WA
Sandikei, you are not being a big baby and you are not weaker than the rest of us.  We all felt that way in the early days after our RNY's.  The bandsters may have felt better post-op than us initially but we all get to the point eventually where we feel good again.  It does happen!  For your eating and drinking, make sure to take very teensy tiny baby sips so you don't overwhelm your new tiny pouch.  Do you have some baby spoons to use?  I am seven months out and still only use them for portion control.  It really does take a lot of time to adjust to all these new eating habits you must adopt.   Plus, your insides have just been majorly rearranged and are busy healing so you know you need to be patient with yourself.  It may be weeks and weeks before you get all the anesthesia and pain meds completely out of your system and combining that along with healing you can't expect to have your full energy back for awhile.  Plus, look at how drastically your calorie intake has just changed.  That also takes adjustment time for your body.   It may not feel much like a honeymoon but you are definitely right in the  honeymoon phase now so keep following all your surgeon's rules and get as much rest as you can.   Your body is busy doing very important work and you want to be sure to keep your fluids up so that it will be able to do the best job possible. Molly

Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
on 6/30/07 2:31 am - Buckley, WA
I had open RNY 9 months ago . Believe me I felt the same & i'm tough . It hurt to blink . lol . Every day you'll feel a little better . At one month I felt pretty good . At 3 months I was finally getting in most of my protein . I never had a water problem , but that is common . I feel great . Sometimes I have to remind myself I had it done . I have such a routine that it all falls into place , but it takes a little while . Kathy


on 6/30/07 11:16 am - Vancouver, WA

Geminidream and PinkFlamingos, Thank You.

I needed to hear every word you both had to say.  I feel sooooo much better.  I cried when I read your posts.  I don't want anyone to feel bad, but it's wonderful to find out that this isn't unusual.   Molly,  Congratulations on reaching your goal.  You look fantastic!  Your starting weight and goal is similar to mine.  You give me hope.

Kathy, keep up the good work.  It sounds like you have all this down to a routine and are definately headed in the right direction.  I love it that you are tough, (me too, usually), and still went through all of this nasty stuff.  I'm glad things are easier for you now. Sandi

on 7/1/07 3:39 am - Vancouver, WA
Dear Karen, Tears again!  You are right emotional/hormonal changes.  I know in my heart that I did the right thing, but I almost panic when I think I may be feeling this way forever.  It helps to know that isn't the case for many of you others.  I WILL get through this part and be happy and healthy again.  Look at you!  You have done it.  Never stop encouraging us newbies.  We need to know this is alright and not something we alone are experiencing. Kathy, My husband and I are going out to get some baby spoons today.  Thanks for the suggestion. Sandi
karen C.
on 7/1/07 1:35 am - Kennewick, WA
Sandikei, I had LAP RNY on 2/16/05; what a ride it has been. Ups, downs, curves, roadblocks, smooth coasting. . .. every day (sometimes every hour) different. In addition to the rerouting of the insides, the new eating and drinking plan I think there is an emotional/hormonal component. When I was pregnant I couldn't stand the smell of anything greasy. For months after WLS I was the same way. My doctor said there were hormonal changes too with rapid weight loss. Not female hormone changes just changes due to everything going on in our system. You've "rocked your boat" so to speak. Be gentle with yourself, take a deep breath, go for a short walk, call someone, post on line. This tool is a new friend that you don't know well yet.  I think there is bound to be a bit of that "Oh my GAAAAAWWWWWDDDDD, What have I done?" It's a permanent change. I was so ready for it and yet I too had times where I wasn't so sure of anything. However, on the whole it has been a marvelous journey. I've lost over 180 lbs and have my life back. I'm active, healthy, and living life instead of watching it on the sidelines. At a little over 2 yrs post op I now eat a varied diet. It has taken time. I didn't think I'd ever eat beef again. Couldn't stand the smell, the taste, the texture. In the past few weeks I've found that I can eat (and enjoy) a tender slice of roast beef, even a cold one.  Best wishes. Give yourself a hug and a pat on the back. It will be ok. When in doubt just take it slow. I had absolutely NO hunger for almost 6 months. Had to almost force myself to eat. I think in my mind it was "If I can't eat all I want why bother?"  What a relearning process; I now eat to live instead of living to eat as I did the past 30 years.  Your post has reminded me of how far I've come. Thank you and take care.

Karen C

on 7/7/07 12:41 pm - Vancouver, WA
Thanks for all of your support.   I really was having problems that were worse than the regular stuff.  Because of a blood clotting program I was on coumadin and some other stuff and why I felt so bad was that I was bleeding internally.  I went in on Monday when the Dr. wheeled me right to the hopital and I had a blood transfusion and some other stuff.   I am still really tired, but I feel a lot better now.  I am feeling more hopeful with all of your comments.  I KNOW I did the right thing. Sandi
karen C.
on 7/8/07 6:41 am - Kennewick, WA
Sandi, Hope you are feeling much better and stronger each day.  I am so glad that you went to your doctor. No one knows our body like we do and when something is wrong we need to listen to ourselves. Best wishes,

Karen C

on 7/3/07 12:09 am - bellevue, WA
You are not weaker than the rest of us.  Look at what a life changing decision you made and followed through with.  Think about all of the fat cells being sized down and all the hormones from the fat cells being released into your system.  That's enough to make anyone a little off the charts.  To top it off, you have just had your insides re-routed and your body is trying to adjust.  Try to keep a positive thought about this process and keep sipping the liquids.  If you keep feeling in pain, of course it is wise to consult with your docs, and if the mind is still hurting, counseling is always a great step in this process of your life changing event as well.  We are all in there supporting you!
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