new band

on 6/21/07 8:25 pm - puyallup, WA
i was banded 06/01/07 and i have lost 25 pounds.. did anyone feel upset right after?? like they had made a mistake? i did for like a week i cried all the time.. also.. i have not had a fill yet of course but how much foos should i be able to eat 22 days out? cuz feel like im able to eat to much.. i have never vomited or anything as i have heard others who have over eaten have just curious.. one more thing.. is everyone having a hard time adjusting to not drinking anything while eating.. i kinda cheat with that.. i cant seem to break the habbit.. other than pushing food through will it cause damage? thanks for any input 
on 6/22/07 6:58 am

I was banded 6/18.  No I didn't have any depression or mistake like feeling.  I do have problems with not drinking with my meals though ( all two tablesoons of it).  I'm still in the liquid phase - go to mushies next Monday.  I was 269 at my highest....251 when I went for consult with Dr. Cheblis in Seattle and 273 last monday.  today I am 229.  I'm still getting rid of gas.  My tummy is still not back to where it was pre0-ssurgery.  How long did it take to get rid of all that gas?

How much are you eating now?  I am doing the 42 grams of protein via whey bullets.  That is easy for me.  when I try to do one of those protein shakes it takes me a whole hour and its only 35 grams of protein (from Trader Joes) Carlotta


on 6/22/07 12:48 pm - puyallup, WA
thank u for writting back.. yeah ur still very new for like a week it was hard to eat anything at all.. but now i eat really regular just very small portions. instead of a whole pizza i eat half a piece lol.. all my gas was gone within like a week and a half.. i have lost 33 pounds since june 1st.. a really yummy protein shake brand is muscle milk its sooo good! i hate protein shakes so i searched hard for this one..
on 6/23/07 12:13 pm
I live in Bellijgham - but my daughter lives in Puyallup.  Where do you buy the muscle milk?
on 6/25/07 2:22 pm - puyallup, WA
im from funny.. super supplements umm main street smoothie.. id say call all the vitamin stores and ask if they carry it.... oh yeah one more thing i make it with non fat milk no****er.. good luck
on 6/25/07 3:03 pm - Vancouver, WA
Yes!  Very common.  Have you come and visited the lap band forum yet? At 22 days out and on solids?  Well, I eventually realized I could eat almost as much as I was eating before I got banded.  I was still being careful and on liquids (per surgeon's orders) so I would have been weighing and measuring my food then.  I was trying really hard to stick to the 1 to 1.5 cups of food for a meal.  Then, depending on how long it takes for you to get hungry, eat more making sure your food choices are the healthiest selections out there and the most solid of proteins (in other words a chicken breast vs. chicken noodle soup). It is a challenge to not drink while eating.  I actually have to so I have a small glass of water nearby (I don't produce enough of my own saliva). Lori
on 6/25/07 7:14 pm - puyallup, WA
yeah my dr's orders were 1 week liquid 1 week mushy and then start to introduce solids... but i chew chew chew... lol
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