I'm GONNA DO IT! (and introducing myself)

Shell Marr
on 4/20/07 3:08 pm
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Well, as long as NWWLS gives me the go ahead! I'm gonna be self paid... my insurance sucks! I have an appointment on 5/21 at 1:30pm with Nurse/Nutritionalist and Psychologist at 3pm. Then I see the surgeon (Dr. Michaelson) on 5/23 at 4pm. Until then.... my Hubby is gonna go with me to a seminar on 5/1. I've already gone to one with my Sister, who is also going to do it. We lost our Father on 2/17/07, and ALL of his health issues stemmed from being obese all his adult life. He actually had a 2nd seminar scheduled for the day after he was admitted to the hospital...sadly he never made it. Anyway, everyone please wish us luck.... I have LOTS of questions about working out, etc etc etc... which I currently do 6 days a week, but I just eat WAY TOO MANY calories to lose weight.... I also have IBS, so if there is anyone out there that has managed to keep THAT under control as well... I'd love to hear from ya!! Shell Marr
on 4/21/07 9:11 am
Hey Shell, I was a self pay too. I had two different insurances and neither one would pay. Good for you that you were working out, more then I was doing cause everthing hurt too bad to do anything. I have IBS too and have for years but mine got a lot better when I started taking my anti anxiety meds. I have a panic/anxiety disorder. Not that I am telling you to take panic meds but if your IBS has anything to do with how you deal with things emotionally and such it's worth checking out. My mom was quite heavy almost all her life but I am even heavier then she was and I was so scared cause I couldn't get a handle on it. My body stores fat really really well, what gift, so I have a real hard time losing and maintaining. I studied this lapband for years before I actually made my decision and felt good about my choice. I know I'll feel good when it doesn't hurt to walk or go shopping. My grandson is already making plans for what we're going to do when I get some weight off, he's so cute and he's so excited. Support is everything with this and it sounds like you'll have it with your sister doing it too and your husband willing to finance it. Husbands don't do that if they don't want the best for their loved ones. I wish you the very best and will send a prayer up for you too. Talk to you soon, Debbie
Shell Marr
on 4/22/07 12:50 pm
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Debbie: Thanks!! Hope you are feeling ok today....gee, you what...4 days post-op? As for my IBS.... I'm pretty stable most of the time...(when I don't eat the wrong things)...but that is hard for me sometimes. I take a great SFS so that really helps. I've done hypnosis (sp?) also, and felt really good but I need to repeat it. That's me.... I can lose weight, I just can't keep it off.... Like your grandson...my hubby is planning for when I can run a 5K with him for the first time..... I can walk one in just under an hour....but running FORGET IT....not know.... my poor knees can't handle the weight. I've told many friends and have only had one negative reaction to it. My boss is even excited I KNOW my Mom is behind up 100% and so it my Hubby.... and since my Father passed, my Hubby has taken the "Man of the Family" role so my sister knows she has his support as well. I wi**** was the 21st.... I'm excited to just get the ball rollin!! You take care and please keep us posted on your progress.... I'm right behind ya!! Shell
on 4/29/07 8:11 am - Yelm, WA
Debbie, Ibs has nothing to do with being overweight. It has more to do with the muscle in you're colon don't synchonise. They don't work evenly. Stress aggravates this condition and with me xanax really helps. Cathy
on 4/22/07 5:11 am - Woodinville, WA
Hi Shell! Congratulations on taking this step. It's huge and a major commitment for the rest of your life but I personally wouldn't change a thing!!! You should ask your surgeon if there is any cases where loosing the weight helped with the IBS. I don't have it so I can't say but weight causes so many issues that perhpas that is one of them. Feel free to ask any questions you want! Corinna Q
Shell Marr
on 4/22/07 12:57 pm
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Corrina: Thanks! Yes, I will ask the surgeon about IBS..... I know other times when I had lost weight my symptoms and attacks where not as bad. I'll keep doing research and see if I can find anyone to exchange notes with Shell
on 4/22/07 12:47 pm - Vancouver, WA
I'm sorry to hear about your dad. But I am glad you're able to help yourself now while you are young enough for it to make a difference in your life. Good luck! Lori
Shell Marr
on 4/22/07 1:01 pm
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Lori: Thank you so much.... my sister and I both know that Dad is up there watchin us...and guiding us down the RIGHT road of the life map. Shell
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