Hello all!

on 1/24/07 2:35 am - Bellingham, WA
Hello Washington board! Yeah I know it's been a lonnnnng while since I really posted here. I have just been so busy that I haven't had time to. Sorry! I am doing ok. I had a scary experience over the weekend with dehydration. I almost fainted in Best Buy on Saturday. Come to find out, I am severely dehydrated and am forcing fluids as we speak. I almost ended up in the ER. Scary stuff! I am feeling better now and hope this will pass soon. DRINK YOUR WATER PEOPLE!!!! I am not kidding... I am almost 18 months out and it's really easy to start slacking off. I was even not taking my vitamins regularly! I big NO NO for us. And I was grazing way too much. Another big NO NO! I am working on getting back to my routines. I haven't exercised a whole lot since the weather has been so crappy. I haven't walked in forever. I think that is a big reason I quit posting here. I felt like a failure but am pulling myself out of the slump slowly. I hate winter and it always gets me down. I am maintaing with my weight. I got down to 149 for a couple of days but am now sitting at 155 which I think suits me. I would like to lose that last 15 lbs to get to my goal. I have my 18-month check up next month. I would like to get at least down to 150 by then. So anyway, that's my story. Sorry for being AWOL for so long. I do come and read the boards daily and am so happy for you all. You are ALL doing so well! I will try and get back on here a little more regularly. I promise! Love you guys, Lori
on 1/24/07 9:52 am - Spokane, WA
Well; howdy old friend...lol I too have been so busy it is nice to go do things on my own and not be afraid of others. I have been bad as well with the exercise I am only walking when I have to, I HATE winter!! I have been snacking and grazing alot! Thankfully I am holding at 15o only 10 pounds to goal, but ugh more exercise and less sweets, which I dump from anyway, but I think sometimes it is just worth it. I found out that I am not drinking enough , but I also have a lg. fibroid that is pressing on my bladder and the bladder cannot hold anything with it this way. I am working on getting a total hysterectomy asap, so life can be better. One surgery after another, life for a woman eh? They want me to do the panni at the same time but i want to hold out for a Dr who will do both lower panni and up under the breasts as that is pretty wobbly too. I would like to have them also pull the skin up from the puffy muff and the love handles... PIPE DREAMS. Anyway, lots of love to all the people who are going through this ride and wishing you happiness.. J
on 1/25/07 5:15 am - Bellingham, WA
Hey you! Nice to hear from you too! Glad to hear things are better with your daughter...anything new on that? Sorry about the hysterectomy thing.. my sis had that done in Aug and said it was the best thing she ever did. She had fibroids in her uterus that were giving her periods lasting all month long. She was severly enemic and ended up in the hospital. I hope they get you fixed up! I am thinking seriously about tummy tuck stuff too. I think I want a lower body lift but that scares the heck outta me with incisions opening up and such. I will be self pay so I am not sure I could afford that. But I do want my boobs done and my panni at least. Take care and keep in touch! We still need to get together and tear up the town! Lori
on 1/25/07 8:03 am - Spokane, WA
Thanks for the response. No nothing new or good to report on the whole daughter thing. I found out she has told all her friends and respectively their parents that I kicked her out! Sh** I would NEVER do that. I am thinking of going to see a shrink, cause I have so many anger issues resulting from all this. I try to do what I can and I am doing well with finding me again and having a blast without the drama of a 14 yo so I feel a bit guilty about enjoying the time without her, so much so and the anger behind it I am thinking I do not want her to live with us when we move in May. So many dilemas to figure out I think I need a pro... I am cool with the surgery I have been done with having more kidlets for a while. I just do not wanna grow a beard and moustache. I would be hairier than my hubby... I saw Harriet today and she told me to go and visit a plastic surgeon to talk about the surgery I want, because Dr Au only will do the panni and lift up the puffy muff I really want the other done as well, but hel* I do not have too much money either. Boobs what are they?? Are they the tube socks that sit in my bra??? Yes we do need to get together and rip it up... J
Aunt Pam
on 1/24/07 3:41 pm - Arlington, WA
Lori, so nice to see your post. Gosh, you better take good care of yourself. Got to keep up on those vit and water for sure. Your loss is great and I know that your 18 month check up will go great. I am so proud of you! -Pam
on 1/25/07 5:18 am - Bellingham, WA
Thanks so much Pam! You are such a sweetie! I am trying really hard to keep up on my stuff. I have come to far to get sick! How are things going with you? I WILL make it down to a meeting sometime. I just have to find the time! My kids keep me very busy these days! Take care and thanks! Lori
on 1/25/07 2:53 am - Shelton, WA
HEY!!!! What a great surprise to hear from you. I have missed you so much and think about you so often. I am so proud of how well you're doing. And don't beat yourself up over sliding. We either all do it or will do it eventually. It didn't take us 18 months to develop those bad habits and it will take longer than that for us to get a good handle on it and make those bad boys go away. Question: Why is it so hard to drag our butts out the door for some exercise when we know we'll feel better after we've done it?? I'm so guilty of that myself. Humans are weird creatures. 155! Amazing. You should be so proud of yourself. Bet you never thought you'd see that number on a scale a year and a half ago, right? You just keep getting better and better. Take care and post more. Hope I could be a tiny bit of an inspiration for you. God knows how many times I've used your postings as inspiration. I owe you tons. Love, Carol
on 1/25/07 5:21 am - Bellingham, WA
Hi Carol! You are so inspiring to me! And I am so glad I could be for you too. I haven't been much lately but I promise to show my face in here more often! I am proud of me and plan on making it to my goal someday. It might not happen right away but I have the "tools" to get it done eventually. I have no worries about that. You are doing so awesome! Doesn't "onderland" feel fab??? I am still in shock when I step on the scale and see 155 and not 255... it's kinda surreal! Anyhoo, take care and keep posting! I do read the boards every single day. Lori
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