Hello from north of Spokane

on 1/12/07 4:39 pm
I found out this week that my insurance decided to cover Lap Band and GB RYN this year. I've researched this for the last 3 years ... and yet there is still so much more I'm learning. I was wondering if anyone here has had the WLS Larposcopic after having their gall bladder removed Larposcipic as well? I was concerned about scare tissue and such. I know this a question I should ask a surgeon and I will. but I was hoping someone here might have a idea. Thanks.
on 1/13/07 6:53 am - Puyallup, WA
Haven't had my gallbladder out but I'm sure it shouldn't be an issue. How exciting for you to have your insurance cover WLS!! Good luck with everything and keep us posted! Tina
Debby T.
on 1/13/07 12:04 pm - North Bonneville, WA
RNY on 11/06/06 with
I had my gall bladder our laproscopially about 4 years ago and had Lab RNY this Nov 6th. The incisions are in different places and I didn't have any problems.
on 1/13/07 2:36 pm - Spokane, WA
Hi! You are north of Spokane and I am in North Spokane. My gallbladder was removed during my open VBG in '99 and none of that scar tissue impeded my Lap RNY 6 weeks ago. I was so thrilled to wake up in recovery to find that Dr. Rawlins had not needed to do it open. If the roads aren't too bad and you have time, why don't you join us at the Rockwood Clinic Support Group meeting this month? The next one is at the downtown office, 400 E. 5th Avenue, 2nd floor conference room 4, Thursday the 18th at 6 p.m. It usually wraps up by 8 p.m. I believe this month's guest speaker will be Kay Nash, who is the P.A. working with Dr.s Bright and Rawlins. She is great and I am looking forward to hearing whatever topic she'll be covering. Hope you are able to come! Nice to 'meet' you! Molly
on 1/18/07 5:16 am
Thank you for your encouraging words.... I just got this message today and it's snowing a great deal right now. Where do you live 'north of Spokane? I am north of Colville a bit. So driving to Spokane is usually a once or twice a month thing. And with the roads the way they are... not as often as I would like. I have a appointment for a consult at the end of February. I need to find a PCP in my area that will support WLS. I have a few to choose from, but I'm not sure. I weigh 300lbs and I am 5'8" and 30 years old. I have no co-morbidities and other then feeling tired a lot and some slight soreness in my knees and ankles after walking for a few hours or exercising on my treadmill.. I really have very little problems. I know that my weight will not go away 'on it's own' like I used to believe. I've been on a diet for many years now. I'm hoping this is the tool to help me overcome this food addiction once and for all. Do you know of a PCP north of Spokane I can use as a referral? Thanks for all your help. -s
on 1/18/07 4:23 pm - Spokane, WA
Hi, The roads were too much for me too tonight. I really wanted to go to tonight's meeting since Kay Nash was to be the guest speaker. But we never got my snow tires put on because the roads weren't so bad in November and I knew I wouldn't be doing much driving till the end of January when I go back to work. I'd have been fishtailing all over the place tonight. Have you checked your insurance company's policy regarding WLS? Many require a certain number of co-morbidities or family history of co-morbidities in order to cover it. Hopefully you have been discussing your weight and diet issues with your doctors over the years so that it is in your medical records, that will help you. Have you been over to the insurance forum here on OH? There are a lot of people going through appeals and working at getting approved with a lot of good information. Wish I knew a PCP to recommend but we are retired military and get our care all the way out at Fairchild AFB at the clinic there. We live up by the 5-Mile shopping center so it is a drive, therefore we don't go to the doctor very often. (as little as we can anyway!) Molly
on 1/18/07 5:00 pm
My insurance told me I didn't need any co morbities to qualify (at least that's what one lady on the phone said) I have premara blue cross blue shield the federal program. It just says that I need a BMI of over 40 and/or c/morb. So I'm assuming that's ok. I live in the tiny town of Kettle Falls. The only time I've been to the doctor is to either have a baby or when I got my gall bladder out ( 5 years ago). I did have a run in with the ICU 3 years ago when I came down with TSS. (toxic shock syndrome) I was there for a little over a week. It was scary and dangerous.. but I survived. Goes to show you.. when you read the tampon box and it says that every year 1 in 170,000 will get TSS from tampons.. sometimes that is your number! I only used one for 4 hours.... and had been using them for 10 years. anyways.. I digress.. (sorry) I have never spoken with a doctor about my weight. though I've been on many different diet plans. I've watched my mother go from 300 lbs down to 150 3 times in my life. She is doing it again as I speak. She is 51 and has horrible health problems. That's why I'm so scared. I want a permanent solution to this diet yo yo. anyways.. thanks for listening. -s
Stacey B.
on 1/19/07 8:13 am - Tacoma, WA
Hi there and welcome- Just wanted to check with you since you said you have federal Premara B/C and I do as well. I was told by the Dr.s' insurance gal that when she called to see about having me approved B/C told her they do not do pre-approvals. You have the surgery and then submit and hope they pay it. That's very scary and I wondered if you'd been told anything like that?
on 1/26/07 12:43 pm
do you have basic or standard? I know there is a differance between the two as far as pre approval. The gal I talked to told me I didn't need pre approval. I would call back and get a second oppinion. Things have changed this year for them as well.
Stacey B.
on 1/27/07 6:55 am - Tacoma, WA
I have the Standard option- is that what you have?
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