Almost Back To The Land Of The Living

on 12/8/06 12:22 am - Spokane, WA
Just a quick post here to thank everybody for the good wishes and prayers, I know they helped a lot. Please keep them up for awhile longer, I'm not 100% yet. The hospital experience was awful, I'm so glad to be home. More on that when I feel better. It seems that everything happening now is right on track for a revision surgery. The last one was more painful but it seemed that I bounced back quicker. The most difficult thing right now is working in all the meds and all the eating and all that sipping, sipping, sipping when all I want to do is sleep. lol Thank you so much, Michelle for the kind words of support and the pretty balloon and Karli thank you for the sweet white rose and the card. I'll call when I turn that corner and start to have more energy. From what I've read that is the one week mark right? Sure hope so! Jonnie, how are you doing? Your second day didn't seem as good as the first but I hope that you didn't have any of the nursing problems on your side of the ward. I wanted to stop by to say goodbye before I left but I was so frantic to leave there that I just couldn't. Please forgive me. Ok, have to eat again at 8:30...ugh. Molly
on 12/10/06 2:16 am - Medical Lake, WA
Yea your up and posting thats a good sign!! hehehe Don't forget to lick lick lick thats the most important thing!! I am sorry your stay didn't go very good but mine wasn't either, but your home now where you will be cared for by people who care about you, so now lets see you in that bikini!! lol If you need anything don't hesitate to call me!!! HUGSS!!!
on 12/10/06 2:51 am - Spokane, WA
Michelle, you are so funny girl!!! husband says he saw your picture at work and 'Wow, she has really lost a lot of weight.' That is a HUGE compliment from him! Bikini, I don't think I can even imagine it in the technicolor stage now from all the failed IV attempts and the Heparin shots, the blood pressure shots, etc. Not to mention the little incision sites. They are so tiny...woohoo!!! I love Dr. Rawlins!!! Today may be the lipstick day, I think. Still not ready for clothes yet, jammies will do for now. Thank goodness i saved my old ab. binder from the vbg surgery. It feels soooo good! Molly SITTING ON THE LOSER'S BENCH AT LAST !!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 12/10/06 7:11 am - Spokane, WA
YAY! I'm so glad you're doing (relatively) ok! I'm sorry your hospital experience was not so great. You know what's great about those tiny incisions? They get EVEN SMALLER. Mine seemed really big after surgery, but as the weight came off and they healed more (my skin take forever to heal), they shrank right up. Congrats again... Enjoy your jammies! I would live in pajamas if I could. I'm about to post a new blog about my gallbladder, check it out if you feel up to it and have a chance.
on 12/12/06 11:47 am - Spokane, WA
I will go right over and read about your gallbladder, hope you are doing ok. I SO do not miss mine! That is such cool news about the incisions. I never stopped to think that they could shrink. At my age it may not be much but any will be appreciated. My problem healing is I tend to go sort of keloid. So far they look very nice, I endured all the itching of the tape and didn't touch them till the one week mark. Haven't touched the tape from the drain yet, it will be one week on that one tomorrow. Want all those suckers to have as much chance of healing up as neat little lines as possible. Wish I could stand the thought of more surgery...the one I'd consider would be to get my vbg scar redone. It is a great, thick rope of a thing with 32 tracks from the staples. U-G-L-Y Am ready to get right back into my double jammies already. Have been living in two layers of flannel jammies since i am so cold already. So kewl....
on 12/11/06 1:25 am - Medical Lake, WA
Where did your husband see a picture of me at? Thats a scary thought to know I am floating somewhere else besides in lodging lol. Tell him thanks for the compiment though, my uniform doesn't show how much I lost though. Hope your feeling good today and just let everyone take care of YOU!!!
on 12/12/06 11:36 am - Spokane, WA
Not to worry, the lodging picture is the one he was talking about. Sounds like you need to take in your uniform or just get a new one. Today was my first day 'out' and in real clothes. My daughter took us to Costco and she was my manual labor for shopping. It made me feel like such a lazy bum! It went very well till I sneezed there and even with the binder on and holding my gut for all it was worth I still felt a little pop somewhere and have a sore spot now. I don't think it is anything to worry about, must have just aggravated some healing spot. Of course I'll keep an eye on it and contact the office if I think it is necessary. Glad to be out in the world more...woohoo!
on 12/17/06 6:50 am - Medical Lake, WA
How are you doing? When are you suppose to go back to see Dr. Rawlings? Hey guess what I lost 4.5 lbs this week I had gained 10 so now I am losing again!!! whohoo It was good seeing you in the BX we should plan a day to have coffee or something next time your out this way or if I am down in that area. Let me know when your up to it. HUGGS MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
on 12/17/06 11:56 am - Spokane, WA
Hi Michelle, Great job on the 4.5 pounds!!! It was so nice to see you out there too! That day I waaaay overdid it and the next three days I was playing catch-up on the energy. Doing much better today and a nice walk through the neighborhood helped too. Am dealing with a grouchy pouch these days. Other posts I've read about it on the gastric bypass board seem to make it sound like a rather long-lived condition. I see Dr. Rawlins and Merri Lou on the 27th for my post-op appt. (it had to be at the three week mark because of his scheduling) You can have coffee and I will enjoy smelling pouch doesn't like anything acidy at all these days. It doesn't even like herbal tea. So far it likes juice-flavored water the best. If I could live on that all day long it'd be happy. My MIL is taking me to the bx on Thursday for our warehouse Christmas party and then home so that I will have enough energy to drive myself to the support group meeting that night. For some odd reason the way my car seats are, driving really uses my ab muscles and I don't think I could do two car trips alone that day but one should be fine. Will you be able to make it to the support meeting? Hope so! Molly Merry Christmas to you too!!!
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