
on 11/18/06 3:51 am - Vancouver, WA
What types of diets are people following? I had surgery in Aug (29)...I have lost 25 lbs but have not done any dieting. I KNOW I need to get on a good diet that will help. I haven't really tried anything so far. After reading some of these postings I feel better about getting in there and trying hard. I had surgery but none of my friends or family know about it. (except my husband) I guess I didn't want 1 more failure and then to be made fun of or ridiculed about! I have struggled with my weight all of my adult life. My kids have seen me yo-yo and I guess I just didn't want to hear the comments. I am going in for a fill on Dec 2. I am eating less and making better choices for food but I haven't set up a program. I think because I haven't let anyone "in" on my experience I have not been as successful. I am hoping that making this connection will be the encouragement and support I need to really jump in and lose the weight. I am 5' 6 1/2" and now weigh 216. My goal is to weigh less than 150. SO, I better get on the band wagon.
on 11/18/06 7:09 am - Shelton, WA
Hi Annie, Welcome and good luck with your new life. I don't really diet. I've decided this time instead of thinking about this as a diet, I'm thinking of it as a life change. I have to work so hard to get enough protien in that that's pretty much all I think about. I use and journal everything I eat every day. If you haven't already, I would suggest checking into it. I found that it wasn't my choices so much as meal sizes that were getting me. If you need any help with it, let me know. I'd be happy to help out. Carol
on 11/18/06 1:46 pm - Vancouver, WA
Thanks Carol....I will give that a try. Keeping track of EVERY THING that goes in my mouth will help with clarification about what I am doing. When I did that before I know that was a vital tool. I KNOW I eat a lot less than before. I am unable to eat much meat...I seem to have problems with that. I appreciate the advice. I will try the fitday and see what I think..
on 11/19/06 5:31 am - Buckley, WA
I'm with Carol . I try to only put quality not quantity in my mouth . Early on it's easier for RNY's than Lap bands because our surgery is so restrictive . You have to wait for your first fill . I think then it'll be easier . I think fitday is a good idea . Kathy
on 11/19/06 3:24 pm - Woodinville, WA
I did RNY but previous to surgery my surgeon required that I get down to less than 30 grams of carbs per day. It's actually not that hard to do (not like the 10 grams that Atkins requires) and ensures you are getting your protiens in. I was surprised at how easy it was for me to follow that diet plus, as was mentioned above, it needs to be a life change for all of us. Protien is the most important thing for us and if you fill your pouch with high protien foods first then you'll be less likely eat stuff that isn't going to help with weight loss. Also make sure you don't drink anything with your meal. Waiting at least 30 minutes before and after eating is a good way to keep your food in your stomach longer, making you feel full longer. Hope that helps a little. Corinna
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