Treadmill Test

on 10/30/06 7:04 am - Spokane, WA
Just got home from the treadmill test, which I think I flunked. Because of my three high-blood pressure meds I could not get my heart rate up to the test target (149). I huffed and puffed and speed walked, jogged but could not get that sucker up and finally had to quit when I just couldn't take it anymore. OK, I get it: I'm obese and out of shape. Duh. How in the world does this affect my surgery? I've had resting ekg's before that were just fine. Seems my biggest problem is my blood pressure, which was of course high today. This has me so bummed out, if it messes up my chance to have surgery I will truly sit down and cry. Molly ps...before the test I'd already been up since 3 a.m. and been on my feet working hard all day so I wasn't in the best shape anyway. pooh...
on 10/30/06 5:32 pm - lakewood, WA
My Knees would not allow the treadmill so they gave me another kind ,medicine thru IV . Don't know which is worst. But its the other option.
on 10/31/06 4:28 am - Spokane, WA
How did that test make you feel? The tech said I might have to have that kind and in preparation for it I wouldn't take my bp meds and then they'd give me something to 'open up my veins'. That sounds really scary to me. Do you lay there on the table and have your heart just pounding away and breaking out in a sweat? Why this should worry me I don't know...the thought of having surgery isn't even this worrisome. Are your knees better now that you have lost weight? I'm hoping to be able to give up the glucosamine one of these days soon. Molly
on 10/31/06 7:12 am - lakewood, WA
You know, I think all the pre stuff is worse than the actual surgery itself. I am a big baby so this is just me, but the test was very strrreeesfull stressful. Did not hurt at all ,no heart racing or pounding, just stress in the form of some un-namable discomfort that made me glad it was over. It took about 30 min. for me because they kept having to up the medication gradually. I felt silly afterwards because it really didn't hurt or anything. The surgery was "we're putting you to sleep now" I don't remember answering that, then" hi, it's all done'. yes, my knees don't hurt anymore from the weight, I have some arthritis that acts up seldom. But most of that pain was the weight. I am only on the gallbladder meds now,because they did not remove it. The pill is supposed to protect it. No glucosamine or pain meds.
on 10/31/06 10:26 am - Spokane, WA
Thank you so much for letting me know how it affected you. If I need to have it then I won't be so afraid knowing a little more what to expect. It is great to hear that your arthritis is better. Just another of the wonderful benefits of losing weight. That is really something to look forward to-- taking less pills will be fantastic. Thank you and a big hug! Molly
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