Surgery on Thursday/WISH update

on 10/9/06 11:49 am - Renton, WA
Hello all. It has been a crazy couple of weeks since I saw the KOMO news report about my provider/WISH. My new doctor, Dr. Chebli, has had additional hoops that i have needed to jump through but I retained my surgery date of the 12th. I have been so busy running around that my surgery date has "snuck" up on me!!!!! I am now starting with the pre surgery anxiety and asking myself questions: is this really what I want to do? Is it worth the 23,000 dollars? How am I going to tolerate 8 weeks of pureed food, and over Thanksgiving?! I am sure all will be okay, I just needed a place to "voice" my anxety. WISH center called me on Friday. They left a message to please call to schedule an appointment? They still called it WI****hought they were going to reopen under another name. Oh well, sounds like they are back in business. I am so glad that all that has happened, happened, because I have my reserves about Valley Medical Center after my mothers recent hospializations at Valley. As my friends in AA say, I am right where I am supposed to be because All things happen for a reason! Thanks for being there!
on 10/9/06 2:21 pm
You sure are on the right track, and so am I, I finally got a call back from Beth at Wish and they are giving me my records finally (i hope), at least they finally called for my address them to. I can't believe they called you to make an appointment under the WISH name, how can they think that we will go back, it just seems to me that if they close that fast once what's preventing them from doing it again, say in six months when we need post op care? Like the Doc's respect their patients and their oath to serve people not for the almighty dollar. Good luck and we'll all be praying for you. Anita
BodyNSoul Mismatch
on 10/10/06 4:58 am - Dallas, TX
I am so glad you are getting your records finally!
on 10/9/06 2:33 pm - Maple Valley, WA
Michelle, I am a little jealous that they have already called you...I have been waiting since my surgery date was canceled September 21st. First, I think they are now separate from the management that they were under...but I would double check this. They were supposed to be working under Valley Medical now. Like I said I would confirm this before your surgery. Also, it is totally normal to be nervous and second guess your decision, but I think it is important to list the reasons you are doing this and then think about it. You should feel certain that this is right for you...although I believe it is more than natural to feel nervous. For me I am so far away from the big family Thanksgiving dinner (we now live several states away from family) that this would not be a huge concern for me. But you might look at it as a way to start the change you want to continue for all future "eating occasions". My husband is now over a year out from his gastric bypass and he really enjoyed the last thanksgiving (he was only a few months out) and still enjoyed several bites of turkey and cranberry. But never felt the overly tired, gorged feeling that I get. I am no expert on on this, but your feelings are right on, I have heard it a lot being that my husband has already gone through this and I went to many meetings with him. I really like the idea of having a list of your reasons and rereading them, especially when your feeling particularly nervous. Jennifer
on 10/10/06 4:32 am - Shelton, WA
Michelle, Congratulations on your surgery. Get ready for a ride. The first few days are a little overwhelming but you'll be just fine. I felt like I had so much information coming at me that it was difficult to keep it all straight. Don't be afraid. Get enough rest and let us know when you're up and feeling better. I will be thinking about you on Thursday. Carol
BodyNSoul Mismatch
on 10/10/06 5:03 am - Dallas, TX
I am a wish center orphan having surgery on the 17th. I am having the exact same "anxieties" you are. I just know from the boards that everybody goes through them and the "why did I do this" phase for about a week after surgery. Take it one day at a time, even a minute at a time if you have to. Focus on the prize but enjoy the journey. The rewards don't start till after the surgery so keep pressing on. At some point the scale going counter clockwise will be your encouragement.
(deactivated member)
on 10/10/06 5:20 am - Bothell, WA
Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.
on 10/13/06 2:04 am - Renton, WA
Your apprehensions are totally normal. For someone who had complications from her surgery and could have died twice (blood loss right after surgery and then an infection in my abdomen diagnosed 2 weeks after surgery) due to those complications. I had no comorbidities. I was in excellent health except for the obesity. No high bp, diabetes, nothing. I have to admit I was shocked that I of all people had such serious complications. Three months after surgery and I am just now getting back to "normal". Would I do it again knowing what I know now??? Absolutely. I have lost between 60-70 pounds in 3 months. I am finally down to my pre-pregnancy weight and am finally feeling like myself. I still have 100 pounds to go but I feel so much better. My only advise to anyone having this surgery is to trust your feelings and if you think something is wrong, complain, complain complain until someone checks it out. While in the hospital, I was having horrible pains in my upper chest. No one seemed concerned at first but every time my dr would come check on me, I would complain. Sometimes I would even be crying and complaining. Finally a chest x-ray was done and they found my lung was collapsing. The same with my infection. I didn't feel right. I just new something was wrong, but I didn't know what. After 2 complaints, my dr ordered a ct scan. I had an absess the size of a football in my abdomen. If I hadn't been so persistant, I have no clue what the outcome would have been. As far as the blood loss, I was brought back to my room and my sister who is an RN, started asking questions. She didn't think I looked right. They took my bp and it was 62/48. My sister pulled my blankets off of me (cause they put tons on you after surgery) and noticed they were soaked in blood. Obviously within minutes I was back in the OR. Trust your gut. Have people there with you when you are not conscious to advocate for you. I have to say on behalf of Valley, the Bariatric unit is the best in my opinion. Those nurses saved my life and kept my morale up so I could fight. They always answered all my questions, made sure I was ok and at times when I was scared because I thought I was going to die they would come hold my hand and tell me I would be ok. Sometimes for hours. I could not imagine a better team anywhere. They helped me though the most difficult time I have ever been through. You will be fine. I wish you the best of luck.
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