4 days post op and ?ing decision

on 10/7/06 1:35 pm - Somewhere out there, WA
Ok, so I'm now four days post up and wonder if I made the right decision. Is this a phase we go through? The past couple of weeks have been hard not being as involved as I usually am with my kids. I never miss a sports game and have missed the last two for each son. I tried to go to my son's today and had to leave because there wasn't a restroom available and worry that this may be a common problem. I have been having the chills or burning up and a little on the weak side. It has been hard getting my water intake in because I just want to rest. Hope everyone else is doing great. Susan
on 10/7/06 2:39 pm - Buckley, WA
Susan , I think everyone goes through this . I was going to go to the post office today , as my first drive on my own . But ended up feeling wiped out & didn't go . My carpenter was here trying to work on the bathroom & I had to chase him out three times . Then there is trying to get in the vitamins when you can't get in your water . I tell myself all early post-ops go through it & it will get easier . Take it easy . Kathy
on 10/8/06 4:01 am - Woodinville, WA
Susan, I haven't had surgery yet so I don't know if I'll go through a regret period. But I have had two shoulder surgeries and often times during recovery thought...why in the heck did I do this??? But in the end it was totally worth it and I think you'll find the same to be true. Recovery is a pain, literally, and seems to take SO long but it will be over eventually and then think how you'll feel as you watch the pounds drop off. I'm sure your boys understand why you can't be there for these couple of weeks. I'm also sure that when they see how much happier and more energetic you are as you lose weight they will be thrilled. I imagine it will get a little easier every day so just hang in there!! Corinna Q
on 10/8/06 6:55 am - everett, WA
Hang in there I felt the same way and went through quite a depression right after thinking I had just made the biggest mistake of my life but now I would do it all over again and when you are able to go back to all those activities you will enjoy them even more cause you will be so much healthier for doing this for yourself and family. Much love and light your way
on 10/8/06 12:27 pm - Shelton, WA
Hey Susan, I did the same thing. I worried that I was not taking care of my little girl and in fact, I wasn't. She was taking care of me! But, now I'm 2 months out and have more energy and can do more with and for her than I was ever able to before. Just hang in there and don't be too hard on yourself. You just had MAJOR surgery, for Pete's sake. You'll be back and better than ever. Rest, rest, rest and before you know it, you'll be wondering why everyone else is moving in slow motion. All will be well. Carol
Beth C.
on 10/8/06 2:45 pm - Tacoma, WA
Susan, Oh, how I remember those days. They seem long ago even though it was only a mere 9 1/2 months. I remember asking myself "what in the heck have I done?". It's perfectly normal, from what I hear. Give yourself a few more weeks and pretty soon you'll be asking "why didn't I do this sooner?". I presume you had a laproscopic procedure. Even though you have a few small puncture sites, the doctor still performed MAJOR surgery on the inside. I had a resectional RNY that was done open and then developed an infection a few weeks later. YES, I would still do it again....only I would have done it sooner (only if I could have the same surgeon). As for the bathroom issue, I have discovered that I'm lactose intolerant now (I think I was pre-surgery, but just didn't want to admit to it....also had irritable bowel). Taking iron supplements seems to help with the diarrhea and also limiting lactose foods as wll. Hmmmmm.... the chills and burning up complaints have me conceerned. I suggest you get checked out ASAP to rule out an infection. The weakness is also a sign. Regarding the water intake....worry about the protein first, then the water....basically, anything that will melt at room temperature is considered liquid (atleast it is in the surgery/recovery room world). I can't seem to make myself enjoy plain water sor I drink Propel, Nestle Flavored Water, or plain water with the sugar free "to packets"...I generally by the generic brand because it is cheaper. My favorite dessert is sugar free popsicles. 9 1/2 months later....down 84 lbs (officially)....down from a 24-26 W to a med/large and 16 pants....my shoe size has gone from 10-10 1/2 down to 8 1/2 to 9 (no longer need Wide) hang in there.....trust me, it will get better....I would do it all over again. My ONLY regret is the fact that I didn't do it sooner. Rest.....your body needs it (and don't feel guily about it!!!) Hugs, Beth
on 10/9/06 2:39 am - Spokane, WA
Beth, today while reading posts I have seen the term 'resectional RNY' twice but can't find it in the information my surgeon gave out and don't recall seeing it before on the internet. Can you explain ay difference between that and a standard RNY? I'm still waiting for insurance approval of my revision from VBG to RNY and am getting curious about different methods of RNY because I hadn't known there were any before. It is so great to have this place to come for information and to see others' questions get answered with experience. Hope that Kathy is feeling better every day. Molly
on 10/9/06 2:10 am - Bellingham, WA
You said that you have been having chills or burning up. Have you taken your temp? That sounds like a fever to me. And that isn't good being newly postop. I would call the doc if you indeed do have a fever. But feeling regret is COMPLETELY normal my dear! We all felt it at one point or another. Take care and take it easy! Lori
on 10/9/06 5:14 am - Buckley, WA
That concerns me , too . I'm new & mine was open , but I haven't had any chills . My difficulties are the run of the mill . Not drinking enough water & protein . I know it will come in time . Lori you are so helpful , as are most people here . Susan , I hope you call the doctor . Don't make me march into Tacoma & make you do it . lol . I bet you can't wait to go into the office all skinny & give em something to talk about . lol . Kathy
Rebecca H.
on 10/9/06 6:18 am - Kirkland, WA
Susan, I went through the same "OMG what did I do to myself" phase. (Are you seeing a theme here?) In fact there are STILL days when I ask myself that question. Then I have my WOW moments like being able to cross my legs, or having my jeans literally fall off of me, being able to walk around the mall without needing to rest, playing tag with my neice and nephew... and I KNOW the decision I made was the right one for me. I know how hard it is to miss your childrens activities... but remember that missing a game or two right now helps to insure that you will be around to see them graduate, marry and have kids of thier own. You will have up and down days, that is to be expected. The OH family has always been here for me and we will be here for you too. We will celebrate your victories with you and hold you up when you are down. Hang in there! Becca
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