OK>>this is going to be weird.....

iamamom M.
on 9/20/06 3:14 am - no where, IA
I know no one here knows me. I am usually only on the pregnancy board.....but I posted this there today......and I am grasping at straws......Please read and I am sorry this is so long....I am looking for people in WA. Thanks in advace for listening My Aunt who has been fighting terminal cancer (started out as Breast Cancer and then spread) for over two years now is losing the fight. We got the news yesterday that it has spread to her brain. I can not explain how I feel about this woman. I haven't always had a good relationship with my Mom but my Aunt has always been in my corner. The first time I got married....I was SO HUGE>>she was the only person the entire day that told me I was beautiful. No one knows what the felt like. Fast forward a few years....I was getting a divorce after infertility with my first husband and after an adoption that the birth mother changed her mind. My Aunt is the one who setup my adoption for J. She was the one who opened her mouth to that little 18 year old girl who was pregnant with her 3rd child....when that girl said she was giving him up....she went to bat for me and helped me get my son. I wrote her a letter when we found out she was terminal, thanking her for my identity. I am Jared's Mom....to all the kids at school, at baseball....to everyone....that's who I am. And I wouldn't have that without her. I have been fighting with my Mom, my sister and the person I was best friends with since I was 14 for over a month now....and I bawled to my Aunt and told her....I'm not going to have anyone in my corner when I have this baby....she said...Aunt Jim will always be in your corner, baby girl. She told me that this baby will have everything it needs and she will see to it...when I was scared I wouldn't be able to get everything I need for it. All I have ever pictured was when I FINALLY gave birth after all this...that my Aunt would be there.....and now this. She was angry with my Mom for telling me...but my Mom told her...I wasn't having Michelle mad at me for not telling her. I guess I'm the talk of the family with my hormones....who knew, right? Anyway.....when we first found out she was terminal...>I couldn't deal with it...I couldn't go around her or talk to her....but that's not the case now. She has been fighting so long...you know sometimes you just think....she's going to make it.....she's going to beat this. She's lived twice as long as they have given her....OK...now 3 times as long. I didn't see this coming. I called her last night and she wasn't there....I knew what she was doing. My Aunt was out tying one on. I know she has done things in her life...and she's not always right in a lot of ways but she is a good person. If she wasn't, I wouldn't have J now. And I have told her that. Last night I got up to pee at 12:30.....I barely got back into bed and my phone was ringing....it was her.....what's the phrase???? 3 shades to the wind??? or 7???? I don't know..she was DRUNK! If I wasn't pregnant...I would have joined her....and I'm not a drinker!!! She was crying and bawling. I can't remember everything she said...I was trying so hard not to cry....She told me that it is going to get ugly fast. That she does not want anyone to cry for her. That she wants everyone to remember how she was....and that this is going to do things to her....but she wants to be remebered how she was not how this made her. She doesn't want the crying and bawling at her funeral. She said that she wasn't crying for her but for her family...for the people she loves. (She has four kids....two girls 26 and 24....6 grandkids....1 more to be born in Nov....and she has two boys...19 and 17.) She then said something to me.....she said that she has made a promise to herself....that she will be here to see my baby be born and to hold my baby at least once before she goes. And she told me...Aunt Jimmy loves you baby girl.....and she couldn't talk any more....she was crying too hard......and so was I. Needless to say......I haven't slept...my head hurts, my eyes are red and swolen and I can NOT stop crying. I want to ask you guys to please pray for my Aunt Jimmy. I wanted to tell her...but I couldn't get it out that I do not want her to suffer and if she's suffering just to hold onto being here for when my baby is born....to let go and not suffer for me...but I'm selfish...I want her here....I couldn't say it. Please pray for her....she won a lawsuit as they proved her cancer was spread by the actions of a Dr...they have dragged their feet so long that we do not know if she will even see the money before she goes. Please pray that she gets it soon enough to enjoy it before she goes. I believe in praying....we know it's the end....and she has accepted she is going to die...I just don't want her to suffer. Thank you guys for listening to me. Now the help part.....my Mom and her brothers and sisters have other siblings out there that their father had with two other women. My Aunt wanted to find these siblings and has tried for months on her own. I want to do this for her. I want to find these people. I have helped her on and off...and we come up empty every time. There are 6 other kids out there....the last my Mom heard from or saw any of them...I believe I was 2 (That was about 29 years ago). They were from Washington....My Mom's dad passed when I was two I believe and the last they saw their brother and sisters was at the funeral I believe in WA. I don't know the rules about names or anything on here....or if I can get in trouble....but if you are from the WA area and this sounds like someone you know....I can tell you my Mom's Dad's first name was Jerry (and that's my Mom's too...spelled just like a man). If you know who I am talking about or if you live in the WA area and it sounds familiar....please email me privately at [email protected] (don't go through OH because I don't get my emails from here for some reason). There is my Mom...Jerry, My Uncle Joe, My Aunt Jimmy and my Aunt Johney all by Jerry. If you live in the area and can look in a phone book...I have the other brother and sisters names....I can give first names.....Virginia and Beth Ann are by one woman....I'm sure their last names would have changed as I do believe I have found marriage certificates for at least one of them. There is Gerald, Buddy, Monica and Veronica by another woman. I know this is a LONG shot....so if you have any other ideas on how I can search for them...I am all ears. I have done several Internet searches...I tried with the men because I figured they wouldn't have changed their names....and I am blocked.
on 9/20/06 7:07 am - Buckley, WA
If you read this , I sent you a message to your Email . I don't know them , but i'd like to help . Kathy
iamamom M.
on 9/20/06 7:28 am - no where, IA
I got the email before I saw this. I sent you a reply. Thanks again for trying to help. Michelle
iamamom M.
on 9/20/06 9:19 am - no where, IA
If anyone thinks this might be any relation please email me. My Mom's father lived in Randal Washington when he died. If that helps at all.....I know I'm grasping at straws here....but I really want to find them. Thanks, Michelle
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