one opening not healing well...

on 9/17/06 1:48 pm
Hey - my surgery was on the 24th of August. Today I am still having issues with a small amount of infeciton and bits of oozing from one lower opening. Guaze worked ok bu tnot well enough- it would stick and tear or pull back the small pieces of scab- band aides are OUT, steri strips are OUT- what else? Dabbing with perioxide just after showering while it is soft and it eats most of the small amounts that appear in under garments. I will email my Dr. this week but for now - what else? A freidn was telling me she had to get hers caterized ( did I spell that right ) and anotehr one states after her c-section one of hers kept popping open ( kind of like mine ) so she placed a pany liner there unlike gauze that sticks- FYI- I go into transition this week to real food- love to hear some of the things ya'll tried first time around- HONESTLY I m craving and I really mean CRAVING "GREENS". nothing has made me throw up yet- ( blessing ) I did not do well with sf puddings but sf jellos and yogurts were fine. Worst was beef even pureed - not again for a long while it hurt - felt like lead in the pouch- best was pureed bean with bacon and pureed salmon and cottage cheese! BRENDA ps. sent my old picture in hope it begins attaching soon
on 9/17/06 1:55 pm - aberdeen, WA
I havent had my surgery yet, but when I had my gallbladder out my lower incision had the same problem as yours. i just cleaned it very well several times a day and used cotton balls and held them with some tape and it cleared up soon it took a bit longer then the other ones though. The main thing is to keep it dry and clean. Best of Luck Kira
on 9/18/06 2:26 am - Bellingham, WA
Just a word of caution with the peroxide. It will not only eat the infection but it will also eat the new skin that is trying to form. I would just wash the area with antibacterial soap and water several times a day. Have you asked Harriet what you should do? She is an awesome source of info there at Eastiside. I, too, found that early out I couldn't do beef of any kind. Like you said, it felt like lead in my pouch. Eggs did that to me too. Weird! But refried beans with cheese, and cottage cheese were my staples. Along with instant mashed potatoes w/cheese mixed in for some protein. I craved greens too! Especially salad. Took me about 6 months before I could do a salad though. But soft brocolli was heaven when I could finally have it! Good luck Brenda! Lori
on 9/18/06 5:57 am - Buckley, WA
I have had several surgeries over the last few years & was told not to use peroxide . I didn't post this because i'm pre-op & I think sometimes I come off as a know it all . I don't profess to know it all , but I do know lots of stuff . lol .
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