Wow... this board is SOOO AWESOME!

on 8/30/06 2:26 am - Bellingham, WA
Ok, yeah, I know... I have been baaadddd about posting lately. I just came back to work after having 10 days off, I work for a school district, and have a TON of work piled up for me to take care of!! So I haven't had time to get on here. SORRY!!! I am sure you all understand! I just got done sending thanks to all of you who wished me a happy anniversary! Thanks again to you all! I have been really bad about getting my walking in. I just have been so busy with two highschool aged athletes lately! My gosh! It seems we were constantly running them back and forth to practice the week I was off. My daughter plays volleyball, once a day practice. My son is playing football, two a day practices! So yeah, we have been busy! I plan on getting back on track next week. I am off again on Friday so we can have an extra day on our vacation to Lake Chelan this weekend. Should be nice and warm over there! I just hope the smoke isn't too bad from the fires. Kinda scary! So what are you all doing for exercise these days? Hopefully SOMETHING! And not surfing from the couch! Anyhoooo, just wanted to check in and let you know I didn't disappear! I promise to try and get on here more now that things are settling down. What are YOU going to do to move YOUR butt today? Hopefully I will get a lunch break so I can at least walk around the block! Take care, Lori
on 8/30/06 3:17 am - Federal Way, WA
What a sweetie you are! Always checking in on us. My exercise for today is driving 3 hours to my sister's house in Renton. UGH. And tomorrow's exercise will be walking around the nurse's station, playing hall monitor, hopefully not moaning and groaning. LOL Then I get 2 sisters who will spoil me (wishful thinking) while I stay with them for a week. But, never fear, my trusty laptop will be with me. Can't miss out on this board and Pogo. Love that site! Take Care All, and see you on the losing side very very soon.
on 8/31/06 1:53 am - Bellingham, WA
Thanks Ms. Sally! OMG, I just realized that you are having surgery right now! I hope things go smoothly for you! You are a sweetie too my dear! Thanks for always being so upbeat!!! Lori
on 8/30/06 3:36 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Lori, I've heard about all of the fires going on up there! The smoke and stuff has been just north and east of us, we've not seen any of it here, though. Take care of yourself!! And when are you going to come down for a meeting?!?!?! Next one is the 11th! I'm having an endoscopy done that day but I'm still hoping to make it to the meeting. As far as physical activity today - I'm doing what I can. In the post I wrote about "Dare I say..." you can see what things are like for me. If I stand or walk for more than like 10-15 minutes I'm in pretty bad pain. They're thinking I have a bulging disk in my back that is pinching a nerve and believe me, it's PAINFUL! For a few weeks I was living on Vicodin and Morphine - not pretty. I'm down to maybe 1-2 pain pills/day later in the afternoon as opposed to having to take them all day to be comfortable on the sofa. I do have some running around to do today (grocery store, etc.) so that will probably be it for me!! I did get some "maritial aerobics" in last night - that counts, yeah?! Michelle
on 8/30/06 3:45 am - Bellingham, WA
LMAO!!! Oh Michelle, I thought you said MARTIAL aerobics and I was wondering where you take that class! I had to re-read it to see that it says MARITAL! Sorry to hear about your back. I have two bulging disks in my neck that act up. They aren't so bad now but they have been. Having a bad back is the pits. I have an old injury from a car accident that flares up from time to time. It's my lower to mid back area. NOT FUN! I hope they get you better soon! I would love to come over for a meeting. Someday I will definitely try. Take care and thanks for the laugh, even though it wasn't intentional on your part! Just me having reading problems!!! Lori
on 8/30/06 8:00 am - Buckley, WA
I thought Michelle sad Martial at first , too . lol . I got hurt at work on August 11th , so I now have a torn meniscus in my left knee . I have done the shopping , etc, that I need to do , but that's all . I was just starting to get my activity level up , too . I had knee surgery 1 1/2 years ago on my right knee . Now i'm waiting to see an orthopedic surgeon on the 7th . My GNY is 9-28 . Kathy
on 8/30/06 8:04 am - Buckley, WA
I meant RNY !!!! Agh . I wish we had edit on this board like some of the others . Kathy
on 8/30/06 4:11 pm - Everett, WA
Oh yeah! I think running kids around must count for something, and those nightime "karate" workouts can be pretty intense! I guess I have to stick to walking in the mornings. But I like the results. Now that school is starting up again I will be cut down to 2 miles a day-- unless I can carve out time in the evening. I will be doing some mental aerobics when I start taking Chinese at the community college. I am working the "whole body" --actually the "whole self" as I get involved in a new church. Take care of yourself Lori, and try not to inhale too much smoke! Kelly
on 8/31/06 1:51 am - Bellingham, WA
Heyyyy Bayyyybeeee! Great job on the "whole self" workouts! Sounds like you are on the right track for your entire life! Sometimes I think I should do some changing in mine to better myself. Not sure what that would be yet, but I do ponder it quite frequently. I want to take some sign language classes at the community college. I have ALWAYS wanted to learn that unique wonderful language. We go to motorcycle rallies during the summer and one of them has a group of deaf bikers that I TRY and communicate with using my limited ABC sign knowledge! Doesn't always work but they get my drift usually! I would love to be able to talk "their language" so to speak! Have a great day!!! Lori
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