Questions, and appeal for ideas till the DR is in...

Misty M.
on 8/21/06 3:54 pm - Renton, WA
I had my surgery Tuesday, and had an infection, so I had to go back to the hospital. When I got back, I noticed I can eat a lot at once....maybe 3 oz or so? But I feel pain when it reaches my new tummy. So I think I'm overeating (I know this is because I didn't eat when I got home, because I was soo ill!). But I'm only able to eat a few things, even though I'm on Puree. I can eat SF jello, pudding, ice pops, water, low sugar orange juice ( a snack) lemon in my water. I have tried baby food and protein shakes, and everything makes me nauseated. I cant even get my vitamins in yet...they are so foul!!! I think also (WARNING< TMI AHEAD) that this is affecting my bowels. I am having liquid bm, and have since I first left the hospital on Thursday. Now it is Monday, and I don't know what to eat, and I am always feeling full of liquid- i try to sip water between meals allllll the time to stay hydrated after my rush to the ER. Also, I am super bruised on and around my stomach, and my headaches are pretty bad (although the headaches could be a result of HEAVY painkillers, and antibiotics at the same time...) Can anyone give me some suggestions as to food stuff? maybe ideas about the other stuff? BTW I cannot stomach broth, it is way too salty for the new me.....thanks for all your help!
on 8/21/06 4:57 pm - Buckley, WA
Welcome back Misty . You are taking in more than you think you should because they are considered fluids , which run through you . Also the nutritionist said especially at first RNY patients will have lots of liquid stools , because it came in as fluids & will go out that way . They don't expect you to get your full protein in yet . Just work especially on your "sips" of water , so you don't get dehydrated . Especially since things are running through you . If in doubt call the surgeon's office . But , I think the other stuff is okay . I don't know about the headaches . Try an ice pack behind your neck . If I lay too much when i'm sick or have had surgery I will get headaches . Take care . Keep us posted . Kathy
on 8/22/06 6:10 am - Marysville, WA
Oh, Sweet and your new little tummy are gettin' to know each other. Sometimes it's not that fun!! Sorry you were sick and back in the hospital. You will be able to eat more liquidy foods than solid. PLEASE don't worry about stretching your pouch or overeating at this time. You won't be able to. Believe me when you start in on solid foods, you'll find out really quick how little that thing really is!! The pain is because you are probably drinking too fast...the pain is the FULL feeling, so listen to it and don't let it get to that point, yet. Go slowly, taking a half hour or so to drink something. I know Dr. Lauter said to go SOOOO slow! 1 ounce every fifteen minutes!! The bowels are acting normal. You've been rearranged, rerouted, and the poor intestines have a heck of a time adjusting. Things will give you diarrhea for awhile, perfectly normal. At that stage I was drinking crystal light, and Nectar protein shakes. Try the ones that are not so milky and you might like them better. I would make up some cream of wheat with a sprinkle of splenda and thin it with milk. This was very soothing. Or some mashed potatoes thinned. Try some Ricotta cheese - with red sauce or splenda and cinnamon mixed in. Heat it alittle bit. The Cheeseheads twisted cheese sticks were on my menu for MONTHS. They chew down to nothing, taste good and fill you up. Do you cook? The Vanilla Custard is a life-savor. I will give the recipe in another thread so it doesn't get lost. Keep coming back for more ideas and suggestions. You will do great once the healing is done and the pounds start melting. You'll be a new person!! Good Luck Linda -208
Sun Smith
on 8/22/06 12:50 pm - Seattle, WA
The other posters provided good advice. My purpose is to tell you they are right. The liquidy bowels are normal. The yucky full feeling is normal. The bruising is normal. I can't tell you about the headaches, I don't remember them. Good luck Misty, work the program and the losing is wonderful. -Pam
on 8/23/06 7:31 am - Lake Forest Park, WA
It too me a lot of time to eat things. I am 7 weeks out and I still have trouble if things aren't pureed. I got terrible headaches from the morphene, and also the drugs they sent home with me. I got off of it and the headaches went away. It will get better. I am anxiously awaiting eating more solid foods. Marcia
on 8/24/06 2:40 am - BATTLE GROUND, WA
Little sips are good. What kind of protein drinks do you have? I had a bunch of samples I got from Susan Marias websight. It was cool finding out wich ones I liked. I also had Isopure Vanilla from GNC. That went down the best. I could put a few pieces of banana and sometimes a scoop of peanut butterin it. Yumm Good luck!!!
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